May 3, 2018
Week of Welcome 2018: Call for event information

Is your college or department hosting an event for Week of Welcome 2018? Do you want it included on general marketing to be shared during Orientation and Enrollment in June? The Center for Student Involvement wants to help!
Any college or department planning an event or activity for students during Week of Welcome 2018, Aug. 18-26, is encouraged to submit their information via the Week of Welcome fall 2018 form by May 15. Only those events submitted prior to the deadline will be included on general marketing provided to all visiting students and families during June's Orientation and Enrollment.
The Center for Student Involvement also is hosting a Week of Welcome all-campus meeting at 9 a.m. Friday, May 25, in the K-State Student Union's Big 12 Room. All campus departments that anticipate hosting an activity are encouraged to send a representative to the meeting.
Questions regarding Week of Welcome can be directed to Kelli Farris at
Thank you for your support of K-State's Week of Welcome celebrations.