Campus Resources

Physical Well-Being

Lafene Health Center, 1105 Sunset Ave, 785-532-6544

Offers comprehensive and high-quality outpatient care.

Wildcat Walk, 785-395-SAFE (785-395-7233)

Provides escorts for students to on-campus destinations or up to two blocks off campus by K-State police and security officers.

Recreational Services, 101 Peters Rec Complex, 785-532-6980

Develops, promotes and manages the administration of recreational and fitness facilities, services and programs for the campus, including intramural/recreational sports, fitness programs and sport clubs.

Financial Well-Being

Powercat Financial, 302 K-State Student Union, 785-532-6980

Provides free peer-to-peer financial advice and resources on budgeting, credit use, saving, loan management and transitioning into work. Powercat Financial offers peer counseling at Cats' Cupboard! See schedule below.

Peer Counselor hours for Fall 2024

Office of Student Financial Assistance, 220 Anderson Hall, 785-532-6420

Provides financial assistance with grants, scholarships, loans and work-study.

K-State Proud, 1800 Kimball Ave., Suite 200, Kansas State University Foundation, 785-532-7570

A student-led, nationally recognized fundraising campaign that lets students help students. All student donations establish Student Opportunity Awards for fellow K-State students.

Career Center, 148 Berney Family Welcome Center, 785-532-6506

Provides career readiness with an extensive career library, free assessments for exploring major/careers, job search training, career advising, and employer connections.

  • Career Closet is a program established by the Career Center that allows K-State students to obtain business attire from a wide selection of clothing donated by Kansas State faculty, staff, and alumni as well as other professionals.

Academic Well-Being

Academic Achievement Center, 101 Holton Hall, 785-532-6492

Offers academic coaching, supplemental instruction, tutoring and student success courses.

Student Access Center, 202 Holton Hall, 785-532-6441

Offers support services for students with disabilities.

Student Support and Accountability, 201 Holton Hall, 785-532-6432

Student Support and Accountability (formerly the Office of Student Life) fosters an environment of collaboration, responsibility, and mutual respect in partnership with students and all of our university colleagues.

Provides crisis response; assists students with problem-solving and provides campus and community resources; and provides advocacy on a student's behalf.

Emotional Well-Being

Lafene CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services), 1105 Sunset Ave., Room 101, 785-532-6927

Provides consultation and crisis support; offers individual, couples and group therapy; and training for stress management and other skills for student success.

TELUS Health Student Support (formerly My SSP), 866-743-7732 (if calling from outside US or Canada, dial 001-416-380-6578)

24/7 support via chat and phone as well as counseling for students located around the country and the world.

Center for Advocacy, Response, and Education, 206 Holton Hall, 785-532-6444

Educates the K-State community about the spectrum of violence and bystander intervention techniques, and provides confidential advocacy and support for those who experience sexual violence, dating violence and stalking.

K-State Family Center, 139 Campus Creek Complex, 785-532-6984

Provides high-quality, affordable individual, family, couple and group therapy for people living in the Manhattan area.

Social/Personal Well-Being

Student Programs and Involvement, 114 K-State Student Union, 785-532-6541

Student Programs and Involvement advocates for personal and professional growth through student involvement. We accomplish this by providing opportunities, resources, and support for student organizations as a partner within the greater campus community.

Student Belonging and Inclusion - Morris Family Multicultural Student Center, 785-532-6436

Your hub for intercultural learning and collaborative initiatives. Located immediately east of the K-State Student Union, the Center offers an opportunity for people of all cultures, backgrounds and identities to explore their cultural origins, engage in meaningful cross-cultural interactions and broaden perspectives. The Center will enrich our learning environment and foster an inclusive, welcoming atmosphere that promotes student academic success, personal empowerment and contributes to the overall culture of K-State and Manhattan communities. The Center rejects racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and all other forms of discrimination.

Spectrum Center, 207B Holton Hall, 785-532-5352

Serves the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and allied community. The center provides support and resources for student issues dealing with sexuality and gender identity.

Student Legal Services, 201 Holton Hall, 785-532-6432

Provides free consultation for students regarding legal options and services.

Office of Institutional Equity, 103 Edwards Hall, 785-532-6220 | TRS 711

Evaluates and investigates reports of discrimination, harassment or sexual violence

Non-Traditional and Veteran Student Services, 217 Student Union, 785-395-8387

The Veteran Center is a hub of opportunities and resources for all military-connected students.

International Student and Scholar Services, 104 International Student Center, 785-532-6448

The International Student and Scholar Services office (ISSS) provides immigration services for students and scholars who are involved in educational programs or research at K-State. ISC facilitiates American students, faculty, staff and community members in the exploration of other cultures and the celebration of international festivities.