August 23, 2021
Collegian newspaper invites you to first general staff meeting today

The Collegian student newspaper invites students from all academic disciplines to attend the first general staff meeting of the semester on Monday, Aug. 23.
"Why should I go?"
Whether studying journalism, agriculture, graphic design, education, business, computer science, pre-med or anything else, working with the Collegian allows you to build and demonstrate the experience and skills that HR decision-makers across all careers demand when applying for internships and jobs! "Oh yeah? Like what kind of skills? Huh? Tell me, tell me!" OK, here are seven:
- Verbal, interpersonal and written communication.
- Leadership.
- Time management.
- Personal accountability.
- Problem-solving.
- Research.
- Communicating to a mass audience.
"OK, I get it! "Why else should I join?"
The Collegian is a fantastic way to make new friends with a national award-winning team of students. They work as writers, reporters, editors, data graphic and page designers, photographers, videographers, and copy editors. You can even join the paper's marketing and public relations team.
"You got me curious! Anything else?" Yeah, three more reasons to join:
- Like to travel? We attend conventions.
- Like to eat? Our adviser cooks dinners and Sunday brunches for us.
- Like when people think you're smart? Join the team.
"Ok, I'm in! Give me the details!"
The general staff meeting will take place at 6:15 p.m. today, Monday, Aug. 23, in 116 Kedzie Hall, the Collegian Newsroom.
Questions? Contact the editor-in-chief, Jared Shuff at or adviser, David Levy, at