February 29, 2016
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Submit K-State Global Campus grant proposals by March 4
- New K-State Park 'n' Ride schedule available
- Crossing Borders journal gives undergraduate researchers a professional edge
- Center for the Advancement of Digital Scholarship Launches Open Access Lecture Series
- Reminder: College of Business Administration candidate open forum today
- Workshop today on maintaining academic integrity for grad students
- K-State Farmers Market
- Geography faculty candidate to discuss the Holocene Environmental History of the Dominican Republic
- Memorial service for Tom Gould March 19
- SGA runoff election today
- International human rights activist to speak with K-State students
Human resources and benefits
- Anger management workshop offered March 11
- LearnSmart offers affordable computer-based training to K-State employees
- America Saves Week: Keep moving forward
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Engineering professor recognized with regional teaching award
- Kansas State University faculty member selected for the National Science Foundation's Rotator program
- Tech Tips Live! March 2: 'Sharing, organizing, and syncing files with OneDrive'
- K-State Online February updates
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
February 26, 2016
Updates from leadership
- Weapons Advisory Work Group update
- Friday First-Gen Focus
- Learning from past can pave way for education's future in Kansas
News and research
- Kansas State University veterinarian: Prepare your operation for the new VFD ruling
- Noorjahan Akbar to visit K-State campus March 7-9
- Kansas State University veterinarian: Understand issues surrounding antibiotic resistance
- K-State Park 'n' Ride schedule update
- Kansas State University vice president for research candidate finalists open forums
- Union Program Council presents an African‐style Cirque du Soleil
- K-State's Postdoctoral Association hosting mock interview event
- Woltz to present APDesign Distinguished Lecture
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
- K-State researchers graduate from Sunset Zoo’s inaugural Science Communication Fellowship program
- Goddard to receive lifetime achievement award
- Big 12 Conference on Black Student Government
February 25, 2016
Updates from leadership
From the vice president for research
News and research
- Kansas State University art professor finds originality in a 20,000-year-old medium
- Health insurance enrollment numbers higher overall in Kansas
- Kansas 4-H offers unique opportunities, grows its reach to youth statewide
- Encourage undergrads to apply for the Morse Scholarship Award
- Nominate a graduate student for national science and engineering workshop
- Reminder: Midterm Academic Progress Reports are due Monday, Feb. 29
- KKSU-TV is now broadcasting in high definition
- Director of undergraduate admissions and director of student financial assistance promotions
- Professional development funding available
- Award-winning opera 'The Consul' at Mark A. Chapman Theatre March 3-6
- Registration open for Kansas State University and K·Coe Isom Beef Sustainability Knowledge Summit
- Up 'til Dawn event Friday
- Registration open for the Farm to Fork 5K
- Favianna Rodriguez art exhibit now open through March 11
- Republican debate watch party
- SPOTLIGHT K-State event at K-State Alumni Center
- Gamma Sigma Delta hosting Undergraduate Research Showcase for College of Agriculture students
- K-State Wind Ensemble and Brass Ensemble perform at KMEA
- Native American Student Association presents The 1491s
- Farewell reception for First Folio on Sunday, Feb. 28
- National Shine A Light on Slavery Day
- Faculty SafeZone training March 3
Human resources and benefits
- Introduction to PageUp training session offered March 9
- Supervising Students on the Job training session offered March 8
- Financial Wellness Workshop: Staying the Course
Kudos, publications and presentations
- K-State Global Campus increases scholarship offerings for spring semester
- Psychological sciences students receive national recognition
February 24, 2016
Updates from leadership
From the vice president for research
News and research
- Partnerships help improve water quality in Kansas
- Snyder Leadership Legacy Fellows applications due Friday, Feb. 26
- K-State Alumni Association's 2016 Homecoming Committee applications due Feb. 26
- New policies and procedures for K-State's short-term programs abroad
- Award-winning Celtic group Cherish the Ladies coming to McCain March 4
- Mediasite overview training available Feb. 24
- Fit To Be Me week
- Two-day grant writing workshop starts today
- Geography faculty candidate to discuss playa wetlands in the High Plains
- K-State men's basketball vs. TCU
- K-State sociologist to discuss the social organization of environmental problems
- Bakery Science Club sale today
- Vietnamese Lunar New Year 2016 celebration
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Tech Tips Live! session recording available for 'Quick tips on using MediaSite in K-State Online'
- Master Extract Reporting in KSIS offered monthly in spring 2016
Volunteer opportunities
February 23, 2016
Updates from leadership
Legislative update
News and research
- Small savings can yield big results
- Thirty-six K-State faculty members granted sabbatical leave
- A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications mourns loss of Tom Gould
Shared governance
- K-State Online: Walk-in help sessions Feb. 24
- Harry Potter inspired benefit concert on Saturday, Feb. 27
- Community invited to Distinguished Young Alumni presentations today
- Prasad to present Commerce Bank Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award lecture
- Kat Chats: 'Rock/Paper/XBox: Balancing Video Games and College Life'
- Hip-hop pedagogue speaking at K-State today
- Science on Tap: Biofuels
- Volunteer, internship and employment opportunities at Fort Riley
- K-State women's club volleyball holds fundraiser night at Buffalo Wild Wings
- New Faculty Institute luncheon on March 2
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Graduate students earn honors for making research understandable, enjoyable in 3 minutes or less
- Human ecology professor receives 2016 3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award
- Melhem honored with teaching scholar endowment
Campus construction and maintenance
February 22, 2016
Updates from leadership
News and research
- University, community groups setting big goals to spur economic development, business growth
- Friends of Sunset Zoo now accepting Conservation Scholar applications
Shared governance
- K-State men's basketball vs. Texas
- Pasture weed and brush management webinar
- Up 'til Dawn to host give back night at Texas Roadhouse
- Horton-Smith to present third annual Nobel Prize in Physics Lecture
- Tech Tips Live! Feb. 24: 'Scantron and K-State Online — how does the new version work?'
