March 30, 2018
Focused in Friday: The sidewalk near the President's Residence
News and research
- Kansas-related research wins two graduate students honors at State Capitol event
- President Myers commemorates WWI centennial with National Press Club event
- Veterinary researcher receives $50,000 for tick and tick-related disease research from De Soto businessman
- Pre-law advisor announces retirement
- New video commemorates historic veterinary education agreement between Kansas State University and China
- Student-written musical comedy opens April 12 in Purple Masque Theatre
- April showers art, music, dance and more across campus
- Cooking with local produce, caring for animals and gardening are activities in upcoming middle school summer camps
- Todd Easton to present Coffman Chair Lecture on April 6
- Lacy's Fresh Fare and Catering offering food orders for All-University Open House
- K-State Dance Marathon Saturday, April 7
Kudos, publications and presentations
- JP's Sports Grill announces student employee scholarship recipients
- K-State risk management students finish in second place in 2018 CME Group Trading Challenge
- Anthropology undergraduates present independent research at regional conference
University life
- OURCI Research and Travel Grant applications due April 13
- Arts and Sciences Diversity Series grant applications
- Submit nominations for community service and leadership awards
Volunteer opportunities
- Sliding into the DMs: A study investigating meeting and dating behavior on social media
- Tennis for fun and fitness, children and parents needed for study
- Complete survey for chance to win up to $100
March 29, 2018
Known today as Historic Farrell Library, this was the first building on campus solely for a library. Constructed in 1927, it was named for President F. D. Farrell in 1955. Courtesy of the Morse Department of Special Collections.
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Kansas State Polytechnic partners with Piedmont Airlines to provide pilot students career opportunities, financial assistance through cadet program
- KTWU sets air dates for College of Education's first-year teacher documentary
- Konza United Way by the numbers
- Research Showcase connects KC industry with university research to accelerate products
- Join K-State Libraries tomorrow for a journal editor forum on altmetrics
- Division of Biology presents Elizabeth King
- Visiting artist lecture by Cora Lynn Deibler on Monday, April 2
- Aikens to present Commerce Bank Distinguished Graduate Faculty lecture April 2
- You Can Cook: Small Space Cooking, No Stove Required
- Visiting entomologist to discuss novel approaches to managing insect pests and disease vectors
- K-State Leadership Seminar launches new initiative: 3DI Drilling Down for Deeper Impact
- April 3: SumnerOne Copier Day training
- Join the Kansas Department of Agriculture in partnership with Ag Student Council for viewing of 'Farmers For America'
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
- K-State teaching faculty recognized with outstanding teaching awards
- K-State Launch competition awards $6,000 to student entrepreneurs
- Saxophone professor performs as concerto soloist on major concert tour
- Student staff receive recognition, rewards
Volunteer opportunities
March 28, 2018
Lights at Kramer Dining Center.
News and research
- Veterinarian clarifies misconceptions about toxoplasmosis, offers safety tips
- Food assistance supports rural and urban communities
- Graduate School announces internal search for associate dean
- DACA artist to discuss how his activism influences his work in Beach Museum of Art presentation
- Farmers Market today
- Bakery Science Club sale today
- Science on Tap: Ticks and tick-borne diseases
- K-State JMC to host How I Landed My Job talk with alumni Jean Folkerts and Leroy Towns
- Dodgeball tournament to benefit K-State Proud
- Union Station welcomes community for Easter brunch
- Join K-State Libraries tomorrow for a forum on the Journal Impact Factor, Eigenfactor and the H-Index
- K-State Dance Program to offer West African Dance and Music Classes April 5
- K-Staters invited to attend Graduate Research, Arts, and Discovery Forum
- Stop by the Union for free insomnia cookies and an opportunity to support Kansas military service members and families
- Writer Debra Marquart to read from her work on Friday, 3:30 p.m.
- K-State animal sciences and industry hosts National Academy of Sciences member
- Pet food event to focus on advancing global competitiveness
- Confucius Institute to sponsor a two-week China trip in summer 2018
Human resources and benefits
- Asbestos awareness for building occupants training session offered April 2
- ALICE training offered April 10
- Employee Self Service/HRIS temporarily unavailable at 5 p.m. April 12 through 8 a.m. April 16
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Veterinary students receive scholarships to study poultry medicine
- Burrack publishes in SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation
- Graduate School selects seven Graduate Student Ambassadors
Volunteer opportunities
- Research participants needed for landscape architecture study
- Mother and daughter pairs needed for research study
March 27, 2018
Anderson Hall is named for John A. Anderson, university president from 1873 to 1879.
