October 1, 2014
K-State Online: Training available for the upgrade to Canvas
Submitted by Information Technology Services

Training sessions are available to prepare instructors who need to upgrade their courses to K-State Online powered by Canvas for spring 2015.
The training will be conducted in two parts: Canvas Orientation part 1 and Canvas Orientation part. 2. To make the most of your training, we highly recommend that you take the two sessions during the same week. Participants need to bring a laptop to participate in the practice course.
All Canvas Orientation Training classes will be in 301A Hale Library. Registration is required. To sign up for Canvas training, sign in to HRIS:
- Under Employee Self Service, select Learning and Development.
- Select KSU Training Enrollment.
- Locate the course you want, and click View Available Sessions.
- Click the session you would like to attend.
- Verify your personal information and then click Continue.
To learn more about training for K-State's new learning management system, view the training page on the K-State Online powered by Canvas website.