April 13, 2020
Remote teaching and learning will continue for summer school 2020

Dear Colleagues,
I am writing to let you know that we have made the decision to continue remote teaching and learning for intersession and summer school 2020 sessions in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. All Kansas State University summer school courses on all of our campuses will be online. Recognizing the financial challenges facing our students and their families in this COVID-19 environment, we are also significantly reducing our online fees for summer school undergraduate and graduate courses this year.
Tuition for the online courses will remain at the current rate, which is the base in-state tuition rate per student credit hour for undergraduate and graduate courses. College/departmental non-online fees will also remain at their current rates. We will suspend our Global Campus and college/departmental online fees. Instead, students will pay a single standard reduced online fee of $70 per student credit hour this summer. With the shift to remote teaching, we have also eliminated fees typically charged to resident students, including the campus privilege fee, the academic infrastructure fee, and the summer school fee. You can see a complete breakdown of summer 2020 tuition and fees on the Cashier's website.
Please note that this tuition and fee model applies to 2020 summer school courses only. For additional information, please see related FAQ.
By making this decision now, we can provide some certainty to you and to our students as they make their summer educational plans. We do not want to repeat our disruptive spring experience of transitioning from in-person to remote classes in one week. We believe this certainty combined with reduced online fees will help with enrollment. This decision should also provide faculty and staff with the time needed to convert in-person summer school classes to online and to enhance our remote advising and student support offerings.
To assist faculty in transitioning new courses to the online modality, the Online Course Design Institute has been created by a partnership between Global Campus, the Teaching and Learning Center, iTAC, the Polytechnic Campus and other campus partners. This institute replaces K-State Online Essentials, previously offered to faculty. This program includes a comprehensive checklist to guide the course design process and is customizable to each instructor's experience and comfort level. For more information, visit the Keep Teaching website or contact Katie Linder at kelinder@k-state.edu, executive director for program development at Global Campus.
I know many of you may also need to have access to your offices and campus resources to prepare for and support an entire summer of online classes. We will work through this in the coming weeks.
Protecting the health and well-being of our students, faculty and staff, and our host communities remain top priorities. We are hopeful that in the coming months, restrictions to in-person gatherings will be gradually lifted and our campuses will resume normal operations by the fall. We are all looking forward to having our students and the entire K-State family back on our campuses. Please continue to take care of yourselves and each other and stay #kstatestrong.
Chuck Taber
Provost and executive vice president