October 31, 2013
News and research
- Free parking lot for students at rec complex opens Nov. 4
- Collaboration brings 'Ready Player One' egg hunt to campus
- University earns special recognition from the Financial Management Association International
- Sweet success: Students earn degrees, honors over summer
- Apply now to become a School of Leadership Studies ambassador or a site leader for alternative breaks
- Native American Heritage Month events
- On the Spot Improv showcasing Halloween spirit
- School of Music, Theatre, and Dance presents 'The Wedding Singer'
Health and safety
Volunteer opportunities
October 30, 2013
News and research
- International student and scholar services is host for Iran Coffee Hour Nov. 1
- Final 150th Brown Bag Lunch and Lecture this week featuring Tony Crawford, military holdings
- K-State Bakery Science Club Bake Sale
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
- College of Architecture, Planning & Design team participates in inaugural design event
- Burton Scholarship provides opportunities for 3 K-State Salina students
Publications and presentations
October 29, 2013
- 'Family Memory after the Holocaust': A public lecture by Joyce Hess
- Final 150th Brown Bag Lunch and Lecture this week featuring Tony Crawford
- Pumpkins for Puppies
- Research and the State graduate student poster session today
- The 17th Annual K-State Scholarship Workshop today
Kudos, publications and presentations
Volunteer opportunities
October 28, 2013
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Relay For Life of K-State early bird event
- Film 'Lioness' screening, panel on women and war on Oct. 30
- Join Sigma Alpha Cans for a Cause
- Bill Nye ticket exchange begins today
- Wildcat Fitness is changing lives at K-State and in Manhattan
- St. Thomas Choir to perform in Manhattan
- Finding success: APDesign recognizes five 2003 graduates
- Last movie in Latin American Film Series: 'La Cara Oculta,' or The Hidden Face
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Honoring parents by helping students attend college
- Seaton Hall expansion, renovation move forward with multimillion dollar gift from the Regnier family foundation
October 25, 2013
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Scary literature offers lots of tricks and plenty of treats, university literary experts say
- Psychology professor says superstitions all about trying to control fate
- Graduate students loan repayment workshop on Oct. 29
- Wildcat weekend: Basketball, football and volleyball in one weekend
- Adopt-a-School Bingo Nov. 15
- K-State Singers and Men's Choir present their fall shows starting tonight
- 'Mind and Meditation' seminar is Saturday
- Kansas State men's rugby team faces Northwestern State tonight
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
October 24, 2013
News and research
- Vote today for the 2014 K-State Student Ambassadors
- K-State is No. 8 out of 50 fittest colleges in America
- K-State's sesquicentennial Grand Finale today on Anderson Hall lawn
- Lafene flu vaccine clinic every Thursday
- November brings music, theater, dance and art events to campus
- Purple Masque Theatre presents 'Rx,' a quirky comedy all about love
- Great Plains Radio History Symposium today
Kudos, publications and presentations
Volunteer opportunities
- Recruiting women for a focus group about walking
- Seeking research participants who are interested in free exercise training
October 23, 2013
News and research
- 'K-State Buildings Named After Women Leaders' will be presented by Carol Kellett today
- Bakery Science Club Bake Sale
- Are you looking to strengthen your interview skills?
