February 28, 2013
From the president
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Health awareness educators available to give free presentations
- Routine test of K-State Alerts scheduled for March 4
- College of Education journal celebrates 40th anniversary
- Kansas State University student a Harry S. Truman Scholarship finalist
- Strengths Advocates sponsors student body presidential and vice presidential debate
- Love knows no borders: March 5 seminar on marriage-based U.S. permanent residence and citizenship
- Reminder: Lecture, 'Rights Gone Wrong: What is the Meaning of Equal Justice for All?' today
- #WhyIGive: Join today's social media celebration of philanthropy
- 13th Karl Stromberg Memorial Lecture: Summability of Fourier Series
- K-State faculty, staff help judge Kansas journalism contest
- National Science Foundation CAREER program information session March 7
- Back to the Future: K-State Book Network 2013 book to launch March 5
- Spire to lead 'Take 5: Teaching Technologies that Work' panel at ITL conference March 4-5
- A night at the opera: School of Music, Theatre, and Dance presents 'The Marriage of Figaro' March 7-9
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
- College of Agriculture selects new student ambassadors
- Agronomy professors host Borlaug Global Research Alliance fellow
February 27, 2013
From the provost
- Social Media Roundtable meets Thursday
- Spring semester English department events showcase work of students, professors
- Konza Prairie to offer guided public hikes
- Bakery Science Club weekly bake sale today
- Ricketts to cover illustration of educational concepts with simple technologies at ITL conference March 4
- University symposium for early childhood educators all about connecting children to the outdoors
- Celebrating K-State's sesquicentennial: Hear about the university's history at today's Brown Bag Lunch and Lecture Series
Human resources and benefits
- 'Respectful Work Relationships 2' March 12 and 13
- Electronic W-2's are now available through SHARP employee self service
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Wilson accepted for the APLU National Food Systems Leadership Institute
- In the running: Undergraduate researchers nominated for Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
- Exemplifying excellence: Two graduate students earn national recognition for teaching distinction
- Adding up to a win: Team wins Kansas City finance challenge, will compete at regionals in Toronto
Publications and presentations
University life
February 26, 2013
Updates from leadership
NBAF Update
News and research
- Making people care: Planning, writing newsletter content to increase engagement, giving
- Cytek, Zoom, Office Works and others sponsor the Innovations in Teaching and Learning conference
- NACADA advising webinar: 'Advising ESL and International Students'
- Two 'Year of the Brain' presentations for your calendar
- Opening up: Military families share their stories with artists to develop modern dance performance for the public
- Ready, set, grow: K-State Olathe offers second annual 'Willie and the Beanstalk' competition
- March into the arts at Kansas State University
Kudos, publications and presentations
Campus construction and maintenance
- Service interruption: Hot Water on West Side of Throckmorton Hall morning of Feb. 27
- Service interruption: Weber Hall domestic water afternoon of Feb. 27
February 25, 2013
Updates from leadership
- Four finalists to be interviewed for director of the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning
- Michael Delp, College of Human Ecology dean candidate, to present public forum today
News and research
- Office of educational innovation and evaluation to evaluate $14.9 million aviation grant
- Voicing concerns: Use of vocal fry may damage professional image of young employees
- University to host 'How the Brain Learns' symposium on Sept. 19
- K-State Proud Campaign Week: Get your T-shirt and wear to tonight's basketball game
- Catering, restaurant showcase to draw area planners, business leaders to K-State Olathe
- Redefining Leadership: University hosts Big 12 Conference on Black Student Government
Kudos, publications and presentations
- College of Education's Morales receives Outstanding Dissertation Award
- Two graduate students recognized at statewide summit for research that benefits Kansas
- A little 'Caffeine' for your Mac, so it doesn't go to sleep
- Video conferencing tool available for testing
February 22, 2013
News and research
- Enter to win a $100 gift card and support our student veterans
- Nominations sought for Community Service Awards
- Joe Goode Performance Group at McCain Auditorium rescheduled for 7:30 p.m. Saturday
- K-State Proud Campaign Week: Enjoy Call Hall ice cream
- Distinguished geographer to talk about race today
Kudos, publications and presentations
Publications and presentations
February 21, 2013
News and research
- Forum on Gender-Based Violence will be rescheduled
- Union and UPC celebrate Generations of Success at K-State
- Coffee Hour series continues with a visit to Ecuador Feb. 22
- Invested faculty: Faculty over age 50 inaugural event
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Catalyzing multicultural curriculum transformation: Tilford Incentive Grants awarded to faculty
- Honorary band sorority chapter a leadership finalist
February 20, 2013
Updates from leadership
- K-State team attends NACADA Institute
- Four finalists to be interviewed for the position of director for the Center for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning
News and research
- Making their mark: 13 distinguished alumni participate in Alumni Fellows Week
- Winter weather outlook
- K-State Proud campaign week: Tell us why you're proud