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Researcher studies risk of African swine fever in feed
- Edgerley-Franklin Urban Leadership Scholarship to four high school seniors
Shared governance
- Walk Kansas 5K, fun walk support Kansas State University cancer research May 5
- 2018 Parrish Colloquium event today
- Pat Hudgins to share 'What Matters to Me and Why'
- Let's Talk informational meeting March 29
- K-State Alumni Association, Libraries to host Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Reflection: Gone But Not Forgotten April 4
- Global Campus professional development applications due March 31
- Run, walk, stroll or roll for Grad Dash 5k
- Fundraiser at Freddy's to support The Wildlife Society
- Workshop: Teaching Tools to Improve Student Learning and Teacher Evaluations
- Josh Beck to be featured speaker for March 28 Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Seminar
- Reminder: 2018 Heyne Lecture today
- Larry Snyder to present stem cell therapy in medicine research
- Graduate Student Exchange Seminar
- Kat Chat today: 'Extinguishing Burnout'
Kudos, publications and presentations
- K-State's Jessica Lane named Kansas Counselor of the Year
- Arts and Sciences Faculty Enhancement Program awardees announced
- DeGroat presents research at major regional academic conference
- Cover worthy: Sherry Haar's naturally dyed dress graces cover of new book
- History professor publishes article on Russian propaganda
University life
Volunteer opportunities
- Complete survey for a chance to win up to $100
- Readers wanted for Living Democracy play presentation
- Facilitate an activity for STEM outreach
- Pork consumers needed for research study
March 26, 2018
The sun shines from behind the Insect Zoo at the Kansas State University Gardens.
News and research
- University wins Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools Excellence in Teaching Award for sixth time
- Bon appétit! K-State Libraries adds two rare works to its global cookery collection
- Forty-one Kansas State University faculty members granted sabbatical leave
- Seminar today by The Weather Channel's Greg Forbes
- Reminder: 2018 Eisenhower Lecture today
- Kansas Science Communication Initiative to host research colloquium March 27
- Panda Express fundraiser with Edgerley-Franklin Urban Leaders today
- Graduate students to participate in Capitol Graduate Research Summit tomorrow
- Director of Center for Epidemiology and Animal Health to present seminar on March 28
- Film screening of 'Destination: Planet Negro!' April 2
- Movie night with NOMAS
- Career Center hosts social services meet-up
- Eat at Panda Express to support Pre-Law Ambassadors
- Filmmaking tools worth more than $10,000 donated to 2018 K-State 48 Film Festival
- Free Making Movies concert in honor of Cesar Chavez Day
- Recyclemania week six results
- 'Involving Men in Ending Violence Against Women': Book talk
- 'What Were You Wearing?' Survivor Art Exhibit
- 'Cultivate: An Investigation of Narrative's Role in Design,' a Master of Fine Arts exhibition by Taylor Klover
- APDesign graduate students host design dialog exhibition
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Educators from Liberal meet with future teachers
- Richard Hesse receives Howard Dunne Memorial Award from American Association of Swine Veterinarians
March 23, 2018
Focused in Friday: The tiled archway at the Beach Museum of Art.
Kudos, publications and presentations
March 22, 2018
The southeast tower of the Berney Family Welcome Center glows purple.
Campus construction and maintenance
Volunteer opportunities
March 21, 2018
The sun rises on Kansas State University's rooftops.
Updates from leadership
- Longtime civil rights activist, labor leader Dolores Huerta coming to K-State
- K-State Alumni Association to offer postseason basketball travel and pregame celebrations
- Crop growth models, statistical learning and big data to be featured in Elmer G. Heyne Crop Science Lecture March 27
- Food and Agriculture Advocacy Workshop offered March 27
Human resources and benefits
- Recognizing and Reporting Discrimination offered April 2 via Zoom
- Americans with Disabilities Act, ADA/ADAAA, How to Manage Accommodation Requests training offered March 29
Kudos, publications and presentations
- K-State recognized by Phi Theta Kappa Transfer Honor Roll
- Seniors in architectural engineering awarded regional scholarships
March 20, 2018
Daffodils bloom on K-State's Manhattan campus.
