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  4. »Earth Day: Julia Butterfly Hill to speak to students about environmental activism

K-State Today Student Edition

April 19, 2018

Earth Day: Julia Butterfly Hill to speak to students about environmental activism

Submitted by Amber Berg

Julia Butterfly Hill, who is best known for having lived in a redwood tree for two years to protest deforestation, is coming to K-State! On Earth Day, April 22, at 4:30 p.m. in Forum Hall of the K-State Student Union, Hill will share her experience as an environmental activist to remind us that each person has the ability to make a difference.

Hill's talk will challenge us to think deeply about ourselves as activists and ask us questions such as:

  • What is it in your life that can cause you and call you to be bigger than you know yourself to be?
  • What holds you back and what tools can set you free to be the person your spirit and heart are called to be?

This event is part of K-State's Green Week and is hosted by Students for Environmental Action and the Office of Sustainability. To see more about this event, visit the Facebook event page or see all of Green Week's events.

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