November 1, 2011
Self-serve IT help requests now available online

Starting today, Nov. 1, K-Staters have a new way to get IT help or report IT issues and concerns — by submitting requests online at Links to the new Service-now self-service are on the homepages of the IT Help Desk and information technology services.
When the IT Help Desk receives customer input from the new self-service request channel, each case ticket is promptly assigned to staff supporting the related IT service.
The self-service component, which is a new feature in K-State's Service-now customer support system, works this way:
- A K-State eID/password is required to access the site.
- When users sign in, they'll see My Resolved Incidents, My Open Incidents, and have the ability to Create a New Incident and submit a self-service ticket request.
- The more detail users provide in their incident reports, the better their problems can be addressed.
- Users will receive an email copy indicating that an incident has been opened on their behalf.
- The IT Help Desk receives all incidents submitted on the site. In addition, email to or will auto-generate an incident ticket.
- Users will receive notification when an incident has been created or resolved.
More new services will be offered through this campus self-service tool, so it will continue to evolve. For more information, contact the IT Help Desk, 532-7722,