University Support Staff Employee Personnel Actions
Chapter 4460
Issued November 7, 2002 Revised June 26, 2008, November 27, 2012, July 29, 2013 and April 28, 2014
Table of Contents
.010 Introduction
.020 Regulations
.030 Verification of Employment Eligibility
.040 Types of Appointments
.050 Multiple Positions
.060 Completing the Kansas State University Appointment Form
.070 Data Changes
.080 Separations
.090 Completing the Kansas State University Change or Separation Form
.100 Completing the Kansas State University Position Data Sheet
.110 Personnel Transaction Submission
.120 Questions
Related Content
.200 Kansas State University Appointment Form (PER-38)
.210 Kansas State University Change and Separation Form (PER-39)
.220 Kansas State University Position Data Sheet (PER-36)
.010 Introduction
The Division of Human Resources (HR) is responsible for maintaining the official personnel files and Human Resource Information System (HRIS) data for university support staff, unclassified and student state and local agency employees. The goal is to ensure personnel/payroll transactions are completed and processed accurately and in compliance with Federal and State Employment laws, Kansas Board of Regents, Kansas Civil Service and University regulations.
This chapter provides information pertaining to policies and procedures for different types of university support staff personnel actions: appointments, changes and separations. Also included is information on the appropriate procedures for completing the required documents.
.020 Regulations
The following is a listing of statutes, regulations and policies relevant to this chapter:
Kansas Administrative Regulations (KAR): Article 5, Compensation, 1-6-24, 1-6-25, 1-6-27, 1-6-29, 1-6-30, 1-7-3, 1-7-4 and Article 11, Non Disciplinary Termination.
Instructions for Completing Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9
Kansas State University Policies and Procedures Manual Chapters: 4080, 4210, 4220, 4450, 4860.
.030 Verification of Employment Eligibility
Before an employee can be hired and placed on the payroll at Kansas State University, the employee must first provide verification of employment eligibility. The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 established a method to verify employment eligibility of new employees which is designed to prevent the employment of Foreign Nationals who are unauthorized to work in the U.S. An Employment Eligibility Verification Form I-9, must be completed for all new employees and copies of documents used for verification must be submitted with their appointment forms. Refer to the Instructions for Completing I-9. The employee cannot be hired and cannot be placed on the payroll without meeting the appropriate requirements outlined in the instructions.
Department designees are required to physically examine the required documentation and complete the Form I-9 within three business days of an employee's hire date. Failure to do so subjects the University to potential fines by the U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services.
Verification is not required in the case of promotions, transfers or demotions. The verification process is also not required when an individual is rehired with a valid Form I-9 on file, but the previously completed Form I-9 must be reviewed to determine continued work eligibility. The Form I-9 is valid for a period of three years for rehire purposes.
.040 Types of Appointments
The university support staff service comprises all appointments that have been made according to recruitment regulations involving eligible pools. No person appointed to a university support staff position shall be appointed in any other manner than that prescribed in the Kansas Civil Service Act.
The following are the different types of appointments associated with university support staff employees. Each type of appointment has specific rules for the beginning salary. Refer to PPM Chapter 4450, Compensation for University Support Staff Employees, for further information regarding salary.
Initial Regular Appointments/New Hires - An initial regular appointment means a new state employee is being appointed to a regular budgeted position.
Temporary Appointments - A temporary university support staff appointment is limited to working 999 hours in a year beginning from the date of initial temporary appointment and ending the following year on that date. A temporary appointment may be for a shorter period of time as determined by the department, however, it cannot exceed one year in length. An incumbent may hold more than one temporary position at a time, but the hours combined shall not exceed more than the 999 total hours for 12 consecutive months. All time worked, including overtime, will count toward the 999 hours. Once the 999 hours limit is reached, the employee may not be rehired until the one-year anniversary date. A temporary employee is not eligible for benefits and does not earn leave credits.
Reinstatements – An employee with permanent status who separates from state service in good standing and returns within one year to a regular position is considered a reinstatement.
Promotions – An employee who has permanent status and is hired into a position with a higher pay grade is considered a promotion.
Reallocations/Reclassifications – A reallocation/reclassification occurs when a position is reviewed by the Compensation and Organizational Effectiveness Unit of Human Resources and is assigned a different classification because the duties have changed.
Demotions - A demotion occurs when an employee is hired to a different position with a lower pay grade. A voluntary demotion occurs when the employee requests the demotion to a lower pay grade. An involuntary demotion occurs when the Vice President for Human Capital places the employee in a lower pay grade for disciplinary reasons.
Transfers (to a Different Department within Kansas State University) - An employee who moves from one position to another with no change in pay grade is considered a transfer. If transferring to unclassified service, see Separations – Change from University Support Staff to Unclassified Service.
Transfer (from Another State Agency) – An employee who moves from another state agency to Kansas State University. See guidance under Promotions, Demotions or Transfers, whichever is applicable, above.
Acting Assignments - An acting assignment occurs when a campus department/unit needs to assign an existing K-State employee to perform the duties of an employee who is unable to fulfill his/her duties for an extended period (generally up to three months). The department/unit has an obligation to use its best judgment regarding the selection of an employee for the temporary assignment. Perception about the lack of a competitive selection process for an acting assignment needs to be carefully considered; a legitimate business reason for not having a competitive selection process for an acting assignment must exist. Examples might include: an immediate urgent need to have someone in the role or limited availability of qualified individuals. HR has developed procedures for establishing an acting assignment.
