January 31, 2018
The Bluemont Bell was cast and donated to Bluemont College by Joseph Ingalls in 1861 to call students to class.
- Bakery Science Club sale today
- Education Abroad Fair today
- Film editing workshop Feb. 1 from K-State 48 Film Festival
- Navy Concert Band dropping anchor at McCain for March 5 performance
- K-State’s Ebony Theater hosts First Friday on Feb. 2
- Save the date for the Developing Scholars Program Symposium
- Counseling Services to host Moment of Mindfulness
- Vernon Larson Lecture today
University life
- Alternative Breaks applications available for spring break
- Seeking students interested in planning interfaith activities
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
January 30, 2018
Hale Library was dedicated in 1997 after a multiyear renovation and expansion project of the original campus library building, Farrell Library.
Updates from leadership
News and research
Shared governance
- Spring 2018 workshops and events from the Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship
- Pre-law spring open house
- Kat Chat: 'Sticks and Stones: Words CAN Hurt'
- Taiwanese food festival
- Scholar and poet Fred Moten presents on his work on Friday, Feb. 2
- Diversity Lecture Series event on Jan. 31
- Presentation on K-State concealed carry weapons policy Wednesday
- Call for presentations for 30th annual K-State Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture
University life
- Juniors: Apply for Mortar Board Senior Honor Society
- Johnson Cancer Research Center spring award applications are due March 1
- Bringing in the Bystander: Submit your name ideas
Kudos, publications and presentations
Volunteer opportunities
January 29, 2018
K-State Today This Week with Wildcat Watch
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Kansas State Polytechnic builds new physics lab as experiential learning space
- Grain milling and processing expert joins the grain science department
- Landon Lecture today at 10:30 a.m. in Forum Hall
- Reminder: Registration for Health Professions Summit due Feb. 2
- Marlatt Hall Casino Night
- Fourth annual Housing Fair
- Communitywide poverty simulation Feb. 24 at Pottorf Hall in CiCo Park
- The Library and Your Research: Starting Your Literature Review today
- First Safe Zone introductory training of the semester offered this week
- Reminder: Eat at Chipotle tonight to support Up 'til Dawn and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
- Third annual K-State 3MT kicks off Feb. 13; participant registration now open
- University's annual Engagement Symposium to highlight how dialogue, deliberation are vital for polarized public issues
- 2018 Vanguard Lecture Series to feature Sally Campbell Galman
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
Volunteer opportunities
January 26, 2018
Focused in Friday: Snow on a bench near Regnier Hall.
News and research
- Development of human-animal health research platform moves forward, orphan disease testing to begin this year
- Linda Cook named chief of staff, director of community relations
- Today: K-State Affinity Group brown bag lunch and Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech listening party
- Director of Office of Institutional Equity finalists to present open forums
- Exclusive event for discount professional attire for students
- Wayne Goins to be featured speaker for What Matters to Me and Why series
- Prescribed Burning in Woodlands Workshop planned
- McCain Performance Series presents The Temptations on Feb. 2
- Faculty Senate to host spring open forums
January 25, 2018
The annual Laying of the Wreaths ceremony will be today following the lecture by Martin Luther King III.
News and research
Shared governance
- Martin Luther King III lecture and Laying of the Wreaths ceremony today
- 'I Am Not Your Negro' film screening today
- 'Not Without Laughter' opens Feb. 1 at Purple Masque Theatre
- Visiting artist lecture on Monday by En Iwamura
- College of Education hosts brown bag on facilitating safe discussions
- K-State to host Great Plains Model Arab League
University life
- Graduate Student Leadership Development Program
- Blue Key accepting applications for 2018-2019 class
- Nominate your student employees for the 2018 Kyle Pelton Student Employee of the Year award
- Gain a financial advantage by completing Powercat Financial's K-State 360 badges
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Ford coordinator receives regional advisor of the month
- Carol W. Shanklin to receive K-State Alumni Association's 2018 Flinchbaugh Family Wildcat Pride Award
- Hanson named Research Dietetic Practice Group Member of the Year
- Housing and Dining Services hosts KSUnity Conference
Volunteer opportunities
January 24, 2018
A winter scene at the Kansas State University Gardens.
- Bakery Science Club sale today
- Grad students: Take your scholarship to the next level with 'The Library and Your Research'
- 'Get Involved!' sessions offered today and tomorrow
- Help support Up 'til Dawn and St. Jude Children's Research Hospital by eating Chipotle
- Today's Martin Luther King Jr. Observance Week events
University life
- K-State Alumni Association accepting applications for 2018 Homecoming Committee
- New lunch options available at K-State Student Union
- Powercat Financial accepting applications for peer financial counselors or Student Advisory Board members
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Keen recognized with ASHRAE Award of Merit
- Swanson publishes a corporate responsibility approach to leading the triple bottom line
Volunteer opportunities
January 23, 2018
Snow blankets the Quad near Hale Library.
