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K-State Today

August 9, 2023

LibKey Nomad extension available to faculty, students and patrons

Submitted by Cailin Riley

Faculty and students can now take advantage of LibKey Nomad, a free browser extension that can help improve research activities. 

LibKey Nomad automatically provides instant links to articles from journals, ebooks and open-access sources available to K-State Libraries. In short, the extension determines the fastest path to full-text content across thousands of publishers and millions of articles. The extension also helps users avoid publisher paywalls and saves time and money. Fewer clicks, less time, more access. 

No personal account is needed to use LibKey Nomad. The extension is available for all major browsers, including Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Safari, Brave and Vivaldi. 

You can download the LibKey Nomad tool using this link. If you have questions about using the tool, please contact the Hale Library e-resources team.