January 29, 2021
Updates from leadership
- Join today's virtual town hall meeting at 10 a.m.
- Share feedback on University Strategic Diversity and Inclusion plan
- Athletics update with AD Gene Taylor
News and research
COVID-19 university updates
- Wildcat Reads: Thomas Lane reads book to celebrate Kansas Day
- Spring 2021 Basic Language Training registration now open
- 'Let's Talk Art' livestream conversation with artist Randy Regier and film screening with director Gail Lerner
- Tree identification courses offered
Personnel changes
January 28, 2021
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Computer science initiative expands programming fundamental offerings to small colleges, high schools
- Online degree programs recognized for excellence in latest U.S. News and World Report rankings
- K-State faculty listed top researchers in recent study
- Graduate students receive scholarships from JCERT
Shared governance
- MLK Week of Service donations and DIYs
- Livestream discussion today of 'The Learning Tree,' a semi-autobiographical novel and film by Gordon Parks
- New program for agriculture careers will launch Feb. 1
- Anthony Fehr to present Division of Biology Seminar
- Registration open for annual Three Minute Thesis competition
Human resources and benefits
- Enrollment open for K-State Supervisory Foundations
- Three-Minute Thursday Tip: Using Groups in Canvas
Kudos, publications and presentations
- College of Veterinary Medicine professor elected to national role
- JMC's Keener presents at 'Rooms' symposium
Campus construction and maintenance
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
University life
- New College of Arts and Sciences major: Integrated computer science
- Letters of accommodation from the Student Access Center
- Professional Development Fund accepting applications
- Professional development funding opportunity for academic advisors
January 27, 2021
Updates from leadership
News and research
COVID-19 university updates
- Wigfall to present 'Maintaining Your and Your Students' Mind, Body and Spirit'
- Spring 2021 Week of Welcome events kick off Feb. 2
- Digital marketing career training program starts Feb. 22
- KAWSE to host virtual screening of 'Picture A Scientist'
- International Coordinating Council announces 2021 spring semester events
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Two K-State graduates to receive 2020 Distinguished Young Alumni Award
- Center for Financial Analysis welcomes new cohort to Financial Analyst Program
University life
January 26, 2021
Updates from leadership
News and research
- University-licensed compound selected as candidate against COVID-19
- Update on university conference services
COVID-19 university updates
Shared governance
- K-State celebrates MLK Observance Week Feb. 1-5
- UPC presents virtual concert by Neon Trees featuring 3OH!3
Human resources and benefits
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
January 25, 2021
Updates from leadership
- Spring semester update from the chief diversity and inclusion officer
- Inclusive Excellence spotlight: Kathleen Greene
- Virtual town hall meeting Jan. 29 for K-State faculty and staff
Shared governance
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Don Saucier recognized as Professor of the Week
- Theatre undergraduates present research at conference
- MNE professor takes part in national panel on low-dose radiation
- 28th annual Concert Band Clinic hosted virtually
- Horticulture doctoral student receives Watson Fellowship
University life
January 22, 2021
From the president
Updates from leadership
News and research
COVID-19 university updates
- Lafene Health Center begins offering additional COVID-19 testing sites
- Reminders on university cleaning and disinfecting procedures
- A summary of university updates related to COVID-19
- Terrance Simien & The Zydeco Experience livestream show added to McCain Connected
- Livestream discussion of 'The Learning Tree,' a semi-autobiographical novel and film by Gordon Parks
- 'Get Rid of Your BS' with Risha Grant — an unconscious bias experience
Kudos, publications and presentations
University life
- Nominate a K-State student for a K-State Alumni Association award
- Alpha Phi Omega seeks new K-State and community advisors
January 21, 2021
Updates from leadership
From the Kansas Board of Regents
News and research
- Rural Education Center receives NSF grant focusing on drones and geoscience careers
- Seven prominent KC leaders join advisory board at Olathe campus
- Hale Library to open first floor only on Jan. 25
- New hours for K-State Contract Postal Unit
Human resources and benefits
- Reinstating 2021 annual performance reviews for unclassified and USS
- Three-Minute Thursday Tip: Cross-listing sections in Canvas
Volunteer opportunities
January 20, 2021
As part of the Every Wildcat A Wellcat, or EWAW, campaign, every student and employee will receive a free wellness kit for the spring semester. Learn more about the kits and how they will be distributed.
Updates from leadership
News and research
COVID-19 university updates
- University launches employee self-reporting form to better understand COVID-19 in K-State communities
- Every Wildcat A Wellcat student wellness kits available for spring semester
- McCain Connected adds Jim Brickman's 'Share the Love, Live!' to virtual spring lineup
- Honor MLK with Week of Service donations and DIY items
- Teaching and Learning Center to host Teaching Chat today
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Klutse receives grant to research socio-emotional development in early learners during pandemic
- New technology platform enables rapid discovery of microbial interactions
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
Volunteer opportunities
January 19, 2021
Martin Luther King Jr. gives a speech on Jan. 19, 1968, at Ahearn Field House. Courtesy of the Morse Department of Special Collections.
From the president
News and research
Human resources and benefits
Personnel changes
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
- K-State's Cheryl Grice recognized with MLK community service award
- Markham, university-affiliated research team receive Outstanding Research Journal Article of the Year award
- Service for K-State Mobile app to end Sunday, Jan. 31
- Introducing Mediasite Mosaic
- Microsoft Teams' recordings default location change
- Phishing scam: Annual mailbox verification
Campus construction and maintenance
University life
- Accepting proposals for faculty-led education abroad programs spring and summer 2022
- 2021 Kyle Pelton Student Employee of the Year nominations now being accepted
January 15, 2021
Updates from leadership
News and research
COVID-19 university updates
- K-Staters encouraged to complete COVID-19 vaccine request forms
- A summary of university updates related to COVID-19
- Legislative Review Session today at noon
- College of Arts and Sciences to host seventh annual Civil Rights Teach-In
- School of Music, Theatre, and Dance to host behind-the-scenes 'Preview Night' Jan. 20
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Health and Human Sciences and Research and Extension faculty-led team chosen for national leadership academy
- Bronwyn Fees elected to directors of Board on Human Sciences
January 14, 2021
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Passion inspires K-State veterinarians to help homeless animals
- Landscape architecture student awarded in international design competition
Human resources and benefits
- Employees to receive mandatory non-discrimination training via email today
- Three-Minute Thursday Tip: Course welcome
Kudos, publications and presentations
Campus construction and maintenance
January 13, 2021
Every Wildcat A Wellcat is a university initiative to promote a safe return to K-State. It is important that every Wildcat is a Wellcat.
From the provost
COVID-19 university updates
- Come back, 'Cats: Spring 2021 guide for students
- Returning to K-State checklist
- Updates on COVID-19 in K-State communities
- Students must complete face covering, COVID-19 training
- For your health: What to do before returning to campuses for the spring semester
- Last chance to register for free professional development workshop with Cia Verschelden
- Saucier to present 'Empathetic Course Design'
Human resources and benefits
Health and safety
January 12, 2021
Updates from leadership
COVID-19 university updates
Human resources and benefits
Health and safety
Campus construction and maintenance
January 11, 2021
News and research
- K-State medical director contributes to research behind updated CDC quarantine guidance
- Online master's in educational leadership now available
COVID-19 university updates
- Lafene Health Center prepared for vaccine administration
- If you missed it: Kansas State University announces two-week online start to spring semester
- Reminder: Research Administrators Council meets Tuesday
- Register for Winter Academic Advising Institute
Human resources and benefits
- Office of Institutional Equity to conduct mandatory non-discrimination training and disability self ID
- Nominations are open for unclassified professional staff, university support staff awards
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Michelle Geering and Karol Fike recognized as Professional Staff and Professor of the Week
- Johannes to serve as Kansas Health Foundation distinguished professor of community health
- Don’t forget to nominate an outstanding employee for K-State Libraries' staff awards
- Instructions for syncing Office 365 calendars with SSC-Navigate
- University Research Compliance Office to launch IRBManager
- Zoom security features updated
January 8, 2021
COVID-19 university updates
Personnel changes
Health and safety
- New year, new start with Recreational Services
- Center for Child Development and Hoeflin Stone House lighting tests
University life
January 7, 2021
Updates from leadership
Human resources and benefits
- Supervising Students on the Job training session offered virtually Jan. 19
- Three-Minute Thursday Tip: Canvas navigation
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Commerce Bank and W.T. Kemper Foundation Presidential Awards for promoting equity and diversity at K-State
- Burchfield receives 2020 McArthur Family Faculty Award
January 6, 2021
News and research
- Pride of Wildcat Land members, Classy Cats to perform with select intercollegiate marching band
- Katie Andrews and Brandon Yokeley receive outstanding teaching assistant awards
COVID-19 university updates
Human resources and benefits
University life
January 5, 2021
From the president
Updates from leadership
COVID-19 university updates
- Research Administrators Council meeting to feature Chang's coronavirus research
- Teaching and Learning Center hosts first Teaching Chat of the semester today
Human resources and benefits
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
January 4, 2021
Updates from leadership
News and research
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
University life
Browse the Archive
- Jan