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The Gardens

Gardens hours

Dawn to 10:00 p.m.
Sunday through Saturday
March through November

Quinlan Visitor Center

10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Monday through Friday
March through November



Free admission
Free parking

Kansas State University Gardens

Department of Horticulture and Natural Resources
2021 Throckmorton Ctr
1712 Claflin Road
Kansas State University
Manhattan, KS 66506

785-532-6949 fax

1500 Denison Ave.
Manhattan, KS 66506

Tours  - Guided tours are now available  

1. Guided Tour 

A docent will provide a brief history, walking tour of collections and specialty gardens, plans for the future and fielding of questions. Tours can be modified to address the group's needs, interests, and time limits; also activities for youth tours are available.  Please give approximately one week's notice to schedule a guided tour. 

To schedule a guided tour call 785-532-3271 or e-mail ksugardens@ksu.edu  

Please note: A donation of $2 per person with a minimum of $15 per group is greatly appreciated.

2. Self-Guided Tour

A self-guided tour pamphlet is available in the wooden "bird house" next to the welcome sign in the parking lot and to the right of the Visitors Center door. Please recycle the guide by returning it to the wooden guide holder.

3. K-State and Gardens Tour

To schedule a tour of the K-State campus with a visit to The Gardens contact:  Campus Visits, Kansas State University, Office of Recruitment and Admissions, 785-532-1521.