- Shakespeare happening on Feb. 25
- High school sophomores get an early taste of college life at K-State
- Workshop today: Using the ETDR template for your thesis, dissertation, or report
- Hageman Distinguished Lecturer in Agricultural Biochemistry
- FIRE film series presents 'The Black Power Mixtape' today
- Spring Ag Symposium to highlight current biosecurity issues
Human resources and benefits
- Total compensation summary for 2015
- Asbestos awareness for building occupants training sessions offered February-March
- Inviting and Hiring Foreign Nationals training session offered March 9
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
February 19, 2016
From the president
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Feed the Future lab at Kansas State University awards $6M for work in six countries
- Gen. Richard Myers co-teaching American Foreign Policy class at Kansas State University
- CEO of Aspera Inc. to speak on birth and growth of high-speed transport platform for Eyestone Lecture
- Business and Hospitality Career Fair next week
- Alpha Xi Delta to Light it Up Blue for Autism Speaks at basketball game
- Free French films hosted by La Societe Francaise
- Jazz ensemble to perform works inspired by Shakespeare
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Finance professor Chairat Chuwonganant named Capitol Federal distinguished chair in finance
- Jefferson County landowner receives Kansas Bankers Association conservation award, hosts open house
- Student delegates attend United States Hispanic Leadership Institute
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
February 18, 2016
From the Kansas Board of Regents
From the vice president for research
News and research
- Understanding Einstein: Cosmologist explains discovery of gravitational waves
- New graduate certificates focused on team science and professional skills for managers in STEM fields
- Students invited to compete for the Sullivan Poetry Award
- Mathematics Colloquium lecture Feb. 18
- K-State women's basketball hosts Play 4Kay game
- Costume design workshop for children Feb. 24
- Visiting Artist lecture 'Design Perspectives' by graphic designer Michael Braley
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Starrett selected to Academy of Civil Engineers
- K-State music professor wins Grammy Award
- Undergrad Jakki Forester to present research at three national, local conferences
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
February 17, 2016
Updates from leadership
News and research
- ADVANCE Distinguished Lecture Series presents Sofia Mogilevskaya
- Catch the final Three Minute Thesis competition today
- Mediasite overview training available Feb. 24
- Registration now open: Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture
- K-State Leadership Seminar registration now open
- Ebony Theatre presenting powerful one-act drama 'Dutchman'
- Mummy Science: Venerated Ancestors of the Andes
- Apparel and Textile Graduate Student Organization scarf sale
- Horticulture club quilt fundraiser
- Bakery Science Club sale today
Kudos, publications and presentations
Volunteer opportunities
February 16, 2016
Legislative update
News and research
- Shakespeare's heartbeat in the Little Apple
- K-State Alumni Association accepting applications for 2016 Homecoming Committee
- Made-to-order workshops for corporate engagement
- Nominate an outstanding librarian for Hobrock Award
- President of Costa Rica presenting Landon Lecture at Kansas State University
- Russian National Orchestra and pianist Yuja Wang bring Russian masterpieces to McCain
- Author Hilary Corna to speak Thursday
- K-State Online: Walk-in help sessions Feb. 17
- American Association of University Women at K-State's first official meeting
- Art, science conversations continue at the Beach Museum of Art
- Mathematics Colloquium lecture Feb. 16
Human resources and benefits
Volunteer opportunities
February 15, 2016
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Postdoctoral Travel Award applications due Feb. 19
- Donation from KSU-IC will aid food science research
- Last day to submit nominations for 2016 Student Employee of the Year
- The Office of International Programs announces new International Collaboration Awards
- K-State agronomist to discuss ways to reduce nutrient losses from agricultural fields
- Workshop for grad students: Know Your Author Rights
- Cookies and Conversation with study abroad: An Arts & Sciences advising workshop
- Skills Workshop Series: Life Skills Session 2
- 60th annual K-State Rodeo Feb. 19-21
- Prairie chicken viewing opportunities at Konza Prairie
- Guest lecture to highlight Shakespeare's use of music in his plays
- College of Veterinary Medicine to start TED Talks series
- Support graduate students by attending Three Minute Thesis Competition
- Alumnus Samuel Brinton returns to K-State to speak on issues of nuclear engineering and LGBT advocacy
Human resources and benefits
- Recording Time and Leave in HRIS session offered Feb. 26
- Respect and Professionalism in the Workplace session offered Feb. 26