An employee selected to fill an acting assignment must meet the minimum qualifications for the position. Employees who are appointed to an acting assignment shall be temporarily granted additional compensation as appropriate, in consultation with Human Resources.
Interim Assignments - When a position is vacant, and the department/unit needs to fill the position for a limited period of time (generally up to one year) preparatory to a full recruitment, the department/unit may make an interim appointment, usually of an existing K-State employee. The process should be coordinated with Human Resources to ensure an announcement to interested persons as follows:
- Announce the opportunity within the department/unit, school or college, and in other departments/units as needed, and give a date by which letters of interest and a CV/Resume must be submitted;
- Indicate that a competitive (internal or external) recruitment will occur in the future to permanently fill the position; alternatively, if the department/unit wishes to request a waiver of recruitment, follow the usual process for such a request;
- Employees interviewed for the interim position must meet the minimum qualifications;
- If there is no waiver of recruitment, appoint a selection committee and begin the recruitment for the permanent position, or begin reorganization efforts, within sufficient time (usually at least 120 days) before the end of the interim appointment.
An employee on an interim appointment is eligible to apply for the permanent position through a competitive recruitment. Upon completion of the interim appointment, unless selected for the permanent position the employee will return to his/her previous position and department/unit and will be paid at the salary they would have been had the interim assignment not occurred, including any university-wide salary increase that may have applied to their previous salary. HR has developed procedures for establishing an interim assignment.
Limited Term - A limited term position is similar to a regular position. The employee serves a probationary period when hired and has the same rights and benefits as other permanent employees. When appointed to a limited term position, an employee is benefits eligible when appointed for 1000 hours or greater. Pay increases are based upon time-on-step. A limited term position, however, most often is established for work on grants, contracts or special projects that have beginning and end dates with limited and specific funding. The employee is hired with full knowledge that the position will terminate on a specific date. The end of the appointment is not considered a layoff and any rules or regulations regarding layoff specifically exclude employees in limited term positions. A "Limited Term Agreement" form must be completed and submitted with appointment forms.
.050 Multiple Positions
An individual may be employed on multiple positions at Kansas State University or may be employed with Kansas State University and another state agency at the same time.
It is the intent that a KSU university support staff employee will have only one regular position at a time with split funding or, alternatively, to be jointly appointed in two positions. Exceptions to this policy must be approved in advance by the Vice President for Human Capital. Holding multiple regular positions (not jointly) may require special handling of pay increases, performance reviews, etc.
An employee may work in more than one classification and/or more than one position on a temporary university support staff appointment as long as the total time worked on all positions does not exceed 999 hours per year.
All time worked in multiple state positions counts toward the same 40-hour work week. Any university support staff non-exempt (hourly) employee who works more than 40 hours in a work week is entitled to overtime pay or compensatory overtime leave. Refer to PPM Chapter 4220, Hours of Work, Overtime and Compensatory Time, for further information regarding hours of work and overtime.
According to Kansas Administrative Regulation (K.A.R.) 1-5-22, each employee who is employed in two or more regular part-time positions will receive pay for the duties performed in each position. An employee's percentage of time worked should not exceed 100 percent, except as noted on the following. Any FLSA exempt university support staff employee may hold one or more additional exempt unclassified positions teaching or conducting research in a state educational institution without limit on total pay. In such cases, the university support staff employee's department head must certify to the Vice President for Human Capital that the position does not detract from the time for which the employee is being paid as a university support staff employee. FLSA non-exempt university support staff employees may not be concurrently employed in an exempt university support staff or unclassified position. Each employee who is employed in multiple part-time positions will receive benefits commensurate with the total time worked on all part-time positions.
.060 Completing the Kansas State University Appointment Form
The Kansas State University Appointment Form (PER-38) is used for university support staff appointments.
The following fields are required when completing the Appointment Form for university support staff employees and help expedite processing time.
Type of Employee (University Support Staff or Unclassified)
Employee Name
Dept ID
Dept Name
Employee ID (leave blank for a new employee)
Employment Rcd #
Effective Date
Type of Action (Hire, Add Concurrent Job, Correct, Update)
Action Code
Reason Code
Position #
When an employee is appointed to a university support staff position at Kansas State University, certain personnel transactions must be completed and submitted to the Division of Human Resources (HR). An Kansas State University Appointment Form (PER-38) must be completed for the following university support staff appointments.
- Initial Regular Appointments/New Hires
- Temporary Appointments
- Reinstatements
- Promotions
- Reallocations/Reclassifications
- Demotions
- Transfers to a Different Department within Kansas State University
- Transfers from Another State Agency
- Acting Assignments
- Limited Terms Appointments
There are certain forms that are required before an employee can be appointed. Those forms required include the Kansas State University Appointment Form (PER-38), a Form I-9 with supporting documentation, Substance Abuse Form and the Intellectual Property Agreement (IPA). Other documents, such as the KSU Foreign National Tax Information Form (PER-15), will be required if an employee is not a U.S. citizen. If any of these forms are missing for an initial hire, or if any of these forms do not have the appropriate signatures, the documents may be returned to the department until the completed information is obtained.
