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  4. »Lafene Health Center and Counseling Services team up to promote body positivity

K-State Today

October 3, 2016

Lafene Health Center and Counseling Services team up to promote body positivity

Submitted by Jenny Yuen

body project logo

K-State Counseling Services and Lafene Health Center invite you to participate in the Body Project, a nationally-acclaimed, peer-to-peer program designed to promote body acceptance among college-aged women. Don't let cultural pressures to conform to the "appearance-ideal" define you. Be an advocate for yourself and your peers.

Join us from 7-9 p.m. Oct. 9 for part one, and Oct. 16 for part 2. Sessions will be in 207 K-State Student Union. 

Both sessions are required to receive full benefits of the program. 

Space is limited and registration is required online.  

If you have any questions, please contact Jenny Yuen at jyuen@k-state.edu.

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