April 14, 2016
Lecture by Vershawn Ashanti Young on race and online spaces Tuesday, April 19

Influential scholar Vershawn Ashanti Young will discuss issues of race, identity, power, social justice and online spaces at 4 p.m. Tuesday, April 19, in Town Hall at the Leadership Studies Building.
Young's talk is titled "I'm Not Freddie Gray, But I Want Justice: Performing African American Resilience in Digital Spaces." It will be of particular interest to those engaged in issues of race, representation and social justice.
Young is one of the most recognized scholars in the areas of language, writing, and identity, and his concept, "code-meshing" has made important contributions in how we think about the language performances of African-American and other minority students. He serves as an associate professor of drama and speech communication at the University of Waterloo. Young has published two books, numerous articles and co-edited a number of collections.
More information is available on Young's website.
This important and timely talk is open to the public and will be followed by a book signing.
Young's presentation is sponsored by the Department of English and its Graduate Track in Composition and Rhetoric and by the offices of the provost and president.