The following is specific information on how to complete the Appointment Form based on appointment action. Refer to the University Support Staff Appointments, Changes and Separations Guidelines for a list of documents to be included with each type of hire, change and separation.
University Support Staff Reg Requisition # - Used by Talent Acquisition.
Unclassified or University Support Staff - Indicate University Support Staff.
Name - Enter the first, middle and last name of the employee as it appears on the social security card.
Enter either the middle name or middle initial as it appears on the social security card. If a full middle name is entered, that name will appear along with the employee's first and last name on all documents, including pay advices, etc. If the employee chooses not to use either, that is acceptable also.
Enter the last name of the employee as it appears on the social security card. If an employee does not have a social security card with their current last name due to marriage, divorce, etc., the employee must apply for a new card before their current name can be entered into HRIS.
Enter appropriate suffix if the employee has one, such as Jr., Sr., IV, etc.
Soc Sec # (Social Security Number) - Social security number of employee. This number should be copied from the employee's social security card. A copy of the card should be submitted with all appointment paperwork. Since the correct number is important to the individual's records, do not take social security number from the individual based upon his or her memory. If the employee does not have a social security number, he or she should make application at a local Social Security Office. Do not submit an Appointment Form (PER-38) for an employee until a social security number is assigned; individuals cannot be paid without a social security number.
Dept ID - A 10-digit number assigned to each department. The first five digits are "36700" followed by the five-digit Financial Information System (FIS) department number.
Dept Name - Official name of the department where the employee will work. The Department ID must match the Department Name.
eID (electronic ID) - eIDs (formerly K-State Computing IDS) are "electronic Ids" on K-State's central computer systems. An eID is required for all new employees. For information on the registration process, refer to eID's at K-State.
Employee ID – An eleven-digit identification number assigned to the employee when the employee is originally hired. Usually begins with a "W". If the employee worked for another state agency prior to coming to KSU, or if employed with KSU prior to 1995, the ID may have a different beginning letter. Leave this field blank for new employees and it will be system assigned.
Rcd # (Employment Record Number) - This is usually "0" for new hires. It is generally one less than the number of positions the employee holds. If an employee is currently active on Rcd 0 and being appointed to a second position, that number will be "1". If an employee has a Rcd 0 (active), Rcd 1 (inactive) and Rcd 2 (active), Rcd 1 should be used since it is the inactive record and available.
Preferred Name - For Faculty and Staff, a name to be used in place of the first name for the campus white pages and phonebook. Example: First Name is William, Preferred Name is Bill.
Effective Date - The date the action takes effect. If appointing an employee, this date should be the first day of work for the employee. Transactions that affect benefit eligible employees need to be effective the first day of the pay period whenever possible.
End of Appt Date – Used for temporary appointments or limited term appointments that have a future end of appointment date. This date is the first day the employee is not employed. For temporary appointments, this date must be no later than one year following the appointment date.
Marital Status – Indicate the appropriate marital status.
Marital Status | |
Common Law | Married |
Divorced | Single |
Separated | Widowed |
Head of Household |
Hire – Used for all new appointments (initial hires and rehires).
Add Concurrent Job – Used when an employee has other active positions within HRIS. Total FTE on all positions should not exceed 1.0 FTE.
Correct – Used to change data in the Human Resource Information System (HRIS) that is incorrect due to previous personnel transactions. Also used when superceding previous transactions.
Update - Used for promotions, reallocations/reclassifications, demotions, transfers to a different department within KSU, and acting assignments.
Indicate the employee's current home address including street, rural route, post office box, city, state, zip code. Employee paychecks, pay advices and W-2 will be mailed here. Note: When completing the Appointment Form (PER-38) for anything other than the initial hire, only complete the address section if the address is changing.
Country – Indicate USA unless the employee has a foreign address.
Address 1 & Address 2, City, County, Zip Code & State – Street address, apartment and/or box number, county, city, zip code and state of employee. For example Address 1: 1234 Sunset Ave Apt 2. Address 2: PO Box 1234 or leave blank. City: Manhattan County: RL Zip Code: 66502-1223. State:KS. The following abbreviations should be used when referring to street locations: Lane (Ln), Street (St), Drive (Dr), Road (Rd), Avenue (Ave), Square (Sq), Circle (Cir) and Terrace (Ter). The county is identified by a two digit county code for the city of the home address. Refer to the list of applicable codes on the County Table.
Personnel specialists can make address changes on-line in HRIS. For instructions on changing addresses, refer to: Address Changes.
Home Phone – Indicate the 10-digit home phone number of the employee. This phone number will be published in the KSU Campus Phone Book and the on-line White Pages directory unless otherwise indicated. See "Withhold Home Address/Phone in Campus Phone Book?" below.
Mailing Address – Provide mailing address, if different from the home address.
Other Phone – This field is used to record other phone numbers, such as cellular phone numbers.
Gender – Indicate correct Gender by inserting an "X" by Male or Female.
Highest Education Level - Indicate from the table that follows.
