October 31, 2018
APDesign colloquium to examine green roofs at Kansas State University

The College of Architecture, Planning & Design's landscape architecture and regional & community planning department, will host a colloquium, "Examining green roofs at Kansas State University with the aim of improving design, implementation and management," at 4:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2, in Regnier Forum in Regnier Hall.
Graduate students Pam Blackmore, Allyssa Decker and Priyasha Shrestha, and Lee R. Skabelund, associate professor and 2016-2018 Mary K. Jarvis Chair, will discuss what they have learned about green roof functions at Kansas State University.
Skabelund's research in Manhattan has focused on understanding the performance and dynamics of five living roofs on the K-State campus. These efforts have been supported by the work of Blackmore, Decker and Shrestha; other faculty, students and staff at K-State; and visiting scholar Jialin Liu.
This research provides essential baseline knowledge for long-term green roof research and monitoring of the K-State World War I Memorial Stadium green roofs, implemented in 2015 and 2016, and the K-State APDesign experimental green roof, constructed in 2017.
The event is free and open to all interested students, faculty and staff. Visitors are welcome.