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  4. »Volunteers needed for cardiovascular research study

K-State Today

April 5, 2017

Volunteers needed for cardiovascular research study

Submitted by Shelbi Sutterfield

The kinesiology department's Clinical Integrative Physiology laboratory at Lafene Health Center is currently recruiting men and women ages 40-75 who are free of cardiovascular disease, and are currently engaged in low-to-moderate levels of regular physical activity.

Various non-invasive measures of cardiovascular health will be assessed in a single visit lasting approximately 90 minutes. Volunteers will be financially compensated for their time.

Please contact Shelbi Sutterfield at shelbis@k-state.edu for more information.

This study has been reviewed by the Institutional Review Board and received approval No. 8425.

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From the administration
News and research
Kudos, publications and presentations
University life
Volunteer opportunities