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  4. »Health benefits open enrollment

K-State Today

October 3, 2016

Health benefits open enrollment

Submitted by Human Capital Services - Benefits

Open enrollment for health, dental and vision insurances is Oct. 1-31. Enrollment for Flexible Spending Accounts, Health Savings Accounts and HealthyKids also is a yearly active enrollment. Please view the Human Capital Services Open Enrollment website for continuous updates, information and links to the State Employee Health Plan and Health Plan Member Portal for enrollment.

Two information sessions for the State Employee Health Plan will be at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 6, in Forum Hall at the K-State Student Union.

The State Employee Health Plan also will host webinars at various times during October. Please see the State Employee Health Plan website for more information.

Your Human Capital Services benefits team will continue to update you and provide information during the month of October. Watch your K-State email and K-State Today for more information.

Questions? We are here to help! Email benefits@k-state.edu for assistance.

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Human resources and benefits
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