October 24, 2018
Fiction writer Angela Flournoy to read from her work on Friday

Fiction writer Angela Flournoy will read from her work at 3:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 26, in Wildcat Chamber in the K-State Student Union. The event is free and open to the public.
Flournoy is the author of "The Turner House," which was a finalist for the National Book Award and a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. She is a National Book Foundation "5 Under 35" Honoree for 2015.
Flournoy's fiction has appeared in The Paris Review, and she has written for The New York Times, The Nation, The Los Angeles Times, and elsewhere.
A graduate of the Iowa Writers' Workshop, Flournoy has taught at the University of Iowa, The New School, Columbia University and Princeton University.
"In her debut novel, 'The Turner House,' Angela Flournoy demonstrates in pointed, beautiful prose that the most seismic historical events — the Great Migration, postwar economic expansion, the 2008 housing crisis — are conveyed best through the intimate prism of family life," said Katy Karlin, associate professor of English and creative writing.
More information about Flournoy's work is available from her website.
Flounroy's reading is sponsored by the department of English in the College of Arts and Sciences.