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  4. »K-State Libraries hours over winter break

K-State Today

December 12, 2018

K-State Libraries hours over winter break

Submitted by Sarah McGreer Hoyt

During the 36 days of winter break, hours for K-State Libraries' help desks and Ask a Librarian services vary.

From Dec. 15 through Jan. 21, hours for the Math/Physics Library, the Weigel Library of Architecture, Planning & Design and the Vet Med Library are as follows:

  • Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Saturday-Sunday: Closed.
  • Dec. 24-Jan. 1: Closed.
  • Monday, Jan. 21: Closed.

Library Help at the K-State Student Union and Ask a Librarian services via phone, chat and email will follow the same schedule as the branch libraries with the exception of Saturday, Dec. 15, when they are open 1-5 p.m.

Even though all help desk locations will be closed on Monday, Dec. 31, you can still access librarian assistance via email and chat.

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