April 30, 2018
Water pools on a blade of grass on the Manhattan campus.
News and research
- Nikhil Moro appointed new director for A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communication
- Counseling Services will be closed May 14-18; reopen at new location
- Down to Earth: Kansas State University researcher part of $3.9 million NASA lava caves study
- University's Open/Alternative Textbook Initiative making education more affordable
- 'The Story of the Green Revolution: Where are the Women?' Fulbright senior scholar to present seminar on May 3
- Marching Band to host scholarship golf tournament May 19
- Lunchbag Theatre on May 1 and May 3
- Musical Theatre Performance class presents Big Apple Songs
- Retirement reception planned for Paul Burden
- Cuatro de Mayo
- Ronnie Sullivan presents: Peace Corps Paraguay, Lessons on Poverty, Community Development and Governance
- Poet e. nina jay headlines rally today
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Inaugural K-State Sports Marketing Analytics Contest awards $3,000 to student competitors
- Lydia de Wolf named Sullivan Poetry Award winner
- Senior honor society Mortar Board selects new members
Volunteer opportunities
April 27, 2018
Focused in Friday: Benches at the Kansas State University Gardens.
News and research
- Chester E. Peters Lecture for Student Affairs
- May, August graduates invited to K-State Alumni Association's Grad Bash
- Ronnie Sullivan presents 'Peace Corps Paraguay: Lessons on Poverty, Community Development and Governance'
- Asian American Student Union hosts Taste of Asia Sunday
- Audacity A Cappella Spring Concert April 29
- Memorial service scheduled May 5 for James Guikema
- Art, ecology and native food and drinks at the Prairie Futures luncheon
- Peer Advocates for Mental Wellness and Success fundraiser
- Take Back Our Lives
- Celebrate Arbor Day as part of Green Week
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Annual Department of Kinesiology scholarship banquet recognizes outstanding students
- Veterinary student receives equine medicine scholarship from national organization
- Steel Ring Honor Society announces new members
- Kansas Entrepreneurship Challenge awards $75,000 to student entrepreneurs
- Rotaract selected as 2018 Outstanding K-State Student Organization
Volunteer opportunities
April 26, 2018
Sheep from the campus herd are seen grazing in the South Quad by Nichols Hall in May 1917. Sheep were considered a more economical method to trim grass and eradicate weeds than the college tractor. Photo courtesy of the Kansas State University Archives.
Shared governance
- Register now for Walk Kansas 5K for the Fight to support K-State cancer research May 5
- Division of Biology presents Daniel Klionsky April 27
- Hospitality management students help with Konza United Way partner recognition, awareness carnival
- Farewell celebration for Provost April Mason May 9
- Preview North Campus Corridor designs, plans
- Pre-Health Ambassadors fundraiser at Panda Express
- K-State Confucius Institute offers Chinese Language Summer Camp
- Let's talk about ASAP
- Gagan Mongia from The Hershey Company to present in the grain science spring seminar series
- Don't throw out your shoes — donate them to a shoe drive fundraiser
- Economics Club to host debate on drug legalization
- Take on sustainable fashion for Green Week
- Enjoy May at Kansas State University with art, music and more
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
- K-State JMC student participates in 2018 NNAF News Fellows program
- Hospitality management students win best paper at KAHTEA conference
- New Keystone Research Faculty Scholar awards
- Sophomore leadership honorary selects 2018-2019 members
Publications and presentations
April 25, 2018
A tree blooms during a spring morning between Holton and Eisenhower halls.
News and research
- Manhappiness Project benefitting Cats' Cupboard
- K-State celebrates Arbor Day, promotes campus trees
- Update: Farmers Market today
- Sweet Solutions bake sale
- K-State Concert Band and University Band concerts April 26
- Douglas Allen featured speaker for April 26 Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Seminar
- Seminar on evolution of outer membrane proteins with Joanna Slusky
- Kirmser Undergraduate Research Awards ceremony May 1
- K-State Pre-Med Club fundraiser for the Flint Hills Community Clinic
- Social work program honors Janice Dinkel, Betsy Cauble with retirement reception Friday
- African Student Union hosting seminar 'Giving Back: Insights from a Fulbright Scholar'
- Lea DeLaria from 'Orange is the New Black' to share her life story, comedy
- Fulbright information sessions start tomorrow
- Sustainability Carnival for Green Week this Wednesday
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Anthropology student receives national award for GIS modeling of ancestral burial mounds
- Architectural engineering students awarded Lighting Education Scholarships
- Organ student wins regional organ competition
April 24, 2018
Watch K-State President Richard Myers' new video, part of the new Minutes with Myers series that features unique conversations. The first episode — about diversity and inclusion — is at the Beach Museum's "Fronteras/Frontiers" exhibit.