Updates from leadership
- Kansas Transportation Engineering Conference celebrates its 100th anniversary
- First-generation web event April 4
- Don't be a drip: Do your part during Fix-a-Leak Week
Human resources and benefits
University life
Volunteer opportunities
March 19, 2018
Water drips from the fountain at the Kansas State University Gardens.
News and research
- Kansas State University students elect Kiehl, Pitts as student body president, vice president
- Miller leaving IGP to become president, CEO of Kansas Cooperative Council
Human resources and benefits
- Human Capital Services seeks participants for website usability study
- Recognizing and Reporting Discrimination training offered March 27
- ALICE training offered March 27
March 16, 2018
Focused in Friday: The cornerstone at Hale Library.
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Kansas State Polytechnic collaborates with professional indoor football team Salina Liberty to fly drones during games
- Video: K-State NOW with President Myers
- Road closures for St. Patrick's Day race may affect Manhattan traffic Saturday
- Nominate student projects now for the Kirmser Undergraduate Research Award
- Register for the 30th Annual Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture
- Counseling Services to host day of remembrance
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Ken Odde receives KC Agricultural Business Council award
- KSDB wins 12 awards from Kansas Association of Broadcasters
- College of Education colleagues co-author article to inspire future Osage Nation agricultural education leaders
University life
Volunteer opportunities
March 15, 2018
Agricultural Field Day festivities in 1911 in front of Anderson Hall with Physical Science Building — later Denison Hall — and Agriculture Hall — now Holton Hall — in the background. Courtesy of the University Archives.
Updates from leadership
From the Kansas Board of Regents
News and research
- Pershing Rifles and ROTC cadets conduct 24-hour silent guard
- Weather Channel's Greg Forbes to present Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecture
- Fan Lecture Series to feature Rice University expert on nanotechnology
- Opening reception today for 'Here, and Now.' exhibition
- K-State Alumni Association, KSU Foundation to host alumni and fundraising workshop for student organizations
- Workshop: Teaching Tools to Improve Student Learning and Teacher Evaluations
- Historic Costume and Textiles Museum announces spring events
- American Ethnic Studies Showcase lectures continue today with Yolanda Broyles-González
- Division of Biology welcomes David Davido to present seminar
- K-State Alumni Association, Libraries to host Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Reflection: Gone But Not Forgotten April 4
- K-State American Chemical Society Student Affiliate to host undergraduate research forum
- Trans-101: A Safe Zone advanced training today
- Confucius Institute offers series of Chinese culture classes for K-Staters, Manhattan community
- Mathematics Colloquium Lecture today
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Students receive Gilman International Scholarship
- K-State 360 presents at NASPA annual conference
- Kansas State University partners with career skills program for veterans
- Student journalists at KKSU-TV take home top honors in the Kansas Association of Broadcasters annual awards competition
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
University life
Volunteer opportunities
- Readers wanted for Living Democracy play presentation
- Groups of meat consumers needed for research studies
March 14, 2018
Clouds in the sky above Hale Library.
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Kansas State University researchers make breakthrough toward understanding glyphosate resistance in pigweeds
- Phi Zeta Research Day awards recognize research by students, faculty in College of Veterinary Medicine
- Multiplatinum superstar Nick Jonas to perform at Kansas State University
- Cli-Fi: Join the Kansas Science Communication Initiative for a climate fiction seminar
- Pat Hudgins to be next What Matters to Me and Why speaker
- Gregory Finnigan to present Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Seminar
- High school sophomores get an early taste of college life at K-State's For Sophomores Only
- Pet Away Stress today
- Pie a Pre-Health Ambassador fundraiser
- Bakery Science Club sale today
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Elmore to present at CASE and African American Development Officers’ Diverse Philanthropy and Leadership Pre-Conference
- Burrack receives Lowell Mason Fellows award
University life
March 13, 2018
The historic conservatory at the Kansas State University Gardens.
Updates from leadership
- Distinguished plant biologist to deliver Provost's Excellence in Scholarship lecture
- UCLA geography professor to discuss climate warming and California water resources
- Food Solutions Challenge: Toward a Future Without Food Loss
- Kat Chat today: 'Staying Safe Over Spring Break: Alcohol 101'
- Join K-State Libraries tomorrow for a copyright workshop on Creative Commons licensing
- Organ Music for a Wednesday Morning Concert March 14
- 2018 Eisenhower Lecture announced
Kudos, publications and presentations
University life
Volunteer opportunities
March 12, 2018
An American flag flies near Anderson Hall.
