Here is where downloadable copies of Philip Gayle's scholarly works may be accessed:
Refereed Publications
(30) “Using Demand Transfer Ratios to Infer Market Impacts of New Goods,” (with Ying Lin), Forthcoming in Economics Letters .
(29) “The Organic Food Price Premium and its Susceptibility to News Media Coverage: Evidence from US Milk Industry,” (with Jin Wang and Shengnan Fang), Forthcoming in Applied Economics .
(28) “Market Effects of New Product Introduction: Evidence from the Brew-at-home Coffee Market,” (with Ying Lin), Journal of Economics & Management Strategy , Vol. 31, Issue 3, Fall 2022, Pages 525 – 557 (Lead article in this issue of the journal).
(27) “Cost Pass-through in Commercial Aviation: Theory and Evidence,” (with Ying Lin), Economic Inquiry , Volume 59, Issue 2, April 2021, Pages 803 – 828.
(26) “Firms’ Markup, Cost, and Price Changes when Policymakers Permit Collusion: Does Antitrust
Immunity Matter?” (with Xin Xie),
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
, Volume 157, January 2019, Pages 680-707.
(25) “Mergers and Product Quality: Evidence from the Airline Industry,” (with Yongmin Chen), International Journal of Industrial Organization , Volume 62, January 2019, Pages 96-135.
(24) “Entry Deterrence and Strategic Alliances,” (with Xin Xie),
Economic Inquiry, Volume 56, Issue
3, July 2018, Pages 1898-1924.
(23) “How much do Consumers really Value Air travel On-time Performance, and to what extent are Airlines Motivated to Improve their On-time Performance?” (with Jules Yimga), Economics of Transportation , Volume 14, June 2018, Pages 31-41.
(22) “Entry, Donor Market Size, and Competitive Conduct among Nonprofit Firms” (with Teresa D.
Harrison and Jeremy Thornton),
International Journal of Industrial Organization
, Volume 50, January 2017, Pages 294–318.
(21) “Assessing Firm Behavior in Carve-out Markets: Evidence on the Impact of Carve-out Policy”
(with Tyson Thomas),
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
, Volume 128, Pages 178–194, August 2016.
(20) “Product Quality Effects of International Airline Alliances, Antitrust Immunity, and Domestic
Mergers” (with Tyson Thomas),
Review of Network Economics
, Volume 14, Issue 1, Pages 45–74, December 2015.
(19) “On the Extent to which the Presence of Intermediate-stop(s) Air Travel Products Influences the Pricing of Nonstop Air Travel Products,” (with Chi-Yin Wu), Review of Network Economics , Volume 13, Issue 3, Pages 355–395, June 2015.
(18) “Choosing between Order-of-Entry Assumptions in Empirical Entry Models: Evidence from Competition between Burger King and McDonald’s Restaurant Outlets,” (with Zijun Luo), Journal of Industrial Economics , Volume 63, Issue 1, pages 129–151, March 2015.
(17) “Airline Strategic Alliances in Overlapping Markets: Should Policymakers be Concerned?”
(with Dave Brown),
Economics of Transportation
, Volume 3, Issue 4, Pages 243–256, December 2014.
(16) “A Re-examination of Incumbents’ Response to the Threat of Entry: Evidence from the Airline Industry,” (with Chi-Yin Wu), Economics of Transportation , Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 119-130, December 2013.
(15) “State Variation in Railroad Wheat Rates,” with Michael W. Babcock and Matthew McKamey, Journal of the Transportation Research Forum , Vol. 53, No. 3, Fall 2014.
(14) “Specifying and Estimating A Regional Agricultural Railroad Demand Model,” (with Michael W. Babcock), Journal of the Transportation Research Forum , Vol. 53, No. 1, Spring 2014.
(13) “On the Efficiency of Codeshare Contracts Between Airlines: Is Double Marginalization Eliminated?”, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics , Volume 5, Issue 4, pp. 244-273, November 2013.
(12) “State Variation in the Determinants of Motor Vehicle Fatalities,” (with Michael W. Babcock), Journal of the Transportation Research Forum , Vol. 48, No. 3, Fall 2009.
(11) “Exports vs. FDI: Do Firms use FDI as a Mechanism to Smooth Demand Volatility?” (with Yang-Ming Chang), Review of World Economics , Vol. 145, No. 3, pp. 447-467, October 2009.
(10) “Has the Byrd Amendment affected U.S. Imports?” (with Thitima Puttitanun), The World Economy , Vol. 32, Issue 4, April 2009.
(9) "An Empirical Analysis of the Competitive Effects of the Delta/Continental/Northwest Codeshare Alliance," Journal of Law and Economics , Vol. 51, pp. 743-766, November 2008.
(8) “Airline Code-share Alliances and their Competitive Effects,” Journal of Law and Economics , Vol. 50, pp. 781-819, November 2007.
(7) “Vertical Contracting Between Airlines: An Equilibrium Analysis of Codeshare Alliances,” (with Yongmin Chen), International Journal of Industrial Organization , Vol. 25, pp. 1046-1060, October 2007.
(6) “Is Virtual Codesharing A Market Segmenting Mechanism Employed by Airlines?” Economics Letters , Vol. 95, No. 1, pp. 17-24, April 2007.
(5) "Are Input Prices Irrelevant for Make-or-Buy Decisions?” (with Dennis Weisman), Journal of Regulatory Economics , Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 195-207, October 2007.
(4) “Competition and Investment in Telecommunications,” (with Inung Jung), and Dale Lehman, Applied Economics , Vol. 40, Issue 3, pp. 303-313, February 2008.
(3) “Efficiency Trade-Offs in the Design of Competition Policy for the Telecommunications Industry” (with Dennis Weisman), Review of Network Economics , Vol. 6, Issue 3, September 2007.
(2) “The Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act: An Economic Analysis,” (with Yang-Ming Chang), Southern Economic Journal, Vol. 73, No. 2, October 2006.
(1) “Estimating the Demand and Supply of Treasury Bills in Barbados: a co-integration approach,” (with Roland Craigwell), Money Affairs , Centre for Latin American Monetary Studies, Vol. X, No.1, January-June, 1997.
Working Papers & Research in Progress
(2) “Measuring Merger Cost Effects: Evidence from a Dynamic Structural Econometric Model,” (with Huubinh Le), Manuscript, Kansas State University , 2016. This paper won the Robert F. Lanzillotti Prize for Best Paper in Antitrust Economics at the 11th annual International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC), held in Boston, Massachusetts, May 17-19, 2013.
(3) “Airline Alliances and their Effects on Costs,” (with Huubinh Le), Manuscript, Kansas State University , 2014.