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  4. »Free tutoring available through Student Success

K-State Today

August 29, 2022

Free tutoring available through Student Success

Submitted by Luke Matulewicz

The Academic Achievement Center and TRIO Educational Supportive Services are collaborating to give K-State students the best tutoring to help them succeed in their courses.

Student Success Tutoring Services offers free tutoring to all students taking courses at K-State. Our highly trained peer tutors have previously taken the courses they tutor and know how to facilitate the learning process. We offer tutoring in a wide variety of courses from math to Latin, computer science to economics.

Tutoring this fall begins Monday, Aug. 29. The website, k-state.edu/tutoring, is up to date and ready to connect you with a tutor.

For courses we are not currently able to cover, the Study Buddies feature on Navigate allows students to find classmates interested in forming study groups. A student who opts in will be able to see others who have also opted in and message them directly about forming a study group. By promoting this feature, more students will opt in and build connections to be successful.

Stop by Holtz Hall, call 785-532-5703 or visit k-state.edu/tutoring to learn more about the new Student Success Tutoring.

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