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  4. »Updates to K-State paid parental leave policy now in effect

K-State Today

Division of Communications and Marketing
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506

September 20, 2021

Updates to K-State paid parental leave policy now in effect

Submitted by Jason Talbert

The Kansas Board of Regents approved several enhancements to the paid parental leave policy on Sept. 16. As a result, K-State's paid parental leave policy will also adopt these positive additions, effective for qualifying events beginning Sept. 19, 2021. Key changes are noted below, and the full policy can be found on the HCS-Benefits website and Policies and Procedures Manual.

Parents designated as the primary caregiver are now eligible for up to eight weeks of paid parental leave, and each parent designated as the secondary caregiver may receive up to four weeks of paid parental leave. The amount of leave is prorated for part-time employees and is not impacted by multiple births, placements, or adoptions — i.e., birth, adoption, or placement of twins. Paid parental leave may now also begin 30 days in advance for FMLA qualifying events including childbirth, where before paid leave was only available upon childbirth.

Employees who assume placement of a foster child(ren) may now also receive a total of up to eight weeks for a primary caregiver and four weeks for a secondary caregiver of paid parental year per calendar year including single or multiple placements regardless of the child(ren)'s age. Adoptive parents remain eligible for paid parental leave for adoptions of a child(ren) up to 6 years old.

Eligibility remains unchanged to include all benefits-eligible employees who have been employed for 12 months by the state of Kansas. In addition, employees will continue to accrue vacation and sick leave while using paid parental leave and will retain eligibility for other regular benefits.

HCS-Benefits welcomes any questions. Please contact us at benefits@k-state.edu if we may address any questions or concerns regarding your leave options.

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