Kudos, publications and presentations
Campus construction activities
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
February 12, 2016
Updates from leadership
- Friday First-Gen Focus
- Provost names search committee for interim CIO and vice provost for information technology services
News and research
- K-State First is looking for learning assistants
- Noted scientist selected to lead international project on postharvest food losses
- Celebrating 10 years of K-State Proud
- K-State women's basketball vs. Kansas
- Visiting artist Daniel Mirer photography exhibition and lecture
- FIRE to sell Valentine's Day-themed goodie bags
- Valentine's Day rose sale today
- K-State Harry Potter Alliance Chapter hosting craft sale Feb. 15-17
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
- Johnson Cancer Research Center winter 2015-2016 newsletter
- February 2016 Lifelines — College of Veterinary Medicine newsletter
Volunteer opportunities
February 11, 2016
Updates from leadership
From the vice president for research
From the KSU Foundation
News and research
- Run for College Council office
- Opportunity for STEM faculty members to participate in 2016 summer research program
- Engage with graduate student research in Graduate School's first Three Minute Thesis Competition
- Social Media Roundtable meets today
- Mathematics Colloquium lecture Feb. 11
- K-State Harry Potter Alliance Chapter hosts bake sale Friday
- College of Veterinary Medicine's Bull Management Conference Feb. 18
- Reminder: Expressions of Diversity Initiative Group's Canvas of Diversity deadline
- International Rescue Committee representative to speak with Wildcats for International Development
- Communicators Brown Bag Feb. 18: Tour of CivicPlus
Human resources and benefits
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Steward honored with outstanding faculty member endowment
- Five high school seniors selected for Kansas State University's Kassebaum Scholarship
- K-State research on swine disease featured as debut cover art on American Society for Microbiology journal
Campus construction activities
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
February 10, 2016
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Encourage students to participate in national survey
- Kansas State University Bulk Solids Innovation Center welcomes experts from DuPont, Dow Chemical as part of inaugural short course
- Run to be a student senator
- Run for a position on the Union Governing Board
- Tilford Group's website updated
- Ana Gasteyer brings comedy, song, fun to McCain Performance Series shows
- Staley School of Leadership Studies to host mobile food pantry
- Office 365 maintenance scheduled Feb. 13-14
- Bakery Science Club sale today
- Valentine ceramics sale Feb. 10-11
- 2015 Paris Climate Conference: K-State participant Bimal Paul to share background and outcomes
- 'The impact of millennials on the veterinary workforce' webinar
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
February 9, 2016
From the provost
Legislative update
News and research
- Amit Chakrabarti to serve as interim dean of College of Arts & Sciences
- Award-winning playwright works with K-State students
- $8.1 million in assistance available to plant trees, protect streams and fields
- Community invited to Distinguished Young Alumni presentations Feb. 23
- 2016 nominations and elections for University Support Staff Senate
- Run for student body president and vice president
- Kansas State University to host Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders
- K-State men's basketball vs. Baylor
- K-State Online: Walk-in help sessions Feb. 10
- Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol features six students from Kansas State University
- K-State KNEA-SP hosts Pizza with Professionals
- Kat Chats: 'Dating and Afraid'
- Study Abroad Fair
- Special University Support Staff Senate meeting
- Mathematics Colloquium lecture Feb. 9
- Black History Month keynote lecture
- SGA live campus conversation tonight
Human resources and benefits
- Evaluating USS Work Performance session to be offered for supervisors Feb. 16
- All campus changes to tracking hours for Affordable Care Act for GRA and GTA employees
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Talent Acquisition receives award for transformative work
- Rice named first recipient of the Mary Vanier Endowed Professorship
- AGC student chapter experiences unique winter break
- Architecture students attend national conference
- Entrepreneurship professor Saurav Pathak awarded Academic Excellence grant
February 8, 2016
News and research
- Nominate a K-State student for a K-State Alumni Association award
- K-State Alumni Association seeks nominations from faculty, staff for Alumni Excellence Award
- Get your amateur radio license
- Filing deadline for campuswide elected offices Feb. 12
- Los Lobos with Ballet Folklorico Mexicano coming to McCain for Feb. 18 show
- K-State plant pathologist to discuss plant health and agricultural pathogens
