January 22, 2021
'Get Rid of Your BS' with Risha Grant — an unconscious bias experience
Submitted by Olivia Law-DelRosso

Have you been looking for ways to dig deeper into your unconscious biases? Do you want to learn tools to address your biases, build an inclusive organizational culture and attract diverse markets?
If so, join the College of Business Administration and the Multicultural Business Student Association for "Permission Granted: Get Rid of Your BS" presented virtually by Risha Grant from 5:30-7 p.m. Monday, Feb. 1. BS stands for bias synapse.
Grant is a 1996 K-State broadcast journalism alumna, former K-State basketball player and owner of an award-winning, full-service diversity communications, recruitment, training and consulting firm.
Register and learn more at cba.ksu.edu/deib.
This event is a proud part of K-State's MLK Observance Week. Partners include the K-State Alumni Association, K-State Athletics, BLM-MHK and the Student Governing Association.