August 31, 2018
Focused in Friday: President Richard Myers drives students to class in his new purple golf cart, donated by K-State alumnus Eric Stonestreet.
News and research
- Anonymous donor matches gifts up to $10,000 to university's Fighting for a Cure campaign
- Engineering professors funded by NSF to study clean water from wastewater initiative
- Movement challenge week one results are in
- Riding with Myers
- On the fireline
- Menker to speak Oct. 8 on 'Why there doesn't need to be a global food crisis'
- Relevate to host second Manhattan Amazing Race to empower youth
Personnel changes
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
University life
August 30, 2018
The Meadow, designed to mimic the tallgrass prairie, can provide a little shade and seating on the southeastern corner of the Manhattan campus.
From the president
From the administration
News and research
- Kansas State University-led team awarded $4 million NSF grant to accelerate crop breeding
- Cats' Cupboard reaches 2,000th visit ahead of year anniversary
- Search update for College of Veterinary Medicine dean
- President Richard Myers to deliver State of the University Address
- It's all about family: Kansas State University celebrates 90th annual Family Day on Sept. 15
- Union Station hosts game day buffet
- Planting A Seed to Grow the Gardens fundraising event
- Free on-ramp to CrossFit program
- Information meeting today for London study abroad trip
Campus construction and maintenance
University life
- Football game day shuttle at the Union
- School of Family Studies and Human Services offers new student success center
August 29, 2018
A pentas plant blooms at the Kansas State University Gardens.
From the administration
News and research
- Kansas State University and Topcon sign research agreement, start projects
- Physics faculty member conducts field school in Rwanda
- Fall 2018 Raising your International Profile seminar series
- Black Faculty and Staff Alliance continues campuswide book club
- Sweet Solutions bake sale today
- Open enrollment for LIFE Fitness Program's aqua aerobics
- Moore featured speaker at today's Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Seminar
- Argentine tango: Six basic elements workshop with Michele Richards
Human resources and benefits
- Recognizing and Reporting Discrimination training offered Sept. 12 via Zoom
- CUPA-HR Kansas chapter annual conference registration now open
- Requests for reclassification accepted beginning Sept. 1
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Infectious disease researchers publish article confirming North American mosquito species as possible vectors for emerging disease
- JMC and English students' radio program airs on national radio program
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
University life
- K-State Alumni Association accepting entries for the homecoming parade
- Health and well-being presentations
August 28, 2018
Eco-friendliness is central to the Leadership Studies Building's design and construction, which was funded entirely by private donors.
From the administration
News and research
- K-State Athletics unveils department's strategic plan and vision
- Kansas State University to celebrate fifth annual Fighting for a Cure Day Oct. 13 with Bill Snyder commemorative shirt
- Save the date: First Landon Lecture of year Sept. 11 by U.S. Sen. Jerry Moran
- Reminder: Budget modernization open forum Aug. 30
- Black Faculty and Staff Alliance to host annual welcome event
- Kansas Science Communication Initiative introduces workshop series
- Science on Tap: 'How has the recent drought impacted prairie stream fishes?'
- Attend Kedziepalooza for free food and JMC fun
Human resources and benefits
- Fire extinguisher training offerings September-November
- Hazardous waste awareness training offered September-December
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Milostan selected as peer reviewer for The Forum on Education Abroad's Quality Improvement Program
- K-State students receive 'A' in recycling
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
University life
Volunteer opportunities
- Clinical study for depression and/or suicidal thoughts
- Baby boomers still needed for brief online exercise study
August 27, 2018
A bronze statue of a boy sitting atop a globe is the focal point of the Bluemont Circle, which is lined with 150 pavers featuring the names of those who helped start the College of Education.
From the administration
- Reminder: Retirement reception today for Union executive director Bill Smriga
- 'The U.S. Economy: New Policy, New Growth?'
- Celebrating 90 years of K-State Family Day
- First Thirsty Thursday welcomes new faculty to K-State
- K-State Pre-Law Ambassadors to host Chipotle fundraiser
- Save the date: Michael Tilford Conference on Diversity and Multiculturalism
Kudos, publications and presentations
University life
- K-State Risk Management Center now accepting student fellowship applications
- Global Campus requests distance learning development grant proposals
- WildcatLink provides K-State students network of alumni and mentors
- Faculty advisors invited to join the Advising Forum
- Nominate students for Quest freshman honorary
August 24, 2018
Focused in Friday: The rock climbing wall at the Rec Complex.