- K-State track offers Fall Back to Fitness Wildcat Fitness camp
- FarmHouse Fraternity to host Dillon Ray philanthropy concert Sunday, Oct. 27
- Justin Gillis, New York Times reporter, to speak on climate change
- Fourth Kansas Hunger Dialogue to be in Wichita
- Kinesiology fitness program starting a new session of water aerobics classes
Kudos, publications and presentations
October 22, 2013
News and research
- K-State Shred Day saved trees, improved information security
- How to dress for success: Career Closet accepting donations for spring kickoff
- Longtime Manhattan businessmen Howe and Sink receive inaugural Legend Award from College of Business Administration
- Office of the Registrar to host 100-year anniversary celebration Oct. 24
- Relay For Life of K-State Early Bird Event
- Holocaust exhibit leaving Hale Library soon
- 'K-State Buildings Named After Women Leaders' being presented by Carol Kellett on Wednesday
- Seats still available for 150th trolley tours this week
- K-State Libraries sponsoring Muslim Journeys programming
- Join the School of Leadership Studies for Community Cinema
- 'Using Maltego Radium to Map Network Ties and Identities Across the Internet' presentation Nov. 8
- 'Wonder Bread Years': McCain Performance Series show offers comedic tribute to days gone by
Kudos, publications and presentations
Campus construction and maintenance
- Service interruption: K-State Student Union 5 pound steam Oct. 24 afternoon
- Service interruption: 5 Pound Steam in Leasure Oct. 23
October 21, 2013
News and research
- Developing scholar from Dodge City helps Panamanian children with dental care
- Kansas State University Salina and Salina Area Technical College partner to offer bachelor's degrees
- Distinguished graduate faculty to present 'Darwin's finches, small viruses behaving badly, and the unintended consequences of consumer preference'
- GK-12 graduate fellowship informational meetings
- Turkish journalist to speak on campus
- Landscape Architecture/Regional & Community Planning Colloquium Series hosts Ben Ward
- Research and the State graduate student poster session Oct. 29
- Latin American Film Series presents 'The Chilean Building'
- Workshop helps students learn how to impress future bosses with manners at dining table
October 18, 2013
News and research
- Joan Backes: 'Where the Heart Belongs' opening reception
- Pack the field house tomorrow night
- Kansas State Rowing Association to celebrate 50 years of rowing
- Geography alumnus to receive award, present lecture on conservation challenges
- Successful women of the College of Business Administration panel discussion
- National Chemistry Week seeks to educate public on benefits of chemistry
- Closing events for 150th celebration Thursday, Oct. 24
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
October 17, 2013
News and research
- The office of international programs' English language program opens new International Technology Commons
- Building relationships with local Special Olympics athletes
- Workshops to boost sales performance, self-management offered at K-State Olathe
- Next Kansas State University Gardens Luncheon Series features 'Christmas in the Garden'
- A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications plans Oct. 24 events in conjunction with university's sesquicentennial
- The K-State Wind Ensemble and Brass Ensemble perform tonight in McCain
- Equality House co-founder to speak tomorrow
- K-State's sesquicentennial celebration concludes with grand finale on Oct. 24
- Susan Sterrett from Wichita State will present 'The Morals of Model-Making' Oct. 18
- Kinesiology fitness program starting a new session of water aerobics classes
- K-State Libraries celebrating Open Access Week 2013
- K-State Campus Store celebrates partnership with K-State
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Two professors named 2013-2014 Commerce Bank Distinguished Graduate Faculty
- Molt receives Medallion Award from Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Volunteer opportunities
- Seeking research participants interested in free exercise training
- International Service Teams accepting applications
October 16, 2013
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Kirmser Hall dedication Oct. 25 to showcase half-million dollar renovation
- Survey results show seniors view university positively
- Gallery work: Beach Museum of Art presents 'Pure Photography' today
- Commonwealth of Dominica Oct. 18 Coffee Hour
- Today is World Food Day; Noted Borlaug biographer to speak, other events across campus
- K-State Wind Symphony, Concert Band perform tonight
- Bring on the bands: Central States Marching Festival Oct. 19 at Bill Snyder Family Stadium
- 'History of the Landon Lecture Series' will be presented today by Charles Reagan
- Brian Gilley to speak at LGBT Leadership Conference Oct. 18-19
- '150 Years of the People and Places of KSU' Manhattan Trolley Tour to take place Oct. 23-24
- Bakery Science Club bake sale today
- Reminder: Nobel Laureate to give on-campus lecture; live streaming will be provided
Campus construction and maintenance
October 15, 2013
- K-State bands present two nights of concerts Oct. 16-17
- NVivo 10: Importing, coding documents and file management event Oct. 18
- Parrish lecture to feature noted Islam, Middle East scholar Juan R. Cole
- 'History of the Landon Lecture Series' will be presented by Charles Reagan on Wednesday
Kudos, publications and presentations
October 14, 2013
News and research
- College of Veterinary Medicine selects 2013 class of early admission scholars
- Groundbreaking for new College of Business Administration building Oct. 25
