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K-State Today

March 18, 2019

2019 Vanguard Lecture Series presents Johnny Saldaña

Submitted by Shawnette Williams

The K-State Qualitative Research Student Organization, Dow Center for Multicultural and Community Studies, and the educational leadership department will host Johnny Saldaña, professor emeritus from the School of Film, Dance and Theatre at Arizona State University, as part of the 2019 Vanguard Lecture Series.

Saldaña will present "Dick and Jane and Johnny: An Adulthood Primer," from 10:30 a.m. to noon Wednesday, March 20, in 21 Bluemont Hall. Join via Zoom at ksu.zoom.us/j/53244.

Saldaña is a qualitative research methodologist with a theatre and performance background. He integrates ethnographic research data with theatrical production devices to stage stories of self and others. For this event, Saldaña will present a one-man autoethnodrama — a compound word of autobiography, ethnography and drama — which draws from multicultural educator Lee Anne Bell's genres of counter-narratives, including concealed stories — historic tales from the margins and marginalized; resistance stories — tales of oppression, struggle and triumph; and emerging/transforming stories — epiphany narratives of personal change. The focus of his personal/cultural narrative addresses age and ageism — phenomena prominent in the presenter's mid-60s life course. The presentation is prefaced and concluded with reflective participation by the audience on childhood and adulthood passages of transformation — key stages of human development across the lifespan.

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