December 11, 2019
School of Family Studies and Human Services has strong presence at national conference
Submitted by College of Health and Human Sciences

Students and faculty from K-State had a strong presence at this year's National Council on Family Relations national conference, which was hosted in Fort Worth at the end of November.
K-State faculty and graduate students shared their research, presenting more than 20 times during the three-day conference with topics ranging from teen dating violence, sexual motivations for adolescents, youth development, romantic relationships, parent-child relationships, traumatic experiences and health for veterans and many more.
Two students were recognized at the conference for their outstanding research. James Bridges, doctoral candidate in couple and family therapy, received the Student and New Professional Outstanding Paper Award from the Religion, Spirituality, and Family Section for his paper, "Sexual Satisfaction and Mental Health in Mixed-Orientation Couples: A Mormon Sample of Sexual Minority Partners." Katelyn Coburn, doctoral candidate in couple and family therapy, received the Best Student Research Paper Award from the Family Therapy Section for her paper titled "Christian Religious Leaders' Perspectives and Insights on the Practice of Family Therapists Refusing to Work with LGB Clients."
Along with presentations, five faculty members served in leadership roles within their respective groups at the conference. Mindy Markham, associate professor, serves as a member of the Certified Family Life Educator's Advisory Board; Michelle Toews, professor and associate dean, is the chair-elect for the Education and Enrichment Section; Anthony Ferraro, assistant professor, is the chair-elect for the Family Policy Section; Glade Topham, associate professor, is the chair-elect for the Family Therapy Section; Bradford Wiles, associate professor, is the chair for the Extension Focus Group; and Erin Yelland, assistant professor, is the secretary/treasurer for the Families and Health Section.
The National Council on Family Relations is the premier professional association for understanding families through interdisciplinary research, theory and practice.