Highest Education Level | |
2-Yr Degree | Master's Degree |
Bachelor | |
Doctorate-Academic | Post Doctorate |
Doctorate-Professional (MD, DDS, JD) | Some College |
HS Graduate or GED | Some Graduate School |
Less than High School | Technical School |
Degree – Identify the degree, such as BA for Bachelor of Arts, MA for Master of Arts. Refer to the list of applicable codes on the Degree Table.
Date Acquired – Year degree was earned.
Major – Area in which degree was obtained, such as Business Administration, Horticulture, etc.
School – Name of school or university where degree was earned.
Birthdate – Employee's date of birth. Use MM/DD/YY format.
Ethnic Group – Identify the ethnic group to which the employee belongs.
- American Indian/Alaskan Native
- Asian/Pacific Islander
- Black
- Hispanic
- White
Military Status – Identify the military status of the employee.
- Not Indicated
- Other Vet
- Active Reserve
- Retired
- Inactive Reserve
- Vietnam Vet
- No Mil Svc
- Both Vet
- Misc Vet
Disabled – Place and "X" in the checkbox if employee is disabled.
Disabled Veteran – Place an "X" in the checkbox if employee is a Disabled Veteran. This represents the claim for disabled veteran's preference points.
Withhold Home Address/Phone in Campus Phone Book? – Identify whether an employee wishes to withhold his or her home address and home phone from the Campus Phone Book and the on line White Pages. Work address, work phone and e-mail address will appear in the Campus Phone Book and the on-line White Pages. Place an "X" in the appropriate box.
Action – Identify the personnel action affecting the employee. Select the appropriate code. Refer to University Support Staff/Unclassified Action/Reason Codes.
Reason – Identify the reason code for the personnel transaction. Select the appropriate code, University Support Staff/Unclassified Action/Reason Codes.
Position # - An 8 digit position number to which the employee is assigned. Employees must be placed in vacant (open) positions. Regular positions are budgeted. Recruitment could not possibly be done without a position already established. Temporary positions are not budgeted. If you do not have a temporary position available in which to appoint the employee, complete a Position Data Sheet (PER-36) and submit it along with the Appointment Form (PER-38). A position that is currently designated as regular (budgeted) cannot be changed to a temporary position (non-budgeted).
Job Code – Indicate university support staff job code number associated with employee. Refer to the University Support Staff Job Codes.
Job Title – Job title description associated with Job Code above. Refer to the University Support Staff Job Codes.
Reg/Temp – Regular (REG) would be entered for budgeted positions. Temporary (TEMP) would be entered for non-budgeted positions.
Full or Part Time – "FT" would be entered for full-time or a "PT" for part-time position. Full-time equals 1.0 FTE; any FTE less than 1.0 is a part-time position. (Note: In determining benefit eligibility, part-time is considered .8 FTE or less.)
FTE – Select the appropriate FTE from the list provided. Indicate the tenths time of the position, such as 1.0 or .30.
FLSA – Place an "X" in the appropriate box – EXEMPT (salaried) or NON-EXEMPT (hourly).
9-Month or 12-Month Basis – Place an "X" on the appropriate line to indicate if the employee is 9-Month or 12-Month.
Tax Location – This field is used for taxing jurisdiction in the payroll process. This is the state in which the employee works. For most employees at Kansas State University, this will be Kansas. Notify HR immediately if the employee's work location is outside of Kansas.
Grade – Salary Grade for employee's position. For university support staff employees, the salary grade corresponds to the job classification of the position. Refer to the University Support Staff Pay Scale and Classifications.(PDF) for the applicable Grade if it is not known.
Step – Salary step. Used for university support staff employees only and represents the step on the pay rate scale. Steps range from '4' through '16'.
Comp Rate (Hourly) – If the employee's position is non-exempt (does earn overtime), indicate the hourly compensation rate of pay on the line shown, coinciding with the Grade and Step.
Comp Rate (Bi-weekly) – If the employee's position is exempt (does not earn overtime), indicate the bi-weekly compensation rate on the line shown, coinciding with the Grade and Step.
Probation Date – If the employee is serving a probationary period and the Employment Status is "Probation", indicate the probation end date. Refer to PPM Chapter 4080, Performance Management Process, for specific information on length of probationary periods.
Employment Status – Indicate the current status of an employee. Place an "X" in the box with the appropriate status:
- Probation – Initial hires and promotions are subject to a probationary period. Initial hires are subject to a six month probation, while promotions are subject to three or six month's probation as determined by the department.
- Permanent – Employees who transfer, demote or reallocate are generally permanent, unless there are circumstances that warrant a probation period.
- Trainee – Certain classifications of positions may be designated by the Vice President for Human Capital as training classes. Each person employed in a training class shall be in training status and not in probationary or permanent status. The training period served shall not be less than six months or more than 24 months from the date of employment.
Benefit Program – This is based on full-time or part-time and annual salary. The indicator is used to determine Benefit Program eligibility. For benefit eligibility, .9 FTE or greater is considered full-time.
State of Kansas Options | Local Agency Options |
GEN - No Benefits (General) | GEN - No Benefits (General) |
FT1 - Full-time (earnings less than $28,000 per year) | ATH - Intercollegiate Athletics |
FT2 - Full-time (earnings between $28,000 and $48,000 per year) | PUB - Student Publications |
FT3 - Full-time (earnings more than $48,000 per year) | UN2-K-State Student Union ($20,000 or more annual salary) |
PT1 - Part-time .5 to .8 FTE |
Benefit Rcd # - Record number that tracks benefit programs for multiple jobs. It should coincide with the employment record number for the job controlling the benefits.
