February 18, 2020
Participants needed for fiber study
K-State researchers are recruiting participants for a study examining the impact of daily fiber on metabolic health.
Participants will need to consume a nutrition bar, that will be provided, daily for eight weeks. There will be a total of three visits that are approximately one hour each. All visits will take place at the Physical Activity and Nutrition Clinical Research Consortium, or PAN-CRC, on the third floor of the Lafene Health Center building.
Participants in the study will learn about their health and receive benefits:
- Body fat and bone density using a DXA scan.
- Fasting glucose, cholesterol and lipids.
- $140 cash compensation.
Participants must be between the ages of 18 and 64; overweight/obese BMI; have no diagnosed metabolic health issues — diabetes, hyperinsulinemia, etc.; not allergic to wheat or gluten; willing to consume a nutrition bar for eight weeks; and available to commit approximately three hours of their time over three separate visits.
Fifty spots are currently available.
For more information contact Trevor Steele, graduate student in human nutrition, at tsteele13@k-state.edu.
This study has been reviewed by the Institutional Review Board and received approval No. 9066.