News and research
- Guikema Memorial Tree Dedication Ceremony Sept. 7
- Free yoga on Memorial Stadium field
- Pre-Optometry Club meeting
- South Asian cuisine and fundraiser for Kerala flood victims
- Retro Gaming Night Aug. 24
Kudos, publications and presentations
University life
August 23, 2018
Anderson Hall in 1933. Courtesy of the Morse Department of Special Collections.
From the administration
News and research
- College of Business to offer new certificate in the business of sports and entertainment
- Lacy's Fresh Fare and Catering set to open Sept. 10
- Bryan Samuel to kick off What Matters to Me and Why speaker series
- Cultures coming together at International Block Party
- Pollution Prevention intern presentations
- A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications hosting Kedziepalooza Aug. 28
- Wildcats Run for Wellness 5K is Sept. 22
- Petfood Research and Development Showcase presents opportunities for faculty, students
- Don't forget: New K-State students invited to Wildcat Welcome Day today
Kudos, publications and presentations
University life
August 22, 2018
In addition to being K-State Athletics' No. 1 fan, Willie the Wildcat also attends other functions around the state as an ambassador for the university.
News and research
- Reminder: Retirement reception for Rich Doan in PreAward Services
- New K-State students invited to Wildcat Welcome Day on Aug. 23
- Office of First-Generation Students partners with NASPA to broadcast webinar
- Visiting Artist Talk and gallery reception with Brian Caponi
Kudos, publications and presentations
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
- August e-newsletter from K-State Olathe now available
- Office of the Registrar newsletter — fall 2018
University life
- Encourage students to become K-State Libraries Student Ambassadors
- Counseling Services offers fall semester therapy groups
August 21, 2018
A bee hovers over a flower in the K-State Gardens.
News and research
- Introducing Wildcat Dialogues: An Intercultural Leadership Experience for New Students
- College of Education majors will glow with purple pride at welcome picnic
- Free Career Center Cookout
- David Pickering to perform organ recital Friday evening
- Free two-week K-State CrossFit trial membership
- K-State Dance to host auditions for WinterDance 2018 on Aug. 25
- Engineering Extension to host Energy Efficiency Expo Oct. 5
Kudos, publications and presentations
- 2018 Coffman Leadership Institute hosted at K-State
- Education Abroad thanks faculty, staff for internationalizing K-State classrooms
- K-State Yosakoi dance group recognized as international Yosakoi ambassadors in Kochi, Japan
- Statistics students and faculty present research at conferences
August 20, 2018
A part of the rich K-State heritage, the Bluemont Bell was cast and donated to Bluemont College by Joseph Ingalls in 1861 to call students to class.
News and research
- Emergency drills scheduled at BRI for Aug. 20-22
- New sign-up process for tutoring services
- University committed to smoke-free campuses
- K-State ticket specials for Back to Campus Day
- Fourth annual K-State Movement Challenge
- K-State Noontime Yoga
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Engineering students take first place in HVAC design competition
- Marketing student receives scholarship from American Advertising Federation of Kansas City
August 17, 2018
Focused in Friday: Guess where this photo was taken. Click on the photo for the answer.
