November 30, 2012
Updates from leadership
News and research
- K-State Book Network announces award opportunities
- New leaders set for Panhellenic, Interfraternity councils
- Kansas State University partners with Texas Tech University to recruit and hire diverse talent
- K-State basketball Sunday at Bramlage
- Family holiday workshop at the Beach Museum
- Celebrate with the winning team at the K-State Recycling Center
- Union program council presents Awkward K-State Family Photos
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Irrigation Association honors Lamm as Person of the Year
- Political prowess: Sue Peterson receives CASE award for enhancing relationship between university, government
Publications and presentations
- Psychology faculty, students present poster
- Apparel, textiles faculty, students present research at international conference
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
November 29, 2012
From the provost
News and research
- K-State students have new option in obtaining associate degree through reverse transfer agreement with Manhattan Area Technical College
- Position announcement: Director for American ethnic studies
- WinterDance 2012: Nov. 29-Dec. 1
- Horticulture Club selling wreaths, mini poinsettias Friday
- World AIDS Day activities Friday
- Mathematics Colloquium today
- Coffee Hour Series concludes with a visit to Rwanda
- International Educator of the Year award reception
- K-State Speech Forum Nov. 29
- Grade submission deadlines for fall 2012
- Social Media Roundtable today
- College of Business Administration offers human resource management workshop at K-State Olathe for Kansas City area professionals
November 28, 2012
News and research
- Wabash CannonBall Scholarship deadline Dec. 3
- K-State student wins $50,000 scholarship in essay contest
- Ambition accomplished: Intersession course helps students strategize for career success
- Mathematics Colloquium today
- Tanzania video premier on Thursday
- Program changes for TerryLee WHETSTONe, Native American Heritage Day
- Pottery sale Nov. 28-30
- Vote for the best picture book of 2012 at the Mock Caldecott
- Bakery Science Club weekly bake sale today
- Time to power up for cordless drill games Dec. 4 at Rathbone Hall atrium
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
Publications and presentations
November 27, 2012
- From virus to viral: Researchers explore social media as preventative method for infectious diseases
News and research
- All-University Campaign breaks records with 42 percent participation
- They're playing our song: Faculty member writes musical work to celebrate university's 150th
- Mathematics Colloquium today
- Fiction writer Lauren Groff reads from her work
- KSU Social Club meets Dec. 4
- Women of K-State Brown Bag Event: Strengthening your credit score
- Flutist, inspirational speaker to perform Nov. 28
- Poinsettias galore at annual open house
Human resources and benefits
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
Publications and presentations
Policy/procedure updates
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
November 26, 2012
News and research
- Proposal deadline: Fall 2013 course for study abroad faculty-led program, Dec. 1
- A case of excellence: University President Kirk Schulz named 2012 CASE Executive Leader of the Year
- Register now for the 2013 Spring Teaching Workshop
- Pei to give distinguished graduate faculty lecture Nov. 29
Human resources and benefits
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Burrack selected for national summit
- Two K-State faculty receive $5,000 Iman Awards for research and teaching
November 21, 2012
News and research
- Proposal deadline: Fall 2013 course for study abroad faculty-led program, Dec. 1
- Food, mood linked to holiday eating
- Contract postal unit closure
Publications and presentations
- PLOS One study characterizes protein that is an indicator for malaria parasite infection in mosquitoes
- Presentations at the National Association of Foreign Student Advisers Association of International Educators regional conference
November 20, 2012
News and research
- Beach Museum of Art holiday schedule
- University police investigating weekend thefts of computer equipment
- Turning pigskin into sheepskin: Former Wildcat and NFL player completes degree, will be College of Human Ecology student commencement speaker
November 19, 2012
News and research
- K-State Research and Extension highlights holiday food safety
- Designing excellence: College of Architecture, Planning and Design ranks among best in nation
- Helping communities: Researchers develop guidebook for promoting healthy lifestyles among Hispanic populations
- Cleanup complete at university's former chemical waste landfill
Shared governance
- Comedy legend Carol Burnett to appear at university's 150th
- A family affair: Musical group brings Christmas magic to McCain
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Baltrip selected as Scripps Howard fellow
- Making their case: Teams compete for scholarships in Phillips 66 Business Ethics Competition