Citizenship Status – Identify the employee's citizenship. If the employee is not a U.S. citizen, please complete Visa Information and attach a Foreign National Tax Information Form (PER-15).
- Alien Permanent
- Native
- Alien Temporary
- Naturalized
Visa Type – If the employee is a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident, leave this field blank. An On-Campus Work Permit is required for visa holders. They are to be obtained through the International Student and Scholar Services. Those holding an F-2 (spouse of student) visa are not allowed to work. If employee is not a U.S. citizen and is in this country under a Visa authorizing employment, insert the type of Visa from the following list. Certain types of Visas limit the number of hours per week the individual may work.
Visa | Type |
F1 | Student |
J1 | Exchange Visitor/Research |
J2 | Spouse/Child Exchange |
H1B | Temporary Worker |
TN | Nafta Agreement (i.e. Canada or Mexico) |
O1 | Extraordinary Ability |
Inactivate Direct Deposit? (only if rehire) - When rehiring an employee, mark the appropriate box with an "X". Direct deposits are inactivated automatically 12 months from date of termination unless a rehire is processed within those 12 months. For employees hired after the one year period, or for those wishing to change direct deposit information (i.e., bank or account number), a new direct deposit form is required. Employee's who return to work and whose direct deposit is still active are not required to submit a direct deposit form if they are keeping the same information currently in HRIS.
Eff Date (Tenure)
Teaching Faculty
Faculty Senate
If the appointee has been previously or is currently employed by state or local government, or any other State agency including KSU, give agency name(s), date(s) of employment, and employee ID, if known, in this section. This information will be used in determining service information for leave accrual, service awards and retirement eligibility.
Use this section for any additional information relevant to the employee.
Provided for department use. Funding is updated on-line by department personnel specialists.
All new hires must sign the employee oath in ink in the presence of a notary public before they may be placed on the payroll. After reading the oath aloud, the employee must sign the Employee Oath section of the Appointment Form (PER-38). The statement must not be altered by the employee. The notary also signs the Employee Oath section of the Appointment Form (PER-38), completes the expiration information, and affixes his or her seal in the space provided. If there has not been a break in service between appointments, it is not required to have the appointee retake the oath. In this instance, indicate "Previously Signed" in the block entitled "Employees Signature" when completing the PER-38. If an employee has been off the payroll for one day or more, the employee oath must be completed only if the job duties have changed from the previous appointment.
Employee Signature – Required on all hires. It is recommended that employee signatures be obtained on all personnel transactions whenever possible to ensure the employee is aware of and understands the information that has been completed.
Signature(s) of Unit or Department Head, Dean, and/or Vice President – Contingent upon internal procedures, the Unit or Department Head, and/or Dean, Vice-President, etc., signs and dates the Appointment Form (PER-38) to signify approval of the appointment. For multiple appointments, signatures must be obtained from all applicable departments.
.070 Data Changes
The information below pertains to data changes for university support staff state and local agency employees. These changes are accomplished by completing the Change or Separation Form (PER-39), and submitting it to the Division of Human Resources (HR). For certain actions, the Position Data Sheet (PER-36), may also be required.
Personal Information – An employee's personal information includes: Name, Employee Identification Number, Social Security Number, Home Address, Mailing Address, Education Information, Home Phone Number, Gender, Marital Status, Birth Date, Citizenship, Ethnic Group, Military Status and Veteran's Preference. Certain personal information may be changed by department personnel specialists in HRIS, such as education information and address changes. Other information requires the submission of a Change or Separation Form (PER-39) to HR. Some may require additional supporting documentation. These types of changes are:
- Name changes – requires a copy of the employee's social security card.
- Social Security Number – requires a copy of the employee's social security card.
- Citizenship status – requires a copy of the documentation proving status changes (i.e., Visa, Work Permit, Form I-9).
The Division of Human Resources distributes "Employee Information Update" forms to employees once a year. Individuals may update these forms and forward them to HR in lieu of completing a Change or Separation Form (PER-39).
FTE (Full-Time Equivalent) Changes – When a university support staff employee's position FTE changes, a transaction must be submitted to HR. FTE can either be increased or decreased. For procedures on requesting additional FTE for a position that does not currently have the desired FTE available, refer to PPM Chapter 4210, Position Management, Section 50, Changes to Existing Positions. Upon approval of the FTE change, a PER-39 must be completed and forwarded to HR indicating the new FTE. If the needs of a position have decreased, or if an employee requests a decrease in FTE, the department should first contact the Division of Human Resources. A PER-39 is also needed when decreasing FTE.
Changing from Probationary to Permanent Status – To change an employee from probationary to permanent status, submit to HR the Employee Performance Review. Upon receipt of an employee's probationary review, HR will change the incumbents' status to permanent. For information on probationary periods and reviews, refer to PPM Chapter 4080, Performance Management Process.