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Kansas State University earns No. 4 spot in ranking of top veterinary schools
- Hospitality management department hires Lacy's Fresh Fare and Catering lab coordinator
- Moving firewood long distances can spread pests, disease
- Reminder: Martin Luther King Jr. Observance Week events today
- Join the Black Faculty and Staff Alliance book club this February
- National Stalking Awareness Month event today
- Sign up for Health Professions Summit
- Science on Tap: Unlocking the invisible world of microbes
University life
January 22, 2018
K-State Today This Week with Wildcat Watch
News and research
- Plan to come: Joyce Banda to present Landon Lecture on Jan. 29
- Tell your Strengths story at new event, 'Strengths in Action: MyStrengthStories Brought to Life'
- K-State Confucius Institute begins new semester of Chinese classes
- Kick off the semester with a Kansas Science Communication Initiative social and meeting
- 'Bending the Arc' film screening
- Application deadline Feb. 15: Summer 2018 education abroad opportunity in Japan
- Support K-State music, theatre and dance students by attending the Scholarship Extravaganza
- Orpheus Chamber Orchestra and Tine Thing Helseth coming to McCain Jan. 31
- Career Center hosting orientation sessions for diverse student candidates for part-time position
- Be a part of Safe Zone: Become an ally
- Grand opening of Recreational Services' Performance Zones
- College of Agriculture Diversity Student Leader Reception today
University life
- The Writing Center is open for the spring semester
- Call for applications: Sarachek Predoctoral Honors Fellowship and Travel Awards
Human resources and benefits
January 19, 2018
Focused in Friday: Ahearn Field House is where Martin Luther King Jr. gave a university speech on Jan. 19, 1968, before his death in April 1968.
News and research
- College of Veterinary Medicine holds open house for renovated anatomy laboratory and learning space
- Kristan Corwin named associate dean for research in College of Arts and Sciences
- Wildland fire risk is above normal in central, southern Plains
- Updated ticket and security information for Jan. 25 Martin Luther King III lecture
- Student Foundation membership application workshop Monday
- Canceled: Jan. 19 Legislative Review Session
- Social and online media professional training offered
University life
- Submissions open for Sullivan Poetry Award
- Join the Orientation and Enrollment team
- Nominate a K-State Libraries professional staff member for the Dean's Award
January 18, 2018
Martin Luther King Jr. gives a speech on Jan. 19, 1968 at Ahearn Field House. Courtesy of the University Archives.
Updates from leadership
From the Kansas Board of Regents
News and research
- Athletic training announces pre-professional program
- Hospitality management professor of practice joins K-State Olathe
- Kansas State Polytechnic students visit Washington, D.C., to learn aviation policymaking
- CVM faculty journey to Tanzania for third workshop in OIE Veterinary Education Twinning Project
- Agri-Industry Career Fair open to students of all majors
- Three minutes to register: Three Minute Thesis is back Feb. 13 and Feb. 27
- Attendees of MLK's K-State address gather to reflect on his message
- Storytelling workshop kicks off the 2018 K-State 48 Film Festival
- Career awareness: Working in the public and private sector
- Chief executive officer of International Interior Design Association to present at APDesign
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Two APDesign students receive prestigious Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Graduate Fellowship
- Rader receives outstanding teaching assistant award
- Rauh joins McNair Scholars Program as program manager
- College of Education faculty members present at Harvard
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
January 17, 2018
Frost forms on the K-State Manhattan campus
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Save money on textbooks: Access yours for free at K-State Libraries
- Special book by Dwight Eisenhower finds way back to Kansas State University
- Student affairs professionals invited to symposium on racial justice
- Save the date: Director of institutional equity candidate open forums
- UFM Community Garden signups
- K-State Confucius Institute offers Chinese Name Pronunciation Workshop
- Natacha Buchanan to speak at College of Business Administration Diversity Lecture
- K-State to host basketball legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar in special Bramlage lecture
- The New American Garden – The Landscape Architecture of the Oehme van Sweden
- 'What's Your Why?' Wednesday
- Location change: Martin Luther King III Jan. 25 lecture
- Water Stories School Tour
University life
- Campus community gifts made the Center for Child Development Giving Tree Project a success
- Counseling Services offers spring semester therapy groups
Kudos, publications and presentations
- OURCI issues spring 2018 Travel and Research Grants
- Agronomy graduate students take first place honors at recent Weed Science Society meeting
Human resources and benefits
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
Volunteer opportunities
- A few spots remain for Reserves or National Guard personnel in exercise study
- Graduate School accepting Graduate Student Ambassador applications
January 16, 2018
A bust of Martin Luther King Jr. sits outside Ahearn Field House.
News and research
- University's chief of staff, community relations director to retire
- Chapman Center for Rural Studies receives National Endowment for the Humanities grant to help museums and historical societies prepare for the future
- Couples 'money talk' curriculum reduces stress, increases happiness, researcher says
- Bryan Samuel hired as Kansas State University chief diversity and inclusion officer
- Kansas State University research team wins R&D 100 Award for wearable radiation detection technology
- Computer scientists to study application of big data for improved disaster management and response
- University's online degree programs rise in U.S. News & World Report annual rankings
- USDA-funded multi-robot farming project to aid in increasing world's food supply
- Barbercheck to lead Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance
- Call for Graduate student nominations: Catalyzing Advocacy in Science and Engineering workshop
- Australian Fulbright senior scholar to visit Kansas State University Jan. 18-19
- Kansas State University honored for commitment to diversity
Shared governance
- Kansas State University celebrates 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s visit with observance week
- Landon Lecture Series to feature Joyce Banda, first female president of Malawi, on Jan. 29
- Apply now: Spend summer 2018 in Italy
- Expression of Strengths Symposium for College of Arts and Sciences
- Save the date: Feeding the Future Feb. 3
- Interfaith Leadership Webinar with Eboo Patel
- Geography Colloquium chronicles worldwide photography of birds
- Free noontime yoga on campus
Health and safety
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Veterinary student wins scholarship from Kansas Livestock Foundation and Merck Animal Health
- Kansas State University's online Professional MBA program continues to rise, earns Top 40 ranking
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
- Kansas Forest Service releases 2017 annual report
- January 2018 Lifelines, the College of Veterinary Medicine newsletter