- HRIS upgrade has been successfully completed
- IT Help Desk hours during fall break and Thanksgiving holiday
- Check compatibility of software, hardware with Windows 7, 8, RT operating systems
November 16, 2012
- K-State Basketball vs North Florida
- Conversation with artists Patrick Duegaw and Randy Regier
- K-State Social Club meets Dec. 4
- Ladies night at the Beach Museum of Art
Kudos, publications and presentations
- New members selected for human ecology honor society Kappa Omicron Nu
- Marcellus Caldas selected as International Educator of the Year
- Gayle Doll's book on sexuality in long-term care wins award
Publications and presentations
November 15, 2012
News and research
- Classified Employee of the Year nominations
- Recipients chosen for the inaugural Distinguished Young Alumni award
- Research and the State: Nine graduate students selected to present research, represent university at annual statewide summit
- How to have an uninvited Thanksgiving guest: Washing turkey, not using thermometer can be recipe for food poisoning
- Excellence by design: Interior design program recognized in U.S. Top 10
Shared governance
- Faculty and staff Basketball Training Facility tour
- Eames Demetrios: Geographer at large
- Great American smokeout
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
Publications and presentations
- Modern languages faculty presents at annual meeting
- Veterinary Medicine researchers publish porcine genome with international consortium
Volunteer opportunities
November 14, 2012
Updates from leadership
News and research
- International grains program hosts milling executives
- Freeland visits Costa Rica
- Holiday gift ideas from the Meat Lab
- To grandmother's house we go: Airports, passengers prepare for holiday travel
- Oh, the places they'll go: Scholarships help Wildcats study around the world
- Union Program Council addresses subject no one wants to talk about
- The design legacy of Charles and Ray Eames
- Blues United at the Union
- Bakery Science Club weekly bake sale today
- Family Volunteer Week
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Gould's article featured in The Informed Librarian Online.
- Advanced Manufacturing Institute receives Economic Development Award of Excellence
Publications and presentations
- Presentations made at the Geological Society of America annual conference, Charlotte, N.C.
- Agronomy professor engages in United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
November 13, 2012
From the president
Updates from leadership
- November holiday letter from vice president for administration and finance
- Update from A.D. John Currie
News and research
- Union announces Thanksgiving hours
- Engaged in learning: University offering certificate in dialogue, deliberation and public engagement
- Why we wait: Psychologist discusses the reasons we love to line up for the latest gadgets and greatest sales
- Central mail services deliveries over fall break and Thanksgiving holiday
- Please join us for 'Can I Kiss You?'
- University printing surplus furniture, equipment
- Debra Rolison to present 39th H.H. King Lecture Nov. 15
- Save the dates: National Academy of Engineering lecture, Eyestone lecture in 2013
- Men's basketball NIT Season Tipoff
- A Celebration Of Dance: Winterdance 2012, Nov. 29-Dec. 1 In Nichols Theatre
Publications and presentations
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
November 12, 2012
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Making people care: Planning, writing newsletter content to increase engagement, giving
- Women of K-State: Session on Relaxation
- Train the Trainers with Mike Domitrz
- Support Wildcats Against Rape at Cold Stone Creamery
- Native American Heritage Day Nov. 12
- Film depicts Kaff's work with special needs children in Tanzania
- Kemper Gallery showcases privacy in Indian architecture
- 10th annual Teaching Workshop
- Bridging the gap: Webcast will foster discussion about pay gap between men and women
- Faculty and staff Basketball Training Facility tour
- KAWSE/ADVANCE hosts Debra Rolison on Nov. 16
- In harmony: Fall show for a Cappella Ensemble In-a-Chord Nov. 14 at McCain
Human resources and benefits
Health and safety
Publications and presentations
- What causes K-State email to be blocked by other email providers
- 'GoodReader' topic at iPad User Group meeting Thursday, Nov. 15
- Media Development Center extended hours over Thanksgiving and before finals week
November 9, 2012
From the provost
News and research
- Entomology award recipient recommends students seek internships
- Cancer crusaders: Awards from Johnson Cancer Research Center help undergraduates join fight against cancer
- Agreement gives Chinese students a jump start on a U.S. veterinary medicine education
- K-State School of Music, Theatre, and Dance faculty to conduct area youth orchestras
- Sabates to speak during International Education Week
- Free paintball tournament with K-State ID
- International Food Festival Nov. 10
- Reading by Native American poet Janice Gould