- Income inequality topic of Oct. 15 Lou Douglas lecture
- Steps to financial success for graduate students workshop: Financial planning Oct. 16
- Certificate in professional strategic selling informational meeting
- Sales Career Fair Oct. 15
- iPad user meeting Oct. 17 on iOS 7 new look and features
- New College of Human Ecology research facility being named for Carl and Mary Ice
- Grammy winner Taj Mahal headlines World Blues Tour at McCain Auditorium
- Latin American Film Series presents 'House of Sand'
- K-State Campus Store grand opening
Publications and presentations
- Philosophy undergraduate student to present research at eighth annual SIUE Undergraduate Philosophy Conference
- David Wetzel presents at joint conference
October 10, 2013
- Math Colloquium today
- Leadership studies hosts Becky Sullivan for '#LeadershipAsAnAdult' presentation Oct. 17
- Nobel Laureate to discuss origins behind his invention of the polymerase chain reaction
Kudos, publications and presentations
October 9, 2013
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Green Fund to be implemented on campus, info session available
- Winner selected in 'Ready Player One' game
- Beach Museum School Day Off workshop Oct. 18
- LGVMA presents Don Carrel, author of 'My Dream to Trample AIDS,' today
- 'K-State Traditions' will be presented by Amy Button Renz today at the Alumni Center
- David Finkel to discuss newest book about the 'after war'
- Today is the Lafene Health Fair
- Dean of College of Business Administration to speak at Delta Upsilon fraternity
- LGBT Resource Center to hold third annual leadership conference Oct. 18-19
- Hale Library Concert Series reveals 2013-2014 lineup
- Noted Borlaug biographer speaking at three university events Oct. 16
- Urban planner, blogger Chuck Marohn speaking Oct. 14 for distinguished lecture series
University life
Publications and presentations
- Communication studies graduate students present at Organizational Communication Mini Conference
- Charles Griffin published in the Journal of Rhetoric and Public Affairs
- K-State Salina students, faculty present at engineering education conference
October 8, 2013
- Art Beyond Sight open house on Oct. 13
- Networking, career development offered at College of Business Administration's Cerner Days
- I-Center Interdisciplinary Lecture Series begins today
- 'K-State Traditions' will be presented by Amy Button Renz Wednesday
- Grad students: Don't miss an overview of the electronic theses, dissertations and reports program
- Show your pride with a K-State Fighting for a Cure T-shirt, wear it to the Oct. 12 Football Game
- Majors, Minors and More on Wednesday
- University Running Club's group run Oct. 9
Kudos, publications and presentations
Campus construction and maintenance
October 7, 2013
Updates from leadership
- Search committee announced for associate provost for international programs
- K-State 2025 sustainability planning committee is looking for participants
News and research
- FAA selects K-State Salina to test certification standards for unmanned aircraft systems
- College of Engineering will expand, construct new 107,000-square-foot facility
- Munson to present K-State physics department distinguished alumni lecture
- On display: Exhibit features work by APDesign students from their internships
- Vernon Larson Lecture Oct. 8: 'Youth Leadership and Engagement in Kenya, The Garden HOPE Story'
- Latin American Film Series presents 'Innocent Voices' film
- Fire Prevention Week starts today
Volunteer opportunities
October 4, 2013
News and research
- Kansas State University hosts Regents Core Outcomes Project meeting
- K-State Salina student body president encourages participation in student government
- Bill Nye's appearance rescheduled for Dec. 3, attendees will need to exchange tickets
- Activities schedule for 'Museum of Wonder' farewell weekend
- Office of the registrar to host 100-year anniversary celebration
- Art, lectures, special events: Beach Museum offers it all during October
- Dedication of a new university landmark, the Pi Kappa Phi Red Rose Garden, set for Oct. 12
Kudos, publications and presentations
October 3, 2013
- Students invited to learn more about the Udall Scholarship
- Speaker talks about Holophusicon, Leverian Museum tonight
- Community invited to participate in K-State Homecoming Week events
Kudos, publications and presentations
Publications and presentations
October 2, 2013
News and research
- Union expansion architects looking for student input
- Big 12 Fellowships recognize outstanding faculty, encourage new collaboration
- K-State Alerts to be tested Oct. 7
- KSU Bakery Science Club bake sale today
- Donald Rathbone, former dean, to present 'The History of the College of Engineering'
- Beat KU: Free T-shirts to the first 200 students at K-State volleyball
- Victoria McGovern visit to campus canceled
- Geography colloquium on Friday discusses waste management in Mexico
- Holocaust exhibit arrives at Hale
- Dave Lewis' Pink and Purple Polyester Party Oct. 18 to support university cancer research
- Grammy winner Esperanza Spalding appears with ACS at McCain Auditorium
Kudos, publications and presentations
Human resources and benefits
Campus construction and maintenance
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
October 1, 2013
- Poet, K-State alum Shane Seely to read from his work Oct. 4
- K-State to host an Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics workshop Nov. 4-6
- Donald Rathbone, former dean, to present 'The History of the College of Engineering'
- Civic Luncheon Lecture at K-State Salina looks at demographics, future population trends in Kansas
- October brings a harvest of cultural events to university