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K-State Today

October 20, 2021

Roberts to present 'Academic Integrity – The Bigger Picture' TLC Professional Development event today

Submitted by Teaching and Learning Center

As part of the Teaching and Learning Center's Professional Development series, Camilla Roberts, director of the Honor and Integrity System, will present "Academic Integrity — The Bigger Picture" from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 20, via Zoom.

A system is in place at Kansas State University to both educate about and adjudicate academic integrity concerns of our students; however, to move this education and adjudication into a culture of integrity, it is imperative that we examine the bigger picture of academic integrity. This session will explore reasons why students might cheat, the accessibility of online companies that we are up against in terms of academic misconduct and what this means for you in the classroom. Spoiler alert: It means you must do more than just have the honor pledge on your syllabus each semester!

View the promotional video.

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