- Native American Student Association: 'For the Next 7 Generations' movie
- University taking part in week, month celebrating entrepreneurship
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Entomology student finalist for national award
- Boyer honored for communication efforts
- Union Program Council and Union graphics recognized at regional conference
Publications and presentations
- Honoring a passion
- Gift from Chevron Phillips benefits career and employment services, College of Engineering
Campus construction and maintenance
- Replacement of sidewalks on the south west side of Anderson Hall
- Foundation Building sidewalk replacement at front entrance
November 8, 2012
News and research
- Thanks to all Kids Voting Kansas volunteers
- A proud partnership: University and military recognize nearly 150 years of education, culture and honor
- Coffee Hour series continues with a visit to South Korea
- Smurthwaite open house today
- International Educator of the Year Award presentation Nov. 29
- First Lady Noel Schulz to speak Nov. 15 at Vernon Larson Lecture Luncheon
Kudos, publications and presentations
Publications and presentations
November 7, 2012
From the provost
News and research
- Office of corporate engagement making strides with multiple companies
- Contract post office closed Nov. 12
- Home on the range: Grants fund new lodging for visiting researchers at Konza Prairie Biological Station
- Healthy holiday eating
- Geography's 2012 distinguished alumna to give public lecture
- University printing open house is Nov. 8
- Relay For Life of K-State partners with Chili's for Give Back Night
- Bakery Science Club weekly bake sale today
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
November 6, 2012
Updates from leadership
- Tuesday Talks in the Gardens
- Saxophone chamber music concert at the Beach Museum of Art
- Need a ride to the polls?
- K-State volleyball hosts KU
- K-State's GROW program sponsoring 'All Together for Innovation,' Nov. 17
- International agricultural brown bag seminar
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
November 5, 2012
Updates from leadership
News and research
- KDOT announces K-18 traffic changes
- Eight faculty proposals for international opportunities awarded funding
- From 'Teatime to Tailgates': Cookbook celebrates university's 150 years of food history
- Putting students first earns two faculty members nominations for national award
- K-State Olathe goes out on a STEM to educate secondary students about sensory and food science careers with three upcoming events
- Mr. Roboto: Professor's hobby turns into academic offerings
- New Cargill grant helps introduce diverse students to careers in agriculture, business and engineering
- Agricultural economics seminar Nov. 9
- International Education Week being celebrated Nov. 12-16
- Charney to share innovative teaching ideas in Nov. 8 presentation
- Howard Hughes expert to present at K-State Salina
- Practice safe text: No texting and driving
Kudos, publications and presentations
Publications and presentations
- Apple recalls some 1-terabyte hard drives on iMacs
- 'Microsoft Word tips, tools and troubleshooting' sessions on Library Day, Nov. 7
- Online EDUCAUSE conference sessions to be videostreamed Nov. 7-9
University life
Volunteer opportunities
November 2, 2012
Updates from leadership
News and research
- 'Academic Parenthood' research presentation today
- 'Poets and Prayers': Turtle Island Quartet showcases many forms of musical inspiration
- 76 trombones, a con man and a prim librarian: School of Music, Theatre, and Dance presents 'The Music Man' Nov. 8-11
- Join the Women of K-State for the Nov. 5 women's basketball game
- Fall classics: English department offerings bring great literature to campus
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Four for four: Flight team headed to nationals for fourth consecutive year
- Building victory: Design-build, commercial construction teams place highly in student competition
Publications and presentations
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
November 1, 2012
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Division of Continuing Education hosts Regents Core Outcomes Project meeting
- Donation preference announced for McCord
- Reminder: Applications for professional development funding due Nov. 2
- Union Ambassadors team complete
- Making people care: Planning and writing newsletter content to increase engagement and giving
- 2012 Entomology Distinguished Alumnus seminar on Friday
- Diversity and inclusion: A conversation with Cargill leaders
- Upson Lecture Series: Dale Rodman, Kansas secretary of agriculture
- Celebrating online: K-State kicks off National Distance Learning Week, Nov. 5-9
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Awards received for outstanding contribution to student learning assessment
- 4-H youth development staff make presentations, receive recognition at national conference
Publications and presentations
- Union assistant director to present at Oklahoma State University
- Thurston presents at American Evaluation Association conference