From the president
News and research
- Let's Talk Trash for Green Week
- Day of Silence
- Kat Chat: Surviving Finals
- Global Campus to host Honors and Awards reception April 25
- Wind Ensemble concert with Blue Valley Northwest April 25
- Chester E. Peters Lecture for Student Affairs
- Contemporary jazz master Kenny G at McCain on April 29
- 'She Kills Monsters' showing Thursday through Sunday at Chapman Theatre
University life
- The International Coordinating Council accepting applications for 2018-2019 executive board officers
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Bhattacharya selected by Diverse magazine as top 25 women in higher education
- K-State McNair Scholars honored at annual ceremony
- Interior design professor presents at annual health care conference
- K-State Alumni Association honors nine K-State students for excellence
Human resources and benefits
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
Volunteer opportunities
April 23, 2018
K-State Today This Week with Wildcat Watch
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Join K-State Libraries tomorrow for Analyzing Any U.S. Copyright Problem
- Christy Craft to be featured speaker for What Matters to Me and Why
- Journalism and Mass Communications Ambassadors holding fundraiser at IHOP today
- College of Veterinary Medicine supports returning unused pet and human medications at 2018 DEA Drug Take Back Day
- K-State Marching Band to host scholarship golf tournament May 19
- Veteran Student Organization to host CrossFit Challenge April 28
- 'Women and Nutrition in our Industrial Age: What to Choose'
- Gender, women, and sexuality studies to host Career Panel
- International Coffee Hour to feature Colombia
- David Sedaris bringing sardonic wit and incisive social critiques to McCain Performance Series
- Ride your bike to campus for Green Week
- Manhappiness Project benefiting Cats' Cupboard
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Housing and Dining Services' Faculty Member of the Year awarded to Maria DePaoli
- Submit images to Science to Art by Friday, May 4
- APDesign students awarded cash prizes in annual Ted and Sue Knapp Delineation Competition
- APDesign student awarded fellowship for green roof butterfly research
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
April 20, 2018
Focused in Friday: The untitled sculpture north of King Hall known as “The Fork" was sculpted by James Wentz for "Art In Situation."
News and research
- 25th Annual K-State Merit Badge Conference
- Activate Summit: Leadership in a Time of Resistance
- Green Week presents 'What's Your Tree?: Having a Life of Purpose, Passion and Power' lecture by environmental activist
- Women's Rugby Cold Stone Fundraiser
- Kansas Statewide Transgender Education Project to give workshop April 28
- AASU hosts Muay Thai class today, event rescheduled
- Kat Chat's faulty Zoom links
- Sigma Xi International Research Society Poster Session and Seminar
- Preview of 'She Kills Monsters' today
- Green Week begins on Earth Day, Sunday, April 22
- Week of the Young Child open house April 21
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Junior honorary Chimes selects new members for 2018-2019
- Science communication advice from the director of the Cornell Alliance for Science
Volunteer opportunities
'Cat tales
April 19, 2018
The sun shines through a pergola at the Kansas State University Gardens.
News and research
- KSU Foundation: Hale family contributes to library renovation
- National Humanities Center selects Lisa Tatonetti as 2018-2019 fellow
- Kansas State University and Deere & Company continue research partnership
- Can I use this? Can I show that? Avoid plagiarism and copyright infringement with a new research guide
Shared governance
- Leadership 212: Supporting Cat's Cupboard and university well-being
- Mission to Zero: Zero hunger, zero poverty by 2030
- Department of Statistics offers four free summer workshops
- Week of the Young Child Celebration
- Cupcakes for the Cure
- What's going on with the two ash trees near Dole Hall?
