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K-State Today

February 27, 2020

Strategic Enrollment Management plan update

Submitted by Charles Taber and Thomas Lane

Dear K-State Community, 

As we move through this academic year, it is important to pause and acknowledge the tremendous progress our university community has made in the implementation of our multiyear Strategic Enrollment Management, or SEM, plan. The effort began in January 2018 with a comprehensive study and plan development. Implementation launched in the fall 2018 semester. The entire process has involved hundreds of you across the university and represents a comprehensive and collaborative approach to recruitment, retention and student success.

Last March, an update outlined progress on SEM plan implementation. Since that time, we have advanced priorities defined as essential to recruit and retain a talented, diverse student body while growing enrollment, net tuition revenue and student success. 

Earlier this month, we welcomed the inaugural Vice Provost for Student Success, Dr. Jeannie Brown Leonard. The first few weeks have included onboarding activities and providing insights into our SEM plan developments and progress. Dr. Brown Leonard's office is located in 102 Holton Hall and she may be reached at brownleonard@k-state.edu. Please join us in welcoming Dr. Brown Leonard to K-State!

We also welcomed our University Registrar Kelley Brundage. Kelley is also experiencing a warm K-State welcome! Her onboarding activities include a review of our SEM plan and the Office of the Registrar assessment completed in spring 2019. Kelley's office is located in 118 Anderson Hall and she may be reached at kbrundage@k-state.edu. Please help us welcome Kelly Brundage to our university community!

The arrival of Dr. Brown Leonard and Kelley Brundage completes the hiring of the leadership team to align our structure, role and responsibilities under the SEM structural framework announced in December 2018. The realignment and conducting four national searches for essential leadership positions was a tremendous undertaking that was supported by numerous K-State faculty, staff and students. Thank you to the search committee chairs, committee members, and those who attended sessions, hosted candidates, and offered feedback. We are energized by the team members who have assembled to help advance the work on the SEM plan and the university as a whole.

In addition to the completion of the leadership searches and the SEM structural realignment, progress was made in all areas of the SEM plan over the past year. Work shifted from seven task forces to working groups and project teams working with the SEM Implementation Team. Initiatives continued to focus on the themes of recruitment; financial aid and sustainability; marketing and communications; and data, systems, and technology. With the new leaders in place in the new SEM structure, we expect work to accelerate across all plan themes in the coming year. 

We invite you to read an SEM Plan update PDF compiling milestone accomplishments since September 2018 and providing a look ahead at priorities for the remainder of this academic year and through the summer. Included in the update are several significant improvements to student-facing tools and resources. We want to take a moment to highlight these to show the power of collaboration across units and the resulting improved student service. Please take some time to explore the following offerings:

  • A new scholarship website was released this summer to make it easier for students and families to explore general university scholarships and awards.
  • The K-State Online website provides a new look and feel to how K-State markets online programs. Prospective students experience a mobile-first approach and a site that is optimized for search and accessibility.
  • Earlier this month, a new web pathway was launched to support students' search of career pathways/academic interest areas. The new program finder provides streamlined pathways to explore our academic areas without having to have detailed knowledge of the university structure.

You can find all university communications regarding SEM plan implementation on the K-State 2025 SEM website. We want to do a better job communicating so look to the website for updates not only from us, but also from our unit leaders and project leads for specific SEM initiatives. Please continue to send questions or suggestions to kstatesem@k-state.edu.

The SEM plan and its implementation are a historic effort to bring change to a complex, dynamic organization. Combined with our K-State 2025 refresh and budget modernization project, our university community is demonstrating our capacity to evolve and adapt and to confirm our collective goals and aspirations. Thank you for your commitment to advancing these initiatives to support student success and the work of our students, faculty and staff in pursuit of our mission.


Chuck Taber
Provost and executive vice president 

Thomas Lane 
Vice president for student life and dean of students

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