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Kansas State Polytechnic expands its small drone training to Denver
- TAD fellows give BRI tour to President Richard Myers
- Apply by April 20 for Open/Alternative Textbook Initiative funds
- K-State to host American Society of Mammalogists annual meeting in June
- The Library and Your Research: Troubleshooting References and Citation Management with Refworks today
- K-State Collegium Musicum presents historical music by women
- Sports Marketing Speaker Series welcomes Kansas City T-Bones marketing executive
- K-State 48 Film Festival cinematography workshop Tuesday
- Campus preview of 2018 K-State Book Network selection 'The Hate U Give'
- Writing Center, Graduate School announce Graduate Student Writing Retreat for May intersession
Kudos, publications and presentations
- K-State student groups, adviser named outstanding by CASE-ASAP
- Rachel Palinski earns postdoctoral fellowship at Plum Island
- College of Education faculty publishes pioneering article about LGBTQI issues
- K-State weed science professors receive honors at national meeting
University life
March 9, 2018
Focused in Friday: "K-State" spelled on the south windows of the K-State Student Union.
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Reminder: Lecture on HPV vaccine for cancer prevention Monday, March 12
- Chief information security officer candidate interviews
- CEVBD to host national meeting on tick-borne diseases
- Reminder: Nominations due March 16 for 2018 Coffman Leadership Institute
- K-State oSTEM hosting chapter meeting March 12
- Today: LASER Special Edition: Interfacing with the Nonhuman
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Still the best: Kansas State University's Black Student Union again receives title of best in Big 12
- Kansas State University student from Missouri named Harry S. Truman Scholarship finalist
March 8, 2018
The Konza Prairie Biological Station, managed by the Division of Biology, is a tallgrass prairie ecological research site jointly owned by the university and The Nature Conservancy.
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Grammy-winning Los Angeles Guitar Quartet comes to K-State March 10
- 'Telling Water's Story: Art, Science, and Narrative' to feature Cynthia Barnett, Peter Dorhout and Lynn Benson
- Comic musical/opera opens today in the Mark A. Chapman Theatre
- Vice President of Adobe Advertising Cloud Brett Wilson to give keynote lecture during K-State Launch event
- Attend a Software Carpentry Workshop to elevate your research computing skills
- Associate professor Hunt exhibits '50 Miles of Thunder'
- Division of Biology Seminar March 9
Kudos, publications and presentations
Campus construction and maintenance
- Service interruption: Leasure Hall, Throckmorton Hall steam
- Temporary closure of driveway between Dykstra, Umberger halls beginning March 12
March 7, 2018
A clear and sunny sky behind the cupola on Holtz Hall.
- Strengths in Action: MyStrengthStories Brought to Life
- Bakery Science Club sale today
- Dining For Dollars at Blue Moose
- Reminder: Screening of National Geographic 'From the Ashes' film on Friday
- Visiting Artist lecture by jeweler Lin Stanionis Friday
- Recyclemania week three standing
- Agronomy department to host regional crops contest
- P.A.W.S. fundraiser helps advocate for mental health
- Philosophy department to host 37th annual Kansas Philosophical Society meeting
Human resources and benefits
- Resources to Attract a Highly Talented, Diverse Workforce session offered March 15
- WellCAT Ambassadors to present Community Safety Talk March 15
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Kansas State University selects Civic Leadership Scholarship winners and finalists
- KSDB wins two national awards
University life
- Student Governing Association and Center for Student Involvement collaborate on student organization survey
- Students invited to apply for Cargill Fellows program
March 6, 2018
Lights in K-State's College of Business Building.