- Register for the Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture
- Farewell celebration for Provost April Mason May 9
- Strong community welcomes all to country dance
- FarmHouse and K-State Proud bring you Philanthrocakes
- Haymaker Hall invites you to Haylapalooza
- Earth Day: Julia Butterfly Hill to speak to students about environmental activism
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Three students receive Goldwater honorable mentions
- Blue Key Senior Honorary selects scholarship recipients
- Department of Economics Annual Awards Banquet
- Kansas State University is Big 12 champions in recycling
- College of Engineering doctoral students win best paper award
- Canaan Endicott named 2018 Kyle Pelton Student Employee of the Year
- K-State Sales Team shines at 2018 National Collegiate Sales Competition
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
Volunteer opportunities
- Take the Open Streets Manhattan Survey for a chance to win a $25 Amazon gift card
- Want a free gym membership, coaching in CrossFit this summer?
April 18, 2018
Purple tulips on campus.
Shared governance
- Barrier-Free Theatre opens Friday, April 20
- Taking kids to see 'Cinderella' at McCain? Enjoy a special ball beforehand
- Grace M. Shugart Lecture Series presents 'Dietetics 3.0- Transforming Practice through A.I. Engagement'
- Sports Marketing Speaker Series welcomes USA Triathlon's chief marketing officer
- Third annual K-State Triathlon
- 'Spotlight on English: Outside the Book' showcases undergraduate research, activities for the K-State campus community
- K-State Choirs' Rhapsody Scholarship Concert heads west to Victoria, Dodge City and Wichita
- Bakery Science Club bake sale
- State Department official to visit K-State campus Friday
- Free improv comedy workshop
- Campus communicators to get a taste, tour of Lacy's Fresh Fare and Catering April 19
- Division of Biology 50th Anniversary Symposium
University life
- Start preparing now to apply for a Fulbright U.S. Student Grant
- Graduate-level online summer course on the transition from adolescence to adulthood
Kudos, publications and presentations
- K-State MBA students take second place at the Big 12 MBA Case Competition
- Student team from the College of Engineering places first in international competition
- Geography faculty and students present research at national conference
- Associate professor Jani presents at K-State Engagement Symposium
Volunteer opportunities
April 17, 2018
A foggy morning at K-State's Manhattan campus.
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Farewell concert honors K-State Orchestra conductor's retirement
- Chemical engineering professor selected as next Coffman Chair for University Distinguished Teaching Scholars
- Symposium today at K-State looks at neuroscience, architecture and design
- Award-winning author Jacqueline Woodson to speak on Saturday, April 21
- Visiting Designer talk by Tony Snethen Thursday, April 19
- Science on Tap: 23 and Moo — Genetics and Livestock Improvement
- Piotr E. Marszalek featured speaker for April 18 Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Seminar
- Chapman Center for Rural Studies to host open house
- Postponed: Physics Peterson Lecture by Princeton scientist
- Mathematics Colloquium Lecture April 17
- Reminder: Military student financial workshop today
- Columbia University professor to speak on Rousseau and inequality
- Kat Chat today: 'The Body Keeps Score: The Connection Between the Physical and the Psychological'
- 5K on April 28 with free Olive Garden pasta bar
- Professional improv comedy show
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Briggs selected for NACADA's Emerging Leader Program
- Scholz named Don and Jane Good Outstanding Senior
- K-State student wins collegiate division, two named finalists in Japanese Language contest
- Three K-State Libraries employees recognized for excellence
- Hadachek awarded College of Agriculture Student of the Year
- Houghton receives Brown ATO Mortar Board scholarship
Volunteer opportunities
April 16, 2018
K-State Today This Week with Wildcat Watch
News and research
- College of Education 'graffiti letters' keep KSUnite conversation current
- Fitzsimmons takes on new role as president of HERS
- University honors three faculty members as newest distinguished professors
- Kansas State Polytechnic partners with Republic Airline for pilot pipeline program
- APDesign to host annual golf scholarship tournament
- Raising Your International Profile series features Phill Klebba on Wednesday, April 25
- The Body Project: Equipping students to resist unhealthy appearance ideals
- Rescheduled: Princeton astrophysicist featured speaker for Peterson lecture
- Retirement reception for pre-law advisor
- Housing and Dining Services supports survivors through letter writing campaign
- Marching Band to host scholarship golf tournament May 19
University life
- Homecoming committee members selected to assist K-State Alumni Association with 2018 Homecoming activities
- Summer course on working with LGBTQ individuals and families
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Speech team captures 10th in nation
- K-State crowned National Champion Meat Animal Evaluation Team
- Babcock attends annual Transportation Research Forum
- Powercat Financial selects new peer financial counselors
- Dance Program professor lectures and teaches tap dance in Kuwait
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
April 13, 2018
Focused in Friday: K-State Alumni Center building peaks.
