February 7, 2013
Recommendations for Blue Key Senior Honorary

Dear Faculty and Staff,
Blue Key Senior Honor Society is looking for a dynamic group of student leaders for our 2013-2014 Blue Key class. Please feel free to recommend outstanding students who are committed to developing leadership skills among themselves and others, as well as serving all student leaders on campus.
Current Blue Key projects include, Catalyst Self Development, facilitating uLeads, and being a mentor to the Quest Freshman Honorary.
The applications requirements include: a minimum K-State cumulative GPA of 3.0, senior status by fall 2013 (90 Hours), present on campus during both semesters of the 2013-2014 academic year and significant leadership experience in student/community organizations.
Blue Key is amazing opportunity for students to grow and develop. In Blue Key we work towards our foundation of scholarship, leadership and service. We know that you have students who have gone above and beyond the call of duty in their college or department and we hope that you would recommend them for this amazing opportunity. To recommend them, please email me their name and email. I will accept recommendations until Tuesday, Feb. 12.
Thank you for all the work that you do at Kansas State!
Hannah Miller
Senior in agricultural economics
Director of membership, Blue Key Senior Honorary
"Serving I Live"