February 3, 2020
Still time to register and submit proposals for K-State Teaching Retreat
The K-State Teaching Retreat, "Rekindling Your Love of Teaching," is coming Feb. 14 and 15 at the K-State Student Union, Manhattan campus. Registration and proposal submission deadlines have both been extended.
Registration is $15 at bit.ly/FETE2020REG. The registration deadline is now Tuesday, Feb. 11. Check with your college or department, as some department heads and deans have offered to cover registration in their units.
Proposals may be submitted online through Tuesday, Feb. 4. Grad students, faculty, instructors, advisors, counselors, administrators — we'd love to hear from you.
We're getting excited as submissions roll in and will be posting the schedule on the retreat website later next week. The event will offer many opportunities to learn from each other.
Contact Sara K. Kearns at skearns@k-state.edu with questions.