News and research
- Kirmser Undergraduate Research Award: Applications due April 18
- Kansas State University design team awarded EPA grant for innovative technology project
- Journalism and Mass Communications Ambassadors to host IHOP fundraiser
- Come to the International Talent Show on Saturday
- Kansas Forest Service upgrades its arboretum accreditation from global organization
- K-State Horticulture Club to host second bedding plant sale
- 'She Kills Monsters' opens April 19 in Mark A. Chapman Theatre
- Reminder: Wildcat Warriors hosting 5K Saturday, April 14
- Second K-State American Chemical Society Undergraduate Research Forum April 14
- ADVANCE Distinguished Lecture Series presents Lisa Oakes
- Gates Cambridge Scholarship information session today
- Reminder: Engineers Without Borders to host volleyball tournament fundraiser Sunday
- FarmHouse and K-State Proud bring you Philanthrocakes
- Reminder: Out of the Darkness Walk is tomorrow
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Blue Key Senior Honorary announces spring awards
- Industrial and manufacturing systems engineering professor receives first place in dissertation award
- K-State faculty, graduate students to present at education research conference
April 12, 2018
The "Cat"walk bridge was built in the fall of 1957 and was used as a shortcut between the West Stadium parking lot and the campus for several years. Photo courtesy of the Kansas State University Archives.
Updates from leadership
Shared governance
- Rolando A. Flores to present special grain science seminar and Graduate School Alumni Fellow Lecture
- Division of Biology hosts Lauren Zenewicz April 13 for lecture
- Activist, ALICE training headline annual school counseling camp
- Cats' Cupboard Open Cupboard
- Union Pacific CFO and Kansas State University alumni Robert Knight to speak in College of Business Distinguished Lecture Series
- 2018 Roundup planned at Hays April 19
- International cultural exhibition today in the Union courtyard
- 2018 Faculty and Professional Staff Retiree Ceremony and Reception
- K-State sports marketing class to host eSports day today
- Lacy's Fresh Fare and Catering adjusted hours — April 13
- Konza United Way awearness event
- Cupcakes for the Cure
- Military student financial workshop offered April 17
- AASU presents Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month programming
- Reminder: 'Legalities of Being' artist talk by Fidencio Fifield-Perez today
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Sherow elected president of Kansas Association of Historians
- Augustine-Shaw selected for International Mentoring Association board
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
April 11, 2018
Bluemont Hall was completed in 1981 and is named for Bluemont Central College, the precursor to Kansas State Agricultural College.
News and research
- Brazilian pianist to perform solo recital
- Student-written musical comedy opens April 12 in Purple Masque Theatre
- Bakery Science Club sale today
- Casting call Friday, April 13
- Learn some new moves at international dance lessons
- April 12 Engagement Symposium 'Powerful Dialogue: Engaging Community Issues in Polarizing Times'
- Become an ally: Last Safe Zone training of the semester is tomorrow
- April 13 '1 Night Music Circus' event canceled
- Come eat Fuzzy's to support Psi Chi
University life
- K-State to offer Summer Institute in Conflict Resolution on campus and online
- Reminder: OURCI Travel and Research Grant applications due Friday, April 13
- 2016 Gates Cambridge scholar Alex Kong to present Friday
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Yelich Biniecki receives College of Education's second ERASMUS Plus grant
- Political scientists selected to edit international journal
- Faculty and students represent K-State at Central States Communication Association conference
Volunteer opportunities
April 10, 2018
Flowers bloom at the Kansas State University Gardens.
