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  4. »On Track program for bachelor's degree

K-State Today

March 27, 2014

On Track program for bachelor's degree

Submitted by Rosanna Vail

Learn how you can get on track to complete your bachelor's degree while you work on campus.

The last informational session for classified staff will be from 12:15 to 12:45 p.m. Monday, March 31,  in the K-State Student Union Flint Hills Room. Presenters will share Kansas State University's tuition assistance program, financial aid, campus resources and convenient course options to help you finish your bachelor's degree.

Please RSVP to attend the March 31 session.

Contact Jo Maseberg-Tomlinson, jam4545@k-state.edu or 785-532-2570, with any questions or to learn more about On Track.

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