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K-State Today

April 12, 2024

Phi Beta Kappa celebration and inductions

Submitted by Mary Tolar and Phillip Marzluf

All members of Phi Beta Kappa, including Kansas State University faculty, staff and graduate students, as well as community members who have been inducted to Phi Beta Kappa from their undergraduate institution or as honorary members, are invited to join K-State's Phi Beta Kappa chapter, Beta of Kansas, for a happy hour to reconnect, celebrate and network.

The event will be from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 17, at Arrow Cocktail Lounge, 418 Poyntz Ave.

Phi Beta Kappa is the nation's oldest and most prestigious academic honor society. Kansas State University has hosted a chapter since 1974 and is among just 10% of higher education institutions to do so. Its nationally recognized membership includes 17 U.S. presidents; 42 U.S. Supreme Court justices, including six of those currently serving; and more than 150 Nobel laureates.

Continuing a long-standing tradition, the K-State chapter will induct 52 new members this spring. These students are recognized for their academic excellence and integrity, demonstrating breadth and depth in the arts and sciences, and their desire to experience the world from multiple viewpoints. Less than 2% of K-State students meet the requirements for induction.

Phi Beta Kappa members are also invited to join the induction ceremony at 6 p.m. Friday, April 26, in the Leadership Studies Building Town Hall. 

To RSVP for either event, or for questions or feedback, please email Mary Tolar at mtolar@k-state.edu