Leave of Absence and Return from Leave of Absence – A leave of absence occurs when a university support staff employee exhausts all leave credits and goes on a leave without pay status. Any leave of absence must be approved by the employee's department head/director. In cases where the leave of absence exceeds 30 days, a letter must be submitted to the Vice President for Human Capital requesting approval. The Vice President for Human Capital will determine whether approval of each request for leave without pay is for the good of the service, and shall approve or not approve the request. A leave of absence for less than 30 days is recorded in HRIS time entry pages. A leave of absence that has been approved for more than 30 days, requires the submission of a Change and Separation Form (PER-39) to HR. A leave of absence for more than 30 days affects the employee in the following ways – length of service date, leave accrual, longevity bonus, pay increases and benefits. For more information regarding leave of absences, refer to PPM Chapter 4860, Employee Leaves, Holidays, FMLA and Other Absences Section F, 50, Leave Without Pay (LWOP).
Military Leave - If an employee is being granted leave without pay as a result of being called to active military duty, submit a Change and Separation Form (PER-39) to Human Resources with a copy of the employee's orders that have been authenticated by the unit commander. For more information regarding military leave, refer to PPM Chapter 4860, Employee Leaves.
Work Address and Work Phone – Changes in work address and work phone require the submission of a Position Data Sheet form (PER-36) to HR. This information should be kept as current as possible as it is used and updated daily for the on-line White Pages and KSU Campus Phone Book. Several changes within a department may be submitted to HR as a listing instead of PER-36 forms.
.080 Separations
The following information in this section pertains to separations of university support staff state and local agency personnel. Such personnel separations are accomplished by completing a Change and Separation Form (PER-39), and submitting it to the Division of Human Resources (HR). Note that some actions require the submission of additional documentation, such as a letter of resignation and/or Exit Interview (PER-16).
Resignation – An employee wishing to resign from the university support staff service in good standing will file with the department, at least two weeks before his or her last day at work, a written letter of resignation stating the effective date and the reason for leaving. Departments are responsible for providing written acceptance of the resignation to the employee. If the employee fails to provide the required notice, a statement concerning such failure may be inserted in the employee's permanent record. A letter of resignation and/or an Exit Interview (PER-16), must accompany the Change and Separation Form (PER-39) when submitted to HR. All compensatory leave and vacation leave (up to maximum accumulation) must be paid to the employee. For more information on maximum leave accumulation, refer to PPM Chapter 4860, Employee Leaves, Section 20b, Vacation Leave.
End of Temporary – A university support staff temporary employee's appointment may be ended at any time during employment. Upon appointment, the department either indicates on the Appointment Form (PER-38) submitted to HR the date they wish the temporary to end or HR will automatically terminate the employee one year from the date originally appointed. If the department does not indicate a date and wishes to terminate the employee prior to the end of the year, the department personnel specialist can enter the Appointment End Date in HRIS or submit a Change or Separation Form (PER-39) to separate the employee. A letter of resignation is optional.
Separation to New Agency – If an employee is leaving Kansas State University to work at another agency within the State of Kansas, a Change or Separation Form (PER-39) should be submitted with the name of the new agency indicated under "additional information". A letter of resignation and/or Exit Interview (PER-16) must accompany the Change or Separation Form (PER-39) when submitted to HR. All compensatory and holiday compensatory leave must be paid to the employee. All other leave should transfer to the new agency.
Change from University Support Staff to Unclassified Service - If an employee is changing type of service at KSU (i.e., going from university support staff to unclassified), a Change or Separation Form (PER-39) should be submitted with the pertinent information listed under "additional information". An Appointment Form (PER-38) is submitted by the department hiring the employee.
Retirement – An employee who retires shall be paid for all compensatory leave, holiday compensatory leave, vacation leave (up to maximum accumulation) and sick leave (amount that is allowable according to balances and years of service). The employee should notify the Benefits Unit of HR ( prior to retirement. See PPM Chapter 4810, Retirement Plans, Policies and Procedures, for further information.
Dismissal – The dismissal of an employee must be approved by the Vice President for Human Capital. After the dismissal has been approved, all appropriate documentation (i.e. – letters sent to employee) should accompany the personnel transaction sent to HR. All compensatory leave, holiday compensatory leave and vacation leave (up to maximum accumulation) shall be paid to the employee.
End of Term Appointment – A university support staff limited term appointment is renewed based upon funding. If funding is no longer available, an employee is terminated by submitting the Change or Separation Form (PER-39) along with the appropriate documentation. The documentation would be in the form of a letter that was given to the employee regarding non-renewal of the limited term appointment.
Death – If an employee dies while employed at KSU, a Change or Separation Form (PER-39) should be submitted with the pertinent information marked. All compensatory leave, holiday compensatory leave and vacation leave up to maximum accumulation will be paid. The department personnel specialist should notify the Benefits Administration ( Unit of HR.
Lay-Off – Approval from the Vice President for Human Capital must be obtained prior to a lay-off. If an employee is laid off, a Change or Separation Form (PER-39) should be submitted with the pertinent information marked. All compensatory leave, holiday compensatory leave and vacation leave up to the maximum accumulation will be paid.
.090 Completing the Kansas State University Change or Separation Form
The Change or Separation Form (PER-39) is designed to simplify the processing of employee data changes and/or separations. The form may be used to submit multiple changes with the same effective date.