Updates from leadership
News and research
- University awards Kassebaum Scholarships to five high school seniors
- K-State Alerts to test university's emergency notification system today
- Provide K-State Libraries with survey feedback by March 17
- K-State Book Network 2018 book selected, spring events announced
- Global Campus to offer training for facilitating effective discussions in online courses
- Join K-State Libraries tomorrow for a crash course on K-REx, K-State's institutional repository
- Kat Chats presents 'Breaking the Chains of Relationship Violence'
- Hospitality Summit March 6-7
- K-State Band program to present concerts March 6-7
- Art department to present 'Excerpts from the Travelgram Atlas' exhibition
- Lacy's Fresh Fare and Catering adjusted hours
- March 7: Yinglong Miao presents Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics Seminar
- Reminder: Amanda Seales to present 'Sideye Seminar' today
- Register for the 30th annual Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture
Human resources and benefits
- Title IX: Recognizing and Reporting Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence training offered March 13
- Community Safety Talk to take place March 12
Kudos, publications and presentations
- College of Engineering Ambassadors named for 2018
- Chen receives summer faculty fellowship from U.S. Air Force
- K-State physics research team publishes work on digital holography
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
University life
Volunteer opportunities
March 5, 2018
Hale Library's south "sunflower" entrance.
Updates from leadership
- National search for dean of College of Veterinary Medicine
- Office of the Provost and CECD announce engagement incentive grants
News and research
- February hires and promotions at Kansas State University Foundation
- Student National College Health Assessment deadline extended
- Third international Coffee Hour to feature Chinese culture, cuisine
- Drink sweet tea and provide sweet support to JMC Ambassadors
- New Raising your International Profile series features Chuck Rice on Wednesday, March 7
- American Chemical Society Student Affiliate hosting fundraiser at Chipotle today
- LASER Special Edition: 'Interfacing with the Non-human'
- The Library and Your Research: Starting Your Literature Review today
- K-State offering athletic performance testing
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Mock trial team earns a bid to Opening Round Championship Series in Memphis
- Human Capital Services director invited to present on the talent war
Volunteer opportunities
March 2, 2018
Focused in Friday: One of Danforth Chapel's stained glass windows. Its stained glass windows were donated and imported from Czechoslovakia, England, France, Germany and Italy.
News and research
- Three-minute victory: Counseling and student development doctoral student tops 3MT competition
- No injuries in Wefald Hall fire
Shared governance
- Work by university's art faculty showcased in Beach Museum of Art 'Here, and Now.' exhibition
- Save the date for David L. Griffin's retirement reception April 5
- Flutist Karen Large performs Sunday
- Workshop: Teaching Tools to Improve Student Learning and Teacher Evaluations
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Three high school seniors earn university's Presidential Scholarship, state's largest scholarship award
- Shanna Legleiter to receive CUPA-HR Midwest Region Outstanding Service Award
- K-State Sales Team takes home top honors at Arizona Collegiate Sales Competition
- Senior design team wins best paper award at power and energy event
- Burrack and Urban lead pre-conference session
- Awareness campaign receives regional award
University life
- Call for Faculty Member of the Year nominations
- Kansas State University in Italy summer 2019 call for course proposals
Volunteer opportunities
- Participants needed for heart imaging study
- What men want: A study examining men's preferences for mental health professionals and mental health services
March 1, 2018
Aerial view of campus between 1930-40. Courtesy of the Morse Department of Special Collections.
Updates from leadership
- Provost and executive vice president candidate open forums
- Research Weekly
- Governmental relations office hosts Legislative Review Session March 2
News and research
- Compound in red wine, chocolate prevents smallpox virus cousins from replicating
- Kansas State University researchers using gene-editing technology to improve wheat
- Comic musical/opera opens March 8 in the Mark A. Chapman Theatre
- Broadway's huge-hearted, high-heeled hit 'Kinky Boots' comes to McCain Auditorium March 8
- Peter Dorhout to speak on 'What Matters to Me and Why' today
- Menker named fifth speaker in Henry C. Gardiner Global Food Systems Lecture series
- K-State Cattlemen's Day, Legacy Sale March 2
- Chief information security officer candidate, open forum announced
- ADVANCE Distinguished Lecture Series presents Ella Atkins
- Film screening of 'La Mission'
- Lecture by visiting printmaking artist on Monday, March 5
- K-State civil engineer to discuss disruptive technology in wastewater treatment
- Travel and Dining Auction fundraiser at Five Below
- Mathematics Colloquium Lecture today
- K-State Tap Dance Ensemble to give free performance
- Division of Biology welcomes Krista Capps as part of seminar series
- Safe Zone introductory training offered March 2
- Design Expo at Hilton Garden Inn March 2
- K-State offering Sport Conditioning camps
- Connect with more than 70 School Districts at Education On-Campus Interviews