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  4. »2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol

K-State Today

October 29, 2020

2021 Virtual Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol

Submitted by Brenee King

The Office of Undergraduate Research & Creative Inquiry is seeking undergraduate submissions for the honor of presenting their research or creative inquiry during the Virtual Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol on March 2-4, 2021.

The event will showcase the work of up to 40 Kansas undergraduate student projects representing each of the state's eight public four-year institutions. The purpose of this event is to demonstrate the unique opportunities undergraduate students have to participate with faculty members in research at all state institutions. The event will also emphasize higher education's role in developing educated citizens and preparing a workforce with the necessary skills to further the economic growth of the state.

Projects from a broad range of disciplines are encouraged — especially posters that relate to the state of Kansas and issues important to the state legislature — e.g.. education, health, agriculture, aviation, biotechnology, energy, transportation, manufacturing, environment and social services.

The following are requirements for applicants:

  • Be an undergraduate during the 2020-2021 academic year.
  • Have completed research under the guidance of a K-State faculty mentor.
  • Follow the methodology of the appropriate academic discipline.
  • Have research of sufficient quality to be presented at a professional academic meeting.
  • Have the skills, resources and capacity to produce a professional academic poster.
  • Agree to undergo training and rehearse their presentations prior to the event.

Applications must include the title of the project, a 250-word abstract and an updated resume. 

Please submit your application by Nov. 20. 

Student commitment would be 30 minutes to one hour during the dates of March 2-4, 2021, with flexibility during that time.

View more information about Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol

Contact the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry with any questions at ourci@k-state.edu

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