Instructions are provided on the Change or Separation Form (PER-39) page.
.100 Completing the Kansas State University Position Data Sheet
The Position Data Sheet (PER-36) is completed when changes need to be made to an existing university support staff position. A PER-36 also allows you to add a new position. The University Budget Office maintains the budgeted positions on-line in the Human Resource Information System (HRIS). The Division of Human Resources (HR) adds new non-budgeted positions and maintains/updates positions in HRIS.
For information on requesting a new university support staff budgeted position, refer to, PPM Chapter 4210, Position Management, Funding and Other Changes For University Support Staff Positions. FTE and funding must be available for the position to be established.
When creating a new university support staff temporary position, submit the PER-36 to HR for on-line entry.
If a change affects position data only, such as work phone or work address, use a PER-36 to submit updates to HR. If the change affects both the position data and the employee data, use both the PER-36 and an Appointment Form (PER-38), or a Change or Separation Form (PER-39) to submit updates to HR.
The following is information pertaining to the Position Data Sheet (PER-36) and must be completed:
University Support Staff or Unclassified – Indicate University Support Staff position by placing and "X" in the appropriate box.
Employee Name – Enter the full name of the employee as it appears on the social security card. Enter in standard HRIS name format, mixed case,[First Name] space [Middle Name or Initial] space [Last Name] space [Suffix – if applicable]. This should remain blank if the position is not filled.
Department ID – A 10-digit number assigned to each department. The first five digits are "36700" followed by the 5-digit department number assigned by the Financial Information System (FIS).
Department Name – Official name of the department where the position resides. The Department ID must match the Department Name.
Employee ID - An eleven-digit identification number assigned to the employee when the employee is originally hired. Usually begins with a "W". If the employee has been employed with another state agency prior to coming to KSU or employed at KSU prior to 1995, the employee may have a different beginning letter.
RCD # (Employment Record #) - This is usually "0" for new hires. It is generally one less than the number of positions the employee holds. If an employee is currently active on Rcd 0 and you are appointing to a second position, that number will be "1". If, however, an employee has a Rcd 0 (active), Rcd 1 (inactive) and Rcd 2 (active), Rcd 1 should be used since it is the inactive record. This should remain blank if the position is not filled.
Add – Use to create a new position. Regular positions are established by the Budget office.
Update – Use to change information on an established position.
Correct/Supercede – Use to change position data in HRIS that is incorrect or to supersede previous transactions. A correction will override existing on-line information in HRIS.
Inactivate – Used to inactivate a position. Once a position is inactivated, it may not be used again.
Position Number – Position number to which the employee is assigned. If this is a regular position, the number should be available before recruitment. If this is a new, temporary position, the number is automatically generated by the system after the position data has been added and saved in HRIS. This is an eight-character alpha/numeric field.
Complete the following fields.
Effective Date – This is the date the action takes effect – the date that the new position is established or the date that the position changes or becomes inactivated.
Reason – Identify the action reason for the transaction using the applicable Action/Reason Codes Position Data Sheet. When a new position is added, this field will be "NEW".
Reports To – Identify the position number for the individual who supervises this employee.
Business Title – More descriptive job title. This is optional. The business title will override the job title in the Campus Phone Book.
Long Description – Description of position. This is optional.
Company – Company of position. Values are listed below.
Companies | |
State of Kansas (SOK) | Intercollegiate Athletics (ATH) |
Student Publications (PUB) | K-State Student Union (KUN) |
Department ID – The Department ID will default after entered at the top of the form.
Department Name – The Department Name will default after entered at the top of the form.
Job Code – Indicates university support staff job code number associated with employee. Refer to the Job Codes.
Job Title – Job title associated with employee. Must match the Job Code. Refer to the Job Codes.
Regular or Temporary – Identify whether the position is a regular or temporary position by placing an "X" by the appropriate box. Regular positions are budgeted positions. Temporary positions are non-budgeted positions. University support staff temporary positions cannot be benefit eligible.
Full-Time or Part-Time – Identify whether the position is a full-time position or a part-time position by placing and "X" by the appropriate box. When full-time is indicated, 1.0 FTE is displayed in HRIS. When part-time is indicated, less than 1.0 is displayed in HRIS.
Standard Hours – Hours per week that correspond to tenths time (FTE) of the position. For a full-time employee, Standard Hours will be 40 hours. For a part-time (.5 FTE), the standard hours will be 20 hours per week.
Mail Drop ID – The work address for the position. Mail Drop ID defaults to KSU Employment Data page in HRIS.
Proper format: Room Number and Building
Example: 103 Edwards, 146 Durland
If the position is located in a city other than Manhattan, indicate the city and county if in Kansas, or the city and state if out-of-state, or country if not in the US.
Work Phone – Area code and work telephone number. Work Phone defaults to Employment Data page in HRIS.
Budgeted Position – This field is used for reporting purposes and for the budget system interface. If the position appears in the University Budget, place an "X" on this line. If the position is in the University Budget, it must be a regular position and count toward FTE.
Confidential Position – This field is used to indicate employees in positions that meet the definition of confidential or supervisory positions in accordance with Kansas Administrative Regulations. These positions may be excluded from employee information requests the state receives from employee organizations. Place an "X" in the box to indicate if the position is a confidential position.