News and research
- Wheat code finally cracked; wheat genome sequence will bring stronger wheat varieties to farmers
- Hale Library and IT services continue availability
- Emergency drills scheduled at BRI for Aug. 20-22
- Residence hall move-in routes determined
- Welcome back Wildcats: 2018 Week of Welcome offers events for new, returning students
- Retirement reception for Union executive director Bill Smriga
- Visiting artist exhibition 'wading in without' by Brian Caponi
- Poet Mary Pinard to visit K-State
- Postdoctoral Association and Graduate Student Council to host CV/Resume Workshop
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Ulmer to receive Honorary American FFA Degree
- JMC faculty present at journalism and mass communication educators conference
- Jessyca Waddell merits Student Excellence Award from online education alliance
- Porath conducts workshop on digital tools at conference for educators
- Recent K-State pre-optometry graduates accepted into programs across the country
University life
August 16, 2018
A monarch butterfly at Kansas State University Gardens
From the administration
News and research
- Sen. Jerry Moran to present Landon Lecture at Kansas State University
- North Campus Corridor project finalist for 2018 University Economic Development Association award
Campus construction and maintenance
University life
August 15, 2018
Kansas State University's iconic Anderson Hall
From the president
From the administration
News and research
- Money's on K-State: University again tops magazine's annual ranking of best college values in state
- Kansas State University launches new computer science and Master of Business Administration joint degree program
Human resources and benefits
Campus construction and maintenance
August 14, 2018
The K-State Student Union glows with lights at night.
From the administration
- Global Campus to host second Have a Byte event
- Registration open for fall 2018 Osher Lifelong Learning Program in Manhattan
- College of Human Ecology to be closed 8 a.m. to noon Aug. 15
Campus construction and maintenance
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
August 13, 2018
The sun shines behind the Conservatory at the K-State Gardens.
From the administration
News and research
- Retirement reception for Rich Doan in PreAward Services
- K-State's Agricultural Research Center plans Fall Field Day
- Lafene Health Center's 21st Birthday Project
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Miller selected as American Indian Graduate Center's student of month
- Apparel and textiles professor presents at international congress
Campus construction and maintenance
August 10, 2018
Focused in Friday: Lattice architecture at Call Hall
News and research
- Move-in day is almost here
- New contract announced for Bill Snyder
- Veterinary medicine researchers publish in journal Frontiers of Microbiology
August 9, 2018
A class in a gas engine lab in 1914. Courtesy of the Morse Department of Special Collections.
From the administration
News and research
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Four College of Business faculty members featured in Sustainability academic journal
- Electrical and computer engineering faculty present research at University of Padova, Italy
Campus construction and maintenance
University life
August 8, 2018
Water splashes in the fountain at the Kansas State University Gardens.
News and research
- Happy mind, happy life: Kansas State University students rank college life high in Princeton Review
- University selects first cohort of NBAF Scientist Training Program fellowships funded by $1.6 million federal grant
- Hale Library and IT services continue availability for upcoming school year
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
August 7, 2018
Dew collects on a daylily on the K-State Manhattan campus.
From the administration
Kudos, publications and presentations
- K-State students accepted to Scholars in Rural Health program
- K-State choral faculty member presents at Arkansas American Choral Directors Association annual conference
University life
- K-State Global Campus to celebrate with 153 summer graduates
- Convenient on-campus exercise with the LIFE Program
August 6, 2018
The green bee, often called a sweat bee, sits on a flower in the K-State Gardens.
News and research
- Kansas State University students win first place in Dairy Council's New Product Competition for 'quarky' drink
- Lafene lab and pharmacy open at 7 a.m.
Human resources and benefits
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Maureen Olewnik presents at China's 10th International Symposium of Food Science, serves as president-elect of AACC International
- Maghirang named fellow of international professional society
- K-State marketing faculty present at international conference in Porto, Portugal
- Biological and agricultural engineering garners awards at international society meeting
Campus construction and maintenance
August 3, 2018
Focused in Friday: A seven-foot bronze Wildcat statue overlooking the K-State Alumni Center's Johnson Terrace. The statue was created by Salina artist Richard "Dick" Bergen '63 and son Rich Bergen '86, '98.
Human resources and benefits
- Asbestos awareness for building occupants training session offered Aug. 13 and 31
- Hazard communication training dates for August-October
Health and safety
Campus construction and maintenance
August 2, 2018
A rose blooms at the Kansas State University Gardens.
News and research
- Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus partners with Air Force Junior ROTC to help train young pilots
- Kansas Forest Service helps battle wildfires in California, other western states
Health and safety
August 1, 2018
An aerial view of K-State's historic Manhattan campus.
- Works by pioneer printmaker inspired by travels to Europe, Kansas and other places coming to Beach Museum of Art
- Walk In Wednesday: Facilities custodial hiring event Aug. 1