September 6, 2013
K-State Italian club meetings start Sept. 10
Submitted by Christopher Renner

The organizational meeting of K-State's Italian Club, Circolo Italiano, will start at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 10, in 125 Eisenhower Hall.
The new club's central purpose is to foster and encourage K-State students, faculty and staff to acquire a greater interest in and a deeper understanding of the Italian language and culture.
The club will work to provide social activities, cultural events, field trips and other activities for the K-State community that work to improve members' ability to understand and use the Italian language.
At the meeting a constitution will be approved, officers elected and programming for the fall term will be discussed.
Every person interested in Italian culture, language and civilization is invited to join.
For more information contact Christopher Renner, instructor of Italian, at or 785-532-2437.