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K-State News

K-State News
Kansas State University
128 Dole Hall
1525 Mid-Campus Dr North
Manhattan, KS 66506


Note to editor: If a county or state is not listed, there were no honor students from that area. If a Manhattan area address was given as a permanent address, the student will be listed in the permanent address county and also in the county for the high school on record.
News release prepared by: Stephanie Jacques, 785-532-3452, sjacques@k-state.edu

Thursday, Jan. 17, 2013

Academic achievers: More than 3,300 students earn semester honors

MANHATTAN -- The fall 2012 semester was an outstanding one for more than 3,300 Kansas State University students who earned semester honors for their academic performance.

Students with at least 12 graded hours whose grade point average for the semester is 3.75 or above receive semester honors. They also earn commendations from their deans and the honors are recorded on their permanent academic records.

Students earning semester honors from Kansas State University by county and hometown include:


Decatur County

Oberlin: Derek Chambers, Jessica Fredrickson, Adrienne Pauls, Breck Simonsson


Dickinson County

Abilene: Mollie Barbee, Mariah Gasswint, Benjamin Geiger, Stacy Hanson, Dylan McKee, Tara Noel, Douglas Schneider, Curry Sexton, Clayton Stubbs, Janay Wilson, Thomas Yeager

Carlton: Emmy Meyer

Chapman: Garrett Crane, Jared Gross, Karl Janke, Jonathan Norton, Christina Sitgreaves

Enterprise: Russell Canter

Herington: Chance Berndt, Hanna Kemble, Crysta McMahan

Hope: Dillon Cook, Matthew Lorson

Solomon: Tyndol Brundage, Dustin Ewing, Joseph Janssen, Marcella Newcomer, Keith Whelchel, Ryan Whelchel


Doniphan County

Bendena: Nicholas Johnson

Highland: Kyle Fitch, Joshua Hargis, Kayla Schmit

Troy: Katie Smith

Wathena: Ross Libel, Derek Nold, Margaret Robertson


Douglas County

Baldwin City: Mary Garzillo, Julie Hill, Brianna Krysztof, Clare Miles, Eleanor Parr

Eudora: Morgan Abel, Jacob Beck, Matthew Kelso, Victoria Lehmann, Marian Mersmann, Kyle Snow

Lawrence: Daniel Carter, Tennery Carttar, Daniel Clausing, Charlotte Denning, Ariel Dowdle, Jason Gaumer, Sarah Haley, Alexandra Jacobsen, Kelsey Kilburn, Jaclyn Long, Timothy Malcolm, Leanne Milleret, Kaitlyn Mosher, Joshua Myers, Aimee Niedenthal, Rachel O'Flannagan, Kristi Panzer, Christina Picicci, Neal Rasmussen, Michelle Sauer, Ashleigh Stagg, Megan Tunget, Katherine Turner, Carlos Vera, Bailey Vincent, Benjamin Williams, Emma Woodard

Lecompton: Hayley Breitenbach, Connor Kring, Kelli Kuhlman, Margaret Kuhlman, Ashley Lesser