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K-State Today

September 14, 2022

Wildcat Dialogues seeks volunteers for 2022 event

Submitted by Mariya Vaughan

purple wildcat dialogues logo with the words my story your story our story

Save the date: The fall 2022 Wildcat Dialogues will take place at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1, at the K-State Student Union.

Wildcat Dialogues is an event for first-year students at Kansas State University. Participants come together in small groups for a facilitated discussion that focuses on curiosity, sharing personal stories, and listening to learn together as they begin their journey within our diverse campus community. Wildcat Dialogues is designed to encourage meaningful dialogue across differences to help create communities of belonging at K-State.

K-State faculty, staff and students are invited to serve on the planning committee and as facilitators for the fifth Wildcat Dialogues. The committee will meet once a week on Wednesday afternoons from Sept. 21 through Oct. 26 as needed. Members will work together to organize and promote the event and recruit and train small group facilitators.

"Wildcat Dialogues would not be possible without the collaboration of many campus partners and students," said Tamara Bauer, member of the coordinating team for the event. In 2021, nearly 45 members of the K-State campus community contributed to planning the event.

"This event depends on the input, expertise and experiences of our students, staff and faculty from across all areas of the university to succeed, and having an engaged team to plan helps us to impact nearly 1,000 first-year students each year," said Mariya Vaughan, member of the coordinating team for the event.

Additionally, facilitators for small groups are needed. Facilitators help the group focus on deliberate conversation to build intentional connections for intercultural learning and leadership development. All facilitators will receive training prior to the event.

To join the planning committee, become a facilitator, or for more information, please fill out the interest survey form or email Bauer at tamara@k-state.edu, Vaughan at mbjv@k-state.edu, or Debra Bolton at dbolton@k-state.edu

The event is coordinated in partnership between the Staley School of Leadership, Diversity and Multicultural Student Affairs and K-State First, alongside a large committee representing students, faculty and staff. This collaboration represents the commitment by our campus community to create a culture of belonging for all.

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