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K-State Today

October 20, 2021

Colby Moorberg receives alumni award from NC State University

Submitted by Kathy Gehl

Colby Moorberg, associate professor in agronomy (center) receives the CALS Outstanding Young Alumni award from N.C. State University. Also pictured (l to r) is Richard Linton, Michael Vepraskas, Jeff Mullahey, and Chad Benton. Photo courtesy of NCSU.

North Carolina State's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, or CALS, alumni and friends recently convened during the 2021 Alumni Weekend to honor several notable individuals for their contributions to the agricultural and life science communities. 

Colby Moorberg, associate professor of agronomy, was chosen as the 2021 CALS Outstanding Young Alumni. He received his bachelor's degree from Iowa State University in 2008 and his master's degree and doctorate in soil science from North Carolina State University in 2010 and 2014. Moorberg is internationally recognized for soil science education and has published two open textbooks. In the classroom, he teaches introductory soil science, soil and water conservation, and soil judging. His research is focused on hydropedology and root ecology and spans from cornfields to riparian buffer strips to Alaskan thermokarst bogs.

The college bestows these awards each year to recognize the exceptional achievements of its outstanding graduates and their dedicated work and service for NC State and the benefit of North Carolina citizens. Award selection criteria include excellence in implementing progressive state, national or international programs; development of improved technology or science; or other outstanding achievements in agriculture and life sciences. 

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