April 9, 2012
Music education professor elected chair-elect for National Associate for Music Education Research Group
Submitted by Frederick Burrack

Frederick Burrack, associate professor of music education and director of the office of assessment at Kansas State University, has been elected chair-elect for the Assessment Special Research Interest Group of the Society for Research in Music Education. Burrack’s term as chair-elect began March 30 at the Biennial National Conference on Research in Music Education and Music Teacher Education in St. Louis. He will assume the role of chair at the National Conference in 2014.
The Society for Research in Music Education is composed of members of the National Association for Music Education who share concerns about the processes, products and applications of research in music education. It facilitates organized collective actions, a broad base of support, and communication among persons interested in research in music education. The mission of the Assessment Special Research Interest Group is to promote dialogue and improve practice related to a broad range of assessment issues pertinent to music education.
At the National Conference he presented a session for the Society for Music Teacher Education titled, "Program that Work: Teacher Recruitment Ideas from Across the County."
Burrack came to K-State in 2005 as assistant professor of music education and elected into the position of director of the office of assessment in 2009. He also is chair of the graduate program in music at K-State. Prior to coming to K-State, he was on the faculty of Ball State University, where he had similar responsibilities to the area of music teacher education. He sits on the editorial board for the Music Educators Journal, the premier journal for the National Associate for Music Educationl.
Burrack’s accomplishments at K-State have included contributions to curriculum enhancements in music education, development of PRISM for us in the annual reporting of the assessment of student learning, and the training of many graduate students in music.