- Join Noorjahan Akbar for 'Empowering Women to Lead Worldwide: Overcoming Political and Social Struggles'
- Reminder: Last day to order Williegrams is Feb. 9
- Using RefWorks workshop today
- K-State Cancer Fighters sponsoring 50/50 fundraiser raffle
- Graduate students: Use the ETDR writing template to save time, avoid problems
- 2016 James R. Coffman Leadership Institute
- Reminder: K-State Political, Diplomatic and Military Lecture Series Feb. 18
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Ambassadors named for College of Engineering
- Three graduate students named winners at statewide research summit
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
February 5, 2016
Updates from leadership
News and research
- New advertising opportunity available for colleges/departments/units in the official K-State Visitors Guide
- Put your game face on
- Rotary Peace Fellowships available
- Snyder Leadership Legacy Fellows Program seeking applications until Feb. 26
- K-State men's basketball vs. Oklahoma
- Save the date: Valentine's rose sale Feb. 12
- Free workshops: Filmmaking, audio recording, graphic design, photo editing and more
- 'The New Middle East Cold War' lecture
Human resources and benefits
- Putting a face to the name: Alma Deutsch, director of the Resource Center and Operations
- HealthQuest February newsletter
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Mueller publishes revised zebrafish brain atlas
- Computing and information sciences students attend CyberCorps career fair
- Hossain recognized for contributions to lightweight aggregate use
February 4, 2016
From the vice president for research
News and research
- K-State Global Campus hosts university lecture and 50th anniversary event Feb. 8
- Deadline extended for the 28th annual K-State Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture call for presentations
- Mathematics Colloquium lecture Feb. 4
- 2016 K-State Open House student life exhibits
- Chinese New Year's celebration gala Feb. 15 at McCain
- 'First Folio! The Book That Gave Us Shakespeare' Opening Reception
- Career Closet and Resume Critiques today, Engineering Career Fair next week
- Globe Theatre Workshop for children Feb. 11
- K-State SPOTLIGHT March 1
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Kansas State University nominates four students for Truman Scholarship
- Manhattan Campus, K-State Student Union rank high on two national lists
- National Science Foundation to feature K-State student work in daily newsletter
- K-State junior wins prestigious scholarship
- Two faculty members present at English USA Professional Development Conference
February 3, 2016
Updates from leadership
News and research
- University Honors Program director search
- K-State Global Campus requests proposals for program development grants
- Newest stars in opera showcased in Metropolitan Opera Rising Stars concert at McCain
- Introduction to NVivo 10/11 Feb. 19
- Bakery Science Club sale today
- Family Valentines Workshop
- U.S. Army Band trombonist to speak about recording technology
- American music expert to lecture at K-State on the blues and Sousa
Kudos, publications and presentations
February 2, 2016
Legislative update
News and research
- Carnegie Classification recognizes university's research activity, undergraduate enrollment
- Intersession, Evening College course proposals due Feb. 5
- Study Abroad Office seeks to increase scholarship opportunities for students with high financial need
- K-State Political, Diplomatic and Military Lecture Series Feb. 18
- Visiting Artist Bryan Czibesz workshop and lecture
- Mathematics Colloquium lecture Feb. 2
- Engineering Career Fair Feb. 9-10
- K-State Online: Walk-in help sessions Feb. 3
- Chinese Culture Fair 2016
Human resources and benefits
- Recognizing discrimination and sexual harassment session offered Feb. 11
- Respect and professionalism in the workplace for supervisors Feb. 11
Kudos, publications and presentations
Volunteer opportunities
February 1, 2016
Updates from leadership
- K-State announces telecommuting policy for nonfaculty workforce
- A letter from Zelia Wiley: MLK Week, Black History Month celebrations
News and research
- Union ATMs moving to new location
- Spring 2016 Faculty Development Award and University Small Research Grant call for proposals
- MMR vaccination clinic today for students, faculty, staff
- RecycleMania is here
- Skills Workshop Series: Life Skills Session 1
- The perfect valentine
- Vietnamese Student Association general meeting
- Gamma Theta Upsilon's Beta Psi chapter brown-bag lecture
- SafeZone introductory training Feb. 6
- Tribute to legendary band the Bee Gees comes to Kansas State University
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
Campus construction activities
- Tech Tips Live! Feb. 3: 'Using Adobe Acrobat DC on the iPad with an Acrobat Pro license'
- Spring 2016 IT Help Desk hours
University life
Volunteer opportunities
- Volunteers needed for advising Silver Key sophomore honorary
- Couples needed to participate in research
Browse the Archive
- Jan