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  4. »Student Senate agenda

K-State Today Student Edition

March 15, 2018

Student Senate agenda

Submitted by Jonathan Peuchen

Student Senate will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 15, in the Wildcat Chamber at the K-State Student Union.

Student Senate will debate the following topics at the meeting:

  • Amendments to the student body president's cabinet.
  • Amendments to the intern program.
  • Request of funds from the debt reduction and emergency allocation account.
  • Termination of the K-State Athletics, Inc. privilege fee and creation of the student athletics ticket agreement.
  • Travel allocations to the Arnold Air Society; the Mechanical Contractors Association of America Student Chapter; the Kinesiology Association for Graduate Students; the K-State Rotaract Club; the Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences; the Plant Pathology Graduate Student Club; and the Student Alumni Board.
  • On-campus allocations to the African Student Union and the International Coordinating Council.

Download a PDF file of this week's full Senate agenda.

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