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Medical laboratory science undergraduate from Hutchinson receives award for veterinary research
- Engineering researchers to share in a more than $1 million NASA project
- Esports expert panel featured in Sports Marketing Speaker Series
- Save the date for Ruth A. Dyer's retirement reception Friday, May 25
- College of Business Administration to host 2018 Big 12 MBA Case Competition
- International Coffee Hour: Brazil
- Help the Kansas Science Communication Initiative support K-State and community efforts
- Visiting Designer talk by Andy Wise tomorrow
- Science Cafe today at Radina's in Aggieville
- Help with the Out of the Darkness Walk
- Brian Baker to be featured speaker for Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Seminar April 11
- International Coordinating Council presents a panel discussion on thinking globally
- Kat Chat today: 'The Pursuit of Perfection'
- Heifer International's Hilary Haddigan to speak April 23 at McCain Auditorium
- Reminder: Army veteran Laila Ireland to discuss being transgender in the military
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
April 9, 2018
K-State Today This Week with Wildcat Watch
News and research
- Reminder: JMC alumni Jean Folkerts and Leroy Towns to speak today as part of How I Landed My Job lecture series
- No Drive Book Drive is first for Kappa Delta Pi
- International Parade and Game Day on campus today
- Marching Band to host scholarship golf tournament May 19
- Writer Lily Hoang to read from her work on Friday, 3:30 p.m.
- APDesign Diversity Week
- University's Developing Scholars share research at annual symposium
- Barrier-Free Theatre presents original one-act play in Purple Masque Theatre
- Jim Ward meet and greet
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
- College of Arts and Sciences appreciates graduate students
- Sociologists present research at regional conference
- Blue Key Honor Society selects 2018-2019 members
Volunteer opportunities
- K-State Libraries seeks focus group participants to discuss facilities, resources, services
- Get paid to measure your body composition and get a free work out in
- Complete survey for a chance to win up to $100
April 6, 2018
Focused in Friday: Sculptures in Leadership Studies Building's lobby
Updates from leadership
News and research
- K-State Horticulture Club to host bedding plant sale April 7
- Tao brings Japanese drumming artistry in McCain Performance Series event
- Wellness Week: Footprint Friday
- K-State All-University Open House: Greetings from the Beach
- International Coordinating Council hosts International Fashion Show Sunday
- K-State's Ebony Theatre hosts First Friday tonight
- Army veteran Laila Ireland to discuss being transgender in the military
- K-State Confucius Institute to host 'The Do's and Don'ts of Chinese Dating' lecture
- African cultural event and food festival April 6-7
- Oz to Oz: Judge Howard to present lecture April 9
- Webinar: 'Tips for a Healthy Transition into Retirement' April 20
- Engineering Extension to host 2018 KidWind Challenge at K-State
- Reminder: K-State Dance Marathon Saturday, April 7
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Veterinary students receive scholarship prizes in swine association poster competition
- K-State journalism student places in prestigious Hearst competition
April 5, 2018
The sun shines through part of an arbor at the Kansas State University Gardens.
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Presidential Award winners reflect best of university's teaching, leadership and advising
- Stock Pitch Challenge awards $10,000 for student stock analysis
Shared governance
- Retirement reception for David Griffin today
- Mathematics Colloquium Lecture April 5
- You're invited: 22nd annual Travel and Dining Auction
- Wellness Week: Think it Through Thursday
- Reminder: Graduate Student Writing Retreat applications due Friday, April 6
- Social work program presents a workshop about responding to human trafficking
- Award-winning percussion instructor to teach at 2018 K-State Drumline Mini-Camp
- Lawrence Ganong to present 'Studying Stepfamilies: Beyond Cinderella' April 12
- Mark your calendar for International Week 2018
- Division of Biology and ADVANCE Distinguished Lecture series seminar April 6
- Free Indian tacos at April 7 Frybread Social
- Register for the 30th annual Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture
- Christy Craft to be featured speaker for next What Matters to Me and Why lecture
- Queer History: A Safe Zone advanced training event today
- Engineers Without Borders hosts volleyball tournament fundraiser
- Chinese Students and Scholars Union to host first Chinese Food Festival
- SPICMACAY presents Vasant Dance Fest 2018
- Artist Talks at Beach Museum of Art today
Health and safety
University life
- Student Alumni Board selects 13 new members
- Human development and family studies summer course available
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Boyd Hall recognizes housekeeper, wins regional award
- Bhattacharya wins national award from American Educational Research Association
- Construction science and management seniors awarded national scholarships
- Editor of K-Stater magazine to join Collegian Media Group board of directors
- Recreational Services' Espinoza honored by National Federation Officials Association
- Economics student to present at undergraduate research symposium
- Veterinary students receive scholarships from Zoetis and American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges
April 4, 2018
The fountain at Jardine Apartments.
