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K-State Today

October 28, 2021

Kramer wins ACI award for sustainability

Submitted by Grant Guggisberg

Kimberly Kramer, professor in the GE Johnson Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science, poses with her recent ACI award.

Kimberly Kramer, director of graduate studies and professor in the GE Johnson Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science, received the American Concrete Institute's Concrete Sustainability Award at the organization's virtual awards program on Oct. 20.

Kramer, who also holds the G.E. Johnson construction science chair, won the award for outstanding leadership and contributions, including bringing greater awareness to the environmental, social and economic benefits of concrete sustainability.

The award honors those who demonstrate or improve concrete's sustainable attributes through research, design, education or construction and use concrete in innovative ways to contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Kramer's research interests include the design of sustainable structures and rehabilitation and restoration of existing structures in the built environment.

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