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K-State Today

March 30, 2017

Division of Biology Seminar March 31

Submitted by Division of Biology

Julian Hillyer

Julian Hillyer, Vanderbilt University, will present "Developmental decoupling of the functionally integrated immune and circulatory systems of mosquitoes" as part of the Division of Biology Seminar Series at 4 p.m. Friday, March 31, in 221 Ackert Hall.

Hillyer will lecture on mosquito larvae and adults and how they inhabit vastly different ecological environments yet they both live under the constant threat of infection. Pathogens capable of infecting one or both of these life stages induce strong and rapid immune responses that are mediated by, among other tissues, immune cells called hemocytes. Although the immune effectors employed by mosquitoes in the anti-pathogen response are similar in larvae and adults, the strength and mechanics of pathogen killing vary between these two life stages.

In this talk, he will present the Hillyer Laboratory's work on the developmental decoupling of the immune system of mosquitoes, focusing on the stage-specific functional integration of the immune and circulatory systems, and on stage-specific differences in the strength and composition of the antimicrobial response. This research informs on the physiological interaction between two major insect organ systems, and on the developmental decoupling of larval and adult immune responses.

Kristin Michel will host Hillyer. If you would like to visit with Hillyer, please contact Michel at kmichel@k-state.edu

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