May 16, 2022
Register for the Summer Academic Advising Institute
Submitted by Office of Student Success
Register to attend the annual K-State/NACADA Academic Advising Summer Institute from 1-4:30 p.m. Thursday, May 19. You can attend in person at the Staley School of Leadership Studies or via Zoom.
The program includes a workshop on motivational interviewing, working with students on Satisfactory Academic Progress warning, and a demonstration on how to use the Academic Planner with your students at New Student Orientation and beyond. If you are attending in person, please bring your laptop for some active learning opportunities. Check the Advising Institute website for more information.
Please register to attend by Tuesday, May 17. Light refreshments will be provided for those attending in person.
The Academic Advising Institute is sponsored by NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising and the Office of Student Success.
For more information, please contact Jeannie Brown Leonard at or Kiley Moody at