Position Pool ID – Code used to identify a particular department position pool. Position pools are used for those positions where funding does not change often and where there are a group of positions within a department that are funded exactly the same.
FTE – Tenths time of position. If full-time, FTE will be 1.0. If the position is part-time, this field will show tenths time (FTE) as follows:
Examples: Tenths time (FTE) = .10 works 4 hours per week
.20 works 8 hours per week
.30 works 12 hours per week
.40 works 16 hours per week
Academic Rank – No selection is needed for university support staff employees.
County – Two character code that identifies the county in which the position is located. Refer to the list of applicable codes for counties on the County Table.
Holiday Schedule – Defines the date that the holidays are officially observed and the number of hours of holiday credit associated with each holiday and defaults this data into the on-line time sheets to expedite time entry. All part-time employees have "PSVT" as a holiday schedule.
Holiday Schedule | Description | Short Name |
PSVT | Positive Time & Part Time Employees- (University Support Staff Part-Time Employees) | Positive time reporting for all holidays |
SOKS | State of Kansas Holiday Schedule - University Support Staff Full-Time Employees | Standard holiday schedule |
None | No Holiday Schedule - Temporary University Support Staff Employees | No Holidays |
Work Schedule – Defines the FLSA period and number of hours per day a position is scheduled to work. Refer to Work Schedules. The work schedule defaults scheduled hours into the on-line time sheets to expedite time entry.
FLSA – Exempt indicates the position is salaried and does not earn overtime; Non-Exempt indicates the position is hourly and does earn overtime. Place an "X" in the appropriate box. The Division of Human Resources determines FLSA status for all positions.
Designated/Commercial Driver – Designated applies to any safety sensitive position and Commercial Driver applies to a position that requires a CDL (Commercial Driver's License). Both types are subject to the drug-screening program. Please indicate the letter code listed below in the appropriate box.
Code | Definition |
B | Both |
D | Designated Position |
C | Commercial Driver |
N | Neither |
Appt Basis (Appointment Basis) – Indicate if the position is a 9-month or 12-month position. Place an "X" in the appropriate box.
Pay Group – Relate to payroll batch and distribution. This varies by exempt and non-exempt positions. The State of Kansas (SOK), as well as each local agency, has unique pay groups. The values are listed below.
State of Kansas(SOK) |
KEX = Exempt Salaried |
KNX = Non-Exempt Hourly |
Pay Groups Descriptions | Athletics (ATH) | K-State Student Union (KUN) | Student Publications (PUB) |
Exempt | AEX | UEX | PEX |
Non-Exempt Hourly | ANX | UNX | PNX |
Employee Type – Select the appropriate code. H = Hourly (non-exempt) S = Salaried (exempt)
Supervisory – This field identifies a university support staff position that has supervisory responsibilities over university support staff employees. Any university support staff employee hired into a position that has supervisory responsibilities is required to attend a supervisory training program which must be completed before permanent status will be granted. Valid values are listed below:
Code | Definition |
N - None | Does not supervise university support staff employees |
L - Lead Worker | Lead worker over university support staff employees |
S - Supervisor | Supervisor of university support staff employees |
M - Manager | Supervisor of supervisor(s) of university support staff employees |
P - Project/Program Manager | Manages a project or program |
SSI Designee (Statement of Substantial Interest) – This field is used to indicate positions whose incumbents have purchasing authority for Kansas State University and who must file an annual Statement of Substantial Interest declaration. Place an "X" on this line to indicate the incumbent of the position has purchasing authority.
CIP Code – This field would be left blank for university support staff employees.
Additional Information – Use this section for any additional information relevant to the transaction you would like to report or that you believe would be helpful to HR personnel or to other approval authorities.
Funding Data – This section is provided for department use only. Funding will be updated on line by departments in HRIS. Human Resources will not key this information into HRIS. This section is used to identify the FRS accounts to be used to fund this employee. The Annual Amount reflects annual salary associated with funding source and FTE. This is required by the Budget Office for new positions. Refer to Maintaining Department/Position Funding for information on funding changes.
Employee Signature – Optional
Signature Authorization/ Date – Contingent upon internal procedures, the Unit or Department Head, and/or Dean, Vice President, etc., signs and date the PER-36 to signify approval of the transaction. When multiple department FRS accounts are used, signatures must be obtained by all applicable departments.
.110 Personnel Transaction Submission
The Division of Human Resources (HR) distributes a monthly schedule of transaction deadlines related to payroll processing. During normal pay periods, where there are no holidays involved, transactions are due to HR on the first Friday of the pay period in order to be guaranteed a timely paycheck for that pay period. Pay periods near a holiday may have an alternative schedule. Schedules should be monitored closely to be aware of any schedule changes as they occur. Refer to the monthly schedule, HRIS Schedule/Calendar.
In all cases, a completed original transaction must be submitted to HR. The employee should sign and date all applicable forms, as well as all appropriate designated departmental personnel. If the employee is not available for signature or refuses to sign the form, this should be indicated on the appropriate line of the transaction form.
.120 Questions
Questions concerning this Chapter should be directed to the Resource Center and Operations, Division of Human Resources, (785) 532-6277.