August 30, 2013
From the president
- Interdisciplinary project seeks to improve Great Plains water sustainability
- K-State's tomato grafting work aims to enhance Great Plains production
News and research
- Discounted basketball season tickets available
- Disability Support Services changes name to Student Access Center
- The Union Copy Center partners with the campus bookstore, reduces prices
- Honors House a great new living option for K-State students
- Alternative Service Committee: Summary of minutes for Aug. 14 meeting
- Free admission for faculty and staff to Sept. 6 volleyball match
- K-State track offers 'Back to School Burn' Wildcat fitness camp
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Deeter earns leadership roles in national sales association
- K-State students recognized for communications excellence at recent meeting
August 29, 2013
News and research
- Signing ceremony renews university-to-military community partnership
- Move-In Day, fun events welcome students to K-State
- Wildcat Wellness Coalition promotes information, activities to campus community
- Division of Continuing Education scholarships provide financial support to distance students for fall term
- Register to attend or submit a proposal to present at the Institute for Student Learning Assessment
- Student Research Opportunities Fair today
- Julian Alston to present 'Public Agricultural R&D and Productivity: International Comparisons and U.S. Implications' today
Kudos, publications and presentations
Publications and presentations
- Philosophy student to present work at conference
- Health care robotics collaboration presented at national conference
- Tushabe publishes analysis of Ugandan politics and policies in regard to gender equality
- Union receives large gift for renovation
- Alumni provide philanthropic support for the new home of the College of Business Administration
August 28, 2013
Updates from leadership
- Office of corporate engagement releases 2013 progress report
- Letter from A.D. John Currie: Football home opener just two days away
News and research
- Dissertation provides faculty with six technology tips
- Online open house connects distance education students to campus
- Interim associate deans named in College of Human Ecology
- Chuck Rice to give lecture about 'Land-Grant University and Agricultural Challenges'
- Chief of university's police department to speak to Delta Upsilon fraternity
- Julian Alston to present 'Agricultural Policy and Obesity' Aug. 30
- Free workshop looks at future of water use and developing research, collaborations
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
August 27, 2013
- Study forecasts future water levels of crucial agricultural aquifer
- Scientists shut down reproductive ability, desire in pest insects
News and research
- Counseling services offers free online stress management workshop for students
- Key information technology resources for faculty, staff
- University students help reduce nitrate levels at Kansas site
- Attention all pet owners: City of Manhattan regulations reminder
- Free admission for faculty, staff to K-State's volleyball match against Southeast Missouri State
- K-State Day at the Kansas State Fair set for Sept. 8
- Register now for the Academy for Student-Centered Learning
- College of Education's 'Military Life' video to premiere on Sept. 11
- Kansas State University Service Learning Institute Sept. 26-27
- Chuck Rice to give lecture 'Land-Grant University and Agricultural Challenges' Aug. 28
Human resources and benefits
Publications and presentations
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
Volunteer opportunities
- Moms, have a new baby? Don't have time to exercise?
- Seeking participants for a youth health promotion research study
August 26, 2013
News and research
- K-State Student Union installs charging stations for mobile devices
- Call for International Incentive Grant proposals
- K-State Olathe, Advanced Manufacturing Institute named Economic Development Administration University Center
- Collaboration brings Chinese veterinary students to Kansas State University
- Noontime yoga offers friendly, noncompetitive outlet for K-Staters
- NVivo 10 software download, customized online trainings available for faculty, staff, graduate students
- University, 1st Infantry Division and Fort Riley to renew partnership
- Dorothy L. Thompson Lecture Series to host two experts on constitutional law, voting rights act
- Career and employment services sponsors events to find part-time jobs, connect with employment experts and more
- Poker 5K run Aug. 31 to support K-State student health peer educators
- New SafeZone ally training Sept. 17
- Recreational services faculty, staff golf tournament Sept. 20
- Design Days in landscape architecture and regional and community planning
- Iconic arched-roof cellars subject of research project, public forums and upcoming Beach Museum exhibition
- 'Life in a Jar' play coming to campus
Kudos, publications and presentations
August 23, 2013
News and research
- K-State student farm selling at the Manhattan Downtown Farmers Market
- World chess master to present Chess Challenge and creation lecture Aug. 26
- 17th Street will be closed on campus Tuesday, Aug. 27
- September to remember: School year kicks off with music, drama, art, dance and more
- Osher Lifelong Learning Institute again offering courses in Manhattan
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Architectural engineering team takes first in design competition
- Michael Dikeman named to the Meat Industry Hall of Fame
August 22, 2013
News and research
- Fulbright Senior Specialist Program provides short-term international travel
- Mechanical and nuclear engineering professor awarded second NSF grant
- Curtain call: Tickets available for university student theatre, dance productions
- Welcoming all Wildcats: Week of Welcome activities engage, entertain students
Personnel changes
- IT Help Desk hours for fall semester 2013
- Please resubmit your intersession class proposals if you used the online form
August 21, 2013