News and research
- A catalyst for first-generation student success
- K-State Alumni Association announces new hire, promotion
- Eleven graduate students earn scholarships at campuswide research forum
- Bakery Science Club sale today
- Wellness Week: Water it Down Wednesday
- Eat at Blue Moose, support K-State graduate students
- K-State Alumni Association to celebrate graduates at International Graduation Celebration
- Plant pathology Graduate Student Club to host invited speaker Sarah Davidson Evanega
- Thomas Russo to be featured speaker for April 5 Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Seminar
- Art department to host Scholarship Awards Presentation and Reception
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
Volunteer opportunities
April 3, 2018
Anderson Hall is enveloped in fog.
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Pre-law advisor announces retirement
- College creates summer academy for high schoolers interested in teaching
- 'Best of Times, Worst of Times: K-State in 1968' opens tomorrow
- Melea McRae to speak at ATID Student Symposium
- Visiting designer lecture by Marcia Lausen Thursday, April 5
- Recyclemania week seven results
- Kat Chat today: 'Below the Surface: All About Suicide'
- CARE encourages you to embrace your voice for Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2018
- Reminder: Join NOMAS tonight for a movie night
- Peterson lecture by Princeton scientist rescheduled for Oct. 30
- Wellness Week: Take Control Tuesday
- 'SpringDance '18' offers West African, tap, jazz, modern and more
- Lights, camera and action: K-State 48 Film Festival premiere event Thursday, April 5
Health and safety
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
Human resources and benefits
April 2, 2018
K-State Today This Week with Wildcat Watch
News and research
- Division of Biology celebrates 50th anniversary with special symposium
- Georgia Tech president receiving honorary doctorate from Kansas State University
- Reminder: K-State Alumni Association, KSU Foundation to host alumni and fundraising workshop for student organizations
- Nigerian Adire cloth artist to lecture, lead workshops on tie dying
- Information session for 2018 Common Book Selection 'The Hate U Give' on Thursday, April 5
- K-State Dance to feature African guest artists in performances and classes
- ATID Showcase of Excellence is Thursday, April 12
- Graduate Student Council meeting today
- Meat Science Association to host student barbecue contest
- Walk-in graduate student degree checks offered April 2-6
- Social Services Career Meet-Up
- Students to host diversity summit April 5
- Wellness Week kickoff event today
- Pre-Vet Club hosting fundraiser at Chipotle April 3
- Graduate Student Appreciation Month kicks off today
- WellCAT Ambassadors to host second 'Run Fasta Eat Pasta' 5K to benefit Cats' Cupboard on April 28
- Kansas State Polytechnic to explore rise of cryptocurrencies in Civic Luncheon Lecture Series April 5
- Grad students and advisers: No word limit in abstracts; ETDR walk-in help April 16-20
- Plant Pathology Seminar to feature Sarah Evanega
- Last week to sign up for The Amazing Careers in Aging Race
University life
Kudos, publications and presentations
- K-State Alumni Association names Robinson Family Multicultural Leadership Award winners
- K-State well represented at SciComm 2018 at University of Nebraska, Lincoln
Volunteer opportunities
- Researcher studying treatments for suicidal thoughts, offering possible help for those in need
- Get paid to evaluate pork: Consumers needed for research study