- Past president of the Association of American Geographers to deliver lecture on Friday
- Bakery Science Club weekly bake sale today
- GIScience lecturer presents "A World without Spatial Thinking" Feb. 28
- 17th annual K-State Leadership Seminar: 'Working Together to Create High-Performing Teams'
- Business and Hospitality Career Fair welcomes students from all majors to meet potential employers
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Under Gordon's leadership, Big XII Chapter of Chief Diversity Officers earns nonprofit and formal chapter status
- Engineering student receives top prize at regional conference for technical paper
- A winning case: Mock Trial Team advances to first round of national competition
February 19, 2013
Updates from leadership
- Announcement of engagement incentive grants
- A letter from A.D. John Currie: Breaking ground on another facility
- Thank you for helping K-State kick off the sesquicentennial in a big way
News and research
Shared governance
- Garden Talks and Walks: Capture the Moment, Feb. 26
- Mathematics Colloquium today
- K-State Proud Campaign Week: Take your picture with Willie
- Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright talks and performs in Forum Hall tonight
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Plant pathology student receives travel award
- Architectural engineering students win scholarships from Kansas City building technical society
Campus construction and maintenance
February 18, 2013
News and research
- Nominations sought for Outstanding Civic Engagement Award
- Removal of 'Hold for Grades' transcript ordering option
- Academic progress reports for freshmen
- A step up: Faculty earn promotions, tenure
- Life science series at K-State Olathe engages industry and inspires students
- Nominate a student to be part of Wildcat Leadership Challenge: Feb. 28-March 3
- State and local government policy expert to serve as distinguished lecturer on Feb. 25
- Faculty Senate to host spring open forums
- Walk Kansas to begin March 17
- Human Ecology student film competition offering scholarship prizes
- Virtual Flute Choir and iPad Instructional Initiative at the Innovations in Teaching and Learning conference
- Grad students: Don't miss an overview session of the ETDR process
- Legal expert to speak about civil rights, antidiscrimination law for Dorothy L. Thompson Lecture Series
- Dance group extending McCain visit to do something special for military families
- K-State Wind Ensemble performs tonight
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Thompson to receive lifetime achievement award from national education finance organization
- Security studies doctoral student wins research award
- iPad User Group meeting Thursday, Feb. 21: Audio apps
- Windows 8 preview sessions in February and March
- 'Advising in iSIS' training now available
University life
February 15, 2013
Updates from leadership
- Nominations being accepted for excellence in undergraduate research award
- Nominate a faculty member for outstanding mentoring of undergraduate students in research
- Two finalists for dean in the College of Human Ecology
Human resources and benefits
February 14, 2013
Updates from leadership
- Presidential Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising nominations due March 1
- Accepting nominations for the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching
News and research
- Mathematics Colloquium today
- K-State Proud visits College of Engineering
- The sesquicentennial kickoff is here!
- Garden appreciation: K-State hosts Garden Talks and Walks
- Getting the message: Military experts visit university to discuss strategic communication
Kudos, publications and presentations
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
Volunteer opportunities
February 13, 2013
Legislative update
News and research
- Call for nominations: Putting Students First awards
- Department of psychology becomes department of psychological sciences
- Exchange agreement between Kansas State and International University of Central Asia
- 'A Walk in My Shoes' documentary available on secure website
- Mortar Board senior honorary accepting applications
- Pay it forward: Black Student Union president gives back to organization, members
Shared governance
- 36th annual Classified Employee Recognition Ceremony
- Women in Leadership panel at noon Friday
- KSU Social Club dinner March 5
- Bakery Science Club weekly bake sale today
- Come celebrate the opening of the 'Museum of Wonder'
- K-State Proud visits Justin Hall
- Today is the Feb. 13 deadline to change K-State eID passwords
- Black Student Union helps organize university's observance of Black History Month
- Remember parking shuttle available for 150th grand exhibition
Kudos, publications and presentations
Campus construction and maintenance
February 12, 2013
News and research
- Solving global hunger is Feb. 19 Lou Douglas Lecture topic
- Mathematics Colloquium today
- Horticulture Club rose sale Feb. 14 at Throckmorton
- Biannual Wallace Kidd Diversity Award reception Feb. 13
- Distinguished speaker: CEO of Aon to present College of Business Administration lecture
- Celebrate a Season for Nonviolence 2013 by making someone's day
- Engineering Career Fair: More than 145 employers expected for two-day event
- Mothers, daughters and more set the scene for Ebony Theatre's presentation of 'Jar the Floor'
- Watch the Feb. 14 sesquicentennial kickoff program live online and on K-StateHD.TV
- Save the date: K-State's Earth Day celebration April 23
Human resources and benefits
Publications and presentations
- Discovering Archaeology in the Flint Hills teacher workshop
- Skabelund presents on green roof projects
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
Volunteer opportunities
- Moms, have a new baby? Don't have time to exercise?
- Union, Union Program Council seeking student leadership
February 11, 2013
News and research
- Countdown to the 150th: Nearly 100 committee members' efforts over two years to pay off beginning Thursday
- Now time to assess finances, check insurance coverage
- K-State Gaming and Virtual Environments group meets monthly
- Prairie chicken viewing opportunities at Konza Prairie Biological Station
- Spotlight K-State: Innovative ideas, shared in meaningful ways
- Master of drama: Playwright, Pulitzer Prize winner Suzan-Lori Parks at university Feb. 19-20
- eID password-change deadline is Wednesday, Feb. 13
- February New Faculty Institute seminar: Online, distance education
- Calling all students: Registration now open for Wildcat Leadership Challenge
- Enjoy free pizza at Relay Rush
- Memorial service for Vasanta Pallem at 1 p.m. today
February 8, 2013
News and research
- Professional Development Day: Students hone their professional skills at College of Business Administration event
- Mark your calendar: Sesquicentennial kickoff just six days away
Human resources and benefits
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
Publications and presentations
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
February 7, 2013
From the provost
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Leadership that counts: 12 high school seniors finalists for university's Civic Leadership Scholarship
- Center for Sustainable Energy domain name change
- Kansas State University joins world's largest digital library
- Research for the state: Nine graduate students will present state-related research at capitol
- Future leaders: Students help organize All-University Open House that will remember history while looking ahead
- University helping students affected by off-campus apartment fire that killed one
- First-ever K-State home hockey games
- Mathematics Colloquium today
- Coffee Hour Series resumes with a visit to Bangladesh
- Schedule available for the 2013 Innovations in Teaching and Learning conference
- Internationally recognized soil scientist to present prestigious agronomy lecture Feb. 21
- Professional development day: Students hone their professional skills at College of Business Administration event
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Leading the way: University nominates four students for Truman Scholarships
- Among the best: University's Center on Aging Director named fellow of Association for Gerontology in higher education
Publications and presentations
- Division of Continuing Education staff present at Kansas Workforce Summit
- Marston to lead workshop in Kathmandu, Nepal
- Required IT security awareness training for employees now available
- iSIS maintenance, Sunday, Feb. 10
University life
February 6, 2013
News and research
- Certara establishes College of Veterinary Medicine as latest Phoenix Center of Excellence
- Making a difference: Kassebaum Scholarship to five high school seniors for leadership, public service
- When it comes to food aphrodisiacs, expert says look for nutrition at first bite rather than love
- Bakery Science Club weekly bake sale today
- All classified employees invited to Classified Senate meeting
- Black History Month keynote speaker is Nikki Giovanni
- Web of Science training offered
- 'America's job search guru' presenting seminar Feb. 19
- Bharat Ratra to present Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lecture 4 p.m. Feb. 12
Human resources and benefits
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
February 5, 2013
News and research
- K-State Libraries offers streaming video resources for research
- Union announces partnership with Sodexo
- Virtual resource: E-learning modules help instructors learn, share best practices in online teaching
- Mental break: Work-life balance needed for recovery from job stress
- Wildcat March Exhibition offers artistic take on 150th anniversary celebration
- For better meetings, attend a facilitation workshop
- Sesquicentennial preparations to be focus of Feb. 7 Communicators Brownbag
- Mathematics Colloquium today
- Qualtrics webinar Friday, Feb. 8, for online data collection and surveys
- Bharat Ratra to present Distinguished Graduate Faculty Lecture 4 p.m. Feb. 12
- World hunger and what to do about it focus of Feb. 19 Lou Douglas Lecture
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
February 4, 2013
News and research
- Growing food, families: K-State to introduce family gardening program
- Memorial service scheduled Saturday for Alok Bhandari
- Union hosts open forums
- Be pet friendly: New license plate lets Kansans improve pet health, support veterinary students
- Hightower featured at 'Dancing with the K-State Stars'
- Friends of the K-State Libraries host behind-the-scenes tour
Publications and presentations
Volunteer opportunities
February 1, 2013
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Kansas to host International Summit on Hunger; register now!
- Tips can help manage, reduce stress
- Functional fitness, mobility classes starting now
- Johnson Cancer Research Center invites applications for spring cycle of awards
- Preserving a slice of rural life: Student interns teaming up to chronicle Kansas co-ops
- Back to the future: Students showing their purple pride by planning, organizing events for University's 150th celebration
- Women in Music Concert
- Expanding opportunities: Engineering Career Fair now two-day event, 146 employers attending
- First Vernon Larson International Lecture of the spring semester Feb. 12
Publications and presentations
Browse the Archive
- Jan