Updates from leadership
- Jane Marshall to present lecture 'Teatime to Tailgates,' attendees receive free 150th merchandise
- General faculty meeting at 5 p.m. Sept. 5
- New fall lecture series builds on youth interest in Animal Health Corridor
Publications and presentations
August 20, 2013
Updates from leadership
News and research
Shared governance
- Jane Marshall to present lecture about 'Teatime to Tailgates,' attendees receive free 150th merchandise
- Governor's Water Conference Oct. 24-25
Human resources and benefits
Campus construction and maintenance
August 19, 2013
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Kansas State University debuts on Instagram today
- International grains program offers quality control distance course
- Recreational services offering special on personal training packages
- Online program teaches veterinarians small business basics
- University to lead world's first NSF-established research center for wheat; first such center for crop plants
- Registration is open for 'How The Brain Learns' workshop with David Sousa
- Land transportation event Aug. 29
- Inaugural convocation to welcome new students
August 16, 2013
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Summary of Alternative Service Committee minutes from July 24
- College of Education offers new online course work for teachers and paraprofessionals
Personnel changes
Kudos, publications and presentations
August 15, 2013
- Registration open for Kansas Unmanned Systems Conference
- Devi Singh, director of research at Patel University of Agriculture in Meerut, India, to present 'Improvement of Basmati rice' seminar Friday
Human resources and benefits
Publications and presentations
Campus construction and maintenance
- Service interruption: South half Anderson Hall chilled water Aug 16
- Service interruption: Ahearn women's restrooms domestic water Aug. 21
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
August 14, 2013
From the provost
- Graduate School orientation for all new graduate students
- Michael Most to present 'Unmanned Aerial Systems and K-State's UAS Program' today
- Free workshop looks at future of water use, developing research and forming collaborations
Kudos, publications and presentations
Publications and presentations
Volunteer opportunities
August 13, 2013
Kudos, publications and presentations
Volunteer opportunities
August 12, 2013
News and research
- K-State Olathe takes a swipe at hunger to help famine victims; volunteers and donors needed for food packaging event
- Save the date: Zoom demo, iPad user meeting Thursday, Aug. 15
Kudos, publications and presentations
August 9, 2013
Campus construction and maintenance
- Service interruption: Electric power including elevator in west wing of Waters Hall Aug. 13 evening
- Service interruption: Water in west wing of Waters Hall early morning Aug. 12
- Service interruption: Burt Hall corridor Aug. 12
August 8, 2013
News and research
Health and safety
Kudos, publications and presentations
- University Transportation Center wins award
- Entomologist part of winning international team
- Entomologist Zhu part of award-winning project
- College of Arts and Sciences dean selected as American Chemical Society fellow
- Alumni provide philanthropic support for new home of university's College of Business Administration
August 7, 2013
Updates from leadership
- Memorandum from Brian Niehoff: Selection of the Coffman Chair for University Distinguished Teaching Scholars
- Memorandum from Brian Niehoff: Mentoring fellowships for women and minority tenure-track faculty in sciences and engineering
- Syllabi statements reminder about mandatory and suggested statements
News and research
- Summer 2013 grade submission deadlines on Aug. 23
- Grant to test community coaching to reduce obesity in youth
- Marcellus Caldas selected as the director of international research and faculty
- Princeton Review features Kansas State University as one of the best colleges in the nation
- Department of grain science and industry introduces bulk solids training
- University veterinarian has five tips for protecting your pet during a flood
Human resources and benefits
Kudos, publications and presentations
Publications and presentations
Volunteer opportunities
August 6, 2013
Updates from leadership
News and research
- Summary of Alternative Service Committee minutes from July 10
- Prema Arasu named CEO and vice provost of Kansas State University Olathe
- Ronnie Elmore to lecture about African-American veterinary medicine graduates; Attendees receive free 150th merchandise
- 2013-2014 Graduate Student Council research forums events Oct. 29, March 26
Publications and presentations
August 5, 2013
News and research
- Discounted volleyball tickets for faculty and staff
- Final day for faculty, staff to enroll for discounted K-State basketball tickets
- Paying students for grades may provide wrong motivation to excel, professor says
Publications and presentations
August 2, 2013
News and research
- Pools at natatorium closed Aug. 3-25 for annual maintenance
- K-State Australian Fulbright applications due soon
- Unwanted enrollment: Termites bugging the bug department
Kudos, publications and presentations
- New interior architecture and product design grad takes first in competition
- They've got our number: Mathematics education at K-State ranks as a value
August 1, 2013
News and research
- Nancy Peterson's retirement reception begins at 3:30 p.m. today
- Rec services now offering payroll deduction option for membership
- Wikipedia comes to the Beach Museum of Art on Aug. 8
- Golf tourney Oct. 4 to raise scholarship funds for College of Architecture, Planning and Design students
Kudos, publications and presentations
- Engineering students, organizations earn high recognitions at international meeting
- K-State Salina team places sixth in air race
Campus construction and maintenance
- Trend Micro Antivirus campus service migrating to new servers Aug. 5
- Parking closed on College Heights Road from Aug. 5-23
Newsletters, magazines